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  1. The repository containing the code and assets is publicly accessible online, and the part of it that defines how 0AD acts and looks can be found at any of the following locations: https://code.wildfiregames.com/source/0ad/browse/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/ https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public https://github.com/0ad/0ad/tree/master/binaries/data/mods/public The music can be found under audio/music/, the pictures for the loading-tips are under art/textures/ui/loading/tips/, and the quotes themselves are in gui/text/ If you intend to use them outside of 0AD, then please bear in mind that all art and audio are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0, and most of the other assets in the above folders are under GPL-2.0. See LICENSE.txt for specifics, and search the forums for questions as to how to legally use the assets. If you wish to listen to the game's music on your personal device, then you can find versions that are specially mastered for such use here. (An earlier release with older versions of the tracks can be found here.) Again, these are licensed under CC-SA 3.0, as above.
    3 points
  2. @OmriLahav Here's a little extra info from another source that might be interesting. A guy called LinusLinothorax has done a lovely deal of research on the Kushites (and other Sudanic civilizations) for various Total War mods. On the topic of Meroitic music, he wrote the following: He also provided an example of a soundtrack for a mod depicting the Kingdom of Makuria, a medieval Christian Nubian kingdom in Sudan, succeeding the post-Meroitic period. They essentially used the same instruments, and their soundtrack seems pretty decent (although I'm confident you could come up with a little more jazzy tunes more in line with traditional Nubian music: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?667530-An-Europa-Barbarorum-2-Faction-Proposal-Meroe I also failed to mention anything about African fiddles, which are widespread across East, West and Central Africa, come in many forms and produce a very distinct sound very appropriate for the Kushites. There are obvious overlaps between Sudanese and Ethiopian musical traditions (to this day). Here's the Ethiopian fiddle known as Masinko or masenquo, to the beautiful backdrop of the Abyssinian castle at Gondar: Mali fiddle:
    2 points
  3. You may want to have a look here...: https://github.com/AlexanderOlkhovskiy/0ad-space
    2 points
  4. i also thought about all this, and made a mod out of my thinking. To make 0 A.D.more of a city-building game, i gave most civs roads, and markets and temples have also more econmic purpose. And to make battles more interesting I decided to implement formation fighting. One of many advantages is, that that way units can be controlled better and battles can become more tactical, f.e.. cause flanking or backstabing give a bonus. To reduce clickling i made the game a little less paced, some buildings have infinite battailon productions, more hotkeys options, like for build buildings. And i decided to make a batter counter system, mainly though changing armour of different units. I also made some maps where gathering by units is totally disabled, only by building buildings resources can gathered. r only female can gather. That way all the micro can go in to military. It plays that way more like Zero-K ,AoE or The Battle for MiddleEarth. But when the gameplay is the main concern, the realism and historic precision suffers a bit, for that isn't a problem, for others it is. https://0ad.mod.io/balancing-mod
    2 points
  5. I think the new head is waaay better, he just has an insanely thick neck which makes him look a little awkward. Fix the neck and it's awesome. Perhaps because the units are so small in-game, the features could be a little more pronounced: eyes/eyebrows, nose, lips... But not like the original dude-head, which looks a little like someone with down-syndrome.
    2 points
  6. Version from 28.03.2020: (Lobby Warning fix and unselect on gamelist updates fix) fgod.exp.280320201820.pyromod Version from 12.02.2020: (Player/Observer List InGame overlay fix) fgod.exp.1581540040.pyromod Version from 6.12.2019: fgod23experimental.pyromod (Player statistics overlay fix work for me) New Experimental Version. New features. fgod23_experimentalv2.pyromod (Player statistics overlay doesn't work for me) Older Experimental version fgod_experimental.pyromod Newest Version 1.6.22: https://github.com/fraizy22/fgodmod/raw/master/fgod_v1.6.22.pyromod Main Features: Fixes 0 A. D. v0.0.23 lobby lag, Fixes gamesetup crash (especially on Mac), new features for lobby and additional behaviour (also for lobby dialog), in-game name change (multiplayer-name in general options page), in-game/gamesetup ping nick sound notification from lobby (sound and marker on menu button), replace offline in-game (when lobby authentification on host if disabled), unit experience status bar in-game, pause overlay clickable/actable units/entities, game reconnect on connection lost/kicked, replays/civilization structure tree and civ info/options/last summary from lobby more buttons (hideable), auto-away after time in lobby, highlight colors for buddies, buddy games in lobby, highlight color for user player and user player games, number of players games (and onlines/open games) in lobby, hide profile panel for longer player list in lobby, player / games deselectable (escape key) in lobby, improved nick recognition for pinging in lobby, improved player/game sorting in lists in lobby (and especially remembering sorting), in lobby dialog select game the player is in, more darkend background on overlay windows/dialogs, remember last opened options page, auto-complete tab in chat cycles through all possible names and terms, observer all player statistics in top panel, team statistics in top panel, fight activity ratio in summary, tribute resources show stocks in tooltip for easier resources sharing in team, name colors in chat text in-game, mouse wheel support for changing tabs on summary/options/ gamesetup/credits. and finally mod compatibility to normal 0 A. D. users. So happy testing and multiplayer game hosting to everyone! Easy Install: You now only need fgod.pyromod file (from page https://github.com/fraizy22/fgodmod) https://github.com/fraizy22/fgodmod/raw/master/fgod.pyromod Download & Start it with 0 A. D., To Start it with 0 A. D. do: - Windows/Linux: Right Click On File -> Open With -> Other Application -> Search 0 A. D. -> Open - Mac: Select file in File Manager -> Top Bar Hit File -> Get Info -> Click Open With Column -> Click the Dropdown -> Other -> Search 0 A. D. -> Open When 0 A. D. opens -> select Green fgod in List -> hit Enable -> hit Save Configuration -> hit Start Mods. The Mod will start and default settings will be setted. Have Fun! Older Install Descriptions: Drag & Drop this file over 0ad start icon and It will start the mod. Or run "0ad fgod.pyromod" from terminal within your download folder. Enable fgod mod in mod selection (settings) hit save and start mods. Mac OS install Video/Tutorial: If that not works download manual the archive https://github.com/fraizy22/fgodmod/archive/master.zip (from https://github.com/fraizy22/fgodmod) or git clone https://github.com/fraizy22/fgodmod fgod Unzip the files mod.json and the other into new folder under 0ad/mods/fgod to path: linux into ~/.local/share/0ad/mods/fgod windows typically: ~\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\fgod mac: ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/mods/fgod or read OS gamepaths: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths after start game go main menu under settings -> mod selection -> enable fgod, hit save & start mods Screenshots: Lobby (Profile Panel on click player demand, player/game selection clearable escape, Number of player/games, auto away after time inactive, ...): More Buttons hideable below Chat (Start Replays from Lobby, keep in lobby, show summaries, start replays from in replays and games): Darken Fades (Window dialogs darker background), Gamename remember: Team Presets in Gamesetup: Replace button observer in top-panel (when player offline and lobby authentification disabled), colored names in text chat context: Pause overlay units/entities/buildings everything still clickable/orderable for queueing. Top panel summed resources/pop from all players (tooltip shows also team sum and ofc all players): More Options in lobby Options: Easy Update/Download And Feedback In Forums: Fight Activity Ratio in Summary (Military Points / Economy Points): Also Next and Previous Buttons in Summary When Opened From Replay Menu For Replay cycling:
    1 point
  7. While pacing is most of the time associated with movies or books, most games have a similar format, but the structure can vary from one to the next. In many this can be due to artificial barriers. Are these barriers necessarily bad? Not really, but the important thing for most games that take longer than five minutes is to have a distinct feel to what could be called the early, mid, and late-game. The most familiar example to many would be Age of Kings, which had ages serving that purpose. Assuming that all of you are acquainted with some of the strategies of the game, I will simply point out that it offered diverse options from doing a dark age rush, turtling, and then going fast castle often to do a knight rush or just boom; alternatively one could aim for a faster feudal age, and then do a feudal age rush, which most of the time consist of archers or scout cavalry and then going to castle age at a later point, usually hoping that the map control could pay off. There were many variations to these, but the point I want to make is the fact that there were fairly diverse options for every civilisation. Unfortunately, I do not see the current iteration of the game having these options. To clarify, I understand that the game is in alpha and such things cannot be expected to existed in any full-fledged state. Still, I find it disconcerting that no one has been able to better define viable strategies for each civilisation. A pressing issue is the fact that in its current state, 0 A.D, with unique aesthetics, implies that each civilisation will have extremely unique gameplay mechanics on par with games like Starcraft, but when looking on paper, the spearman of one civilisation, although drastically differing in armament and historical context, is practically identical. This ultimately makes 0 A.D. seem like false advertising; its visuals are almost as different from one culture to the next as in Age of Mythology, yet the gameplay does not follow this. I am not going to say what each civilisation should be like right here and now. I don’t know enough about many cultures outside of Persia, Hellas, Italy, and the Hellenistic states. What I do want to argue is that there should be an intentional way allowing civilisations doing things such as rushing, booming, and turtling to some capacity and also in a way that plays to its historical strengths and weaknesses. Obviously there could be exceptions; Sparta seems impossible to viably turtle with. What this can broadly mean though is a better attempt at designing things such as the tech tree and phases to fit to encouraging interesting options for all civilisations and then with a stable foundation like that, refining the ideas behind each one. One other note to be made is that there should be a feeling of reward to advancing a phase. These currently feel like some of the most lack-luster aspects of the game. First, I would advise making them be named things that are more thematic. Village, town, and city seem matter-of-fact. I would recommend basing it around legal reforms such as “Code of Laws” and so on and so forth; there could be other ways of doing this, but the main point is that there should be some theme behind them, not just what seems like a placeholder name. Also, there should be some fanfare or sound when someone advances to a new phase to signify that something great has taken place. If at all possible, there could even be variations in the music tracks give them slightly thicker musical textures when possible in the subsequent phases. Lastly although changing the models each phase might be difficult, there could be as simple of changing the textures to look dirtier and staler in the village phase to more vibrant colours in the later phases.
    1 point
  8. @Sundiata thank you for this useful resource I was pleasantly surprised to find out these tracks are fairly similar to the tracks I drafted for the Kushites! I'll aim to upload them for the team to review next week. Also, I'm working with another composer to add more music to the game, and I think he owns some of these African instruments, it will be interesting to explore some of these sounds with him. Updates coming soon! Thanks again,
    1 point
  9. You could also give @OmriLahav some well deserved youtube views : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPZOTWs_dz844QLG8H-lRZs4ZZXLu34st
    1 point
  10. @coworotel, fair remarks. Expecting an amazing strategic depth from a classical RTS like 0AD may or may not be a bit much, but we can expect it not to devolve into a clicking competition. It should at least have good strategic depth with a sensible pacing, I mean, it is called a Real Time Strategy game after all, not Tekken. There are many ways of managing, balancing and facilitating a greater sense of strategy through costs, train- and build-times, new and/or revamped mechanisms and far more expanded, unique and comprehensive tech trees (so expansive and incrementally expensive that you couldn't realistically research everything, forcing you to make choices). And most historical city builders lack a good military aspect. 0AD offers both elements of historical city builders as well as historical battle simulators like Total War. 0AD can't and shouldn't become either of those, but since they're already overlapping in certain areas, I argue to "do a better job" at integrating a very simple arcade type mechanic of city builders and apply it to the base-building aspects of 0AD, and integrating a very simple arcade type mechanic of battle simulators for military aspect of 0AD. We can go more in-depth without becoming too complicated either. Basically fusing the best of both worlds in an RTS format.
    1 point
  11. I have been thinking about this lately, because it is also something that bothers me, but my question is: is there a way for an RTS not to have this "problem"? I think the only way that efficient and fast clicking/acting won't decide games is if you remove time completely, but then it becomes a turn-based strategy game (like Civilization) not a real-time strategy game. The options and economy can be simpler or more complex, but in the end it is the player who can efficiently execute an algorithm who wins. Real strategy requires time to sit down, contemplate a situation and think. What RTS games really test is your reaction time, attention and speed of thinking - not only clicking, if you think fast you click fast. So maybe we shouldn't expect an amazing strategic depth from typical RTS games. I don't know...
    1 point
  12. C++ Files. Namingly the ones containing sky in the name. You' ll also need to know some OpenGL code because the box is drawn using that. If you only want to mess with skyboxes, Make a mod and in art/textures/skies add another folder with DDS textures. The code being hacky it cant use PNg files. In the thread fixing skybox for maps I gave a bit more insight on skyboxes to Skhorn IIRC
    1 point
  13. Yeah, but a good sky is good for cutscenes, promotional material, plus I mostly play close zoomed at battles, so which files do I need to edit for editing the sky's textures? @vladislavbelov
    1 point
  14. The 4 resources thing is mostly an archaic holdover from a time when computers (and games) were a lot simpler. People today are used to playing a lot more complicated strategy games with crazy amounts of options and possibilities. I understand that 0AD isn't a city-builder, a management game or a battle simulator, and shouldn't try to be so either, BUT, that doesn't mean that we should be hesitant to think outside the box, and borrow those elements from comparable genres that might add significant value to 0AD's gameplay without betraying the original game-design, which is actually far more in-depth than the game currently is and explicitly states that 0AD shouldn't become a clicking competition, but have varied ways to attain victory. The thing is, it's not 1999 anymore, and most of us aren't 11-year olds. Most gamers want options, in-depth strategy, tactical options that are more than who clicks faster. With regard to base(town)building games (like 0AD), many people today want a large variety in buildings, organic looks (natural diversity), the ability to build the town to their own specifications including beautifications. Many people just like to build a beautiful city and enjoy the views while toying with the AI, and playing our own little games in the main-game, like setting personal objectives like, "take that hill and build a city on it for no reason whatsoever"... 0AD is amazing as it is, don't get me wrong! I just look at 0AD and Pyrogenesis as a platform, rather than a finished game and engine. A platform with near endless possibilities. Since the days of Age of Empires, many millions of us around the world have been dreaming and fantasising about our ideal historical RTS game, and 0AD, more than any other project in the world, has the potential to fulfill those dreams. I'd just hate to see it as a 3D, stale rebalance of a 20 year old game, but rather as a trendsetter that rewrote the classic RTS-genre. A game that gives us the sense, the feeling that we're building a capital city, with peripheral towns and villages. The feeling that we're recruiting a real army. The feeling that we're marching out our guys to glorious battle, laying siege to the enemy's walled towns, and burning it all down. There is a lack in immersion right now, and the art department has been and continues to work miracles in the visual department, but the gameplay itself sometimes brakes immersion in unfortunate ways (although I'm confident the way the project has progressed over the years that the "end product" will be amazing no matter what).
    1 point
  15. This is the topic I was looking for and didn't find before I wrote (though in a less articulated manner) suggesting to diversify the civilizations more on the suggestions topic. I strongly agree with the points raised by @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded. I think in its present form the excellent work put into making each civilization look so amazingly unique is a missed opportunity as bluntly speaking "if you played one you played all of them". There is very little to differentiate them besides look. A few unique buildings, perhaps an extra tech and slightly different unit selection. There is so much more potential in the game. It should be obvious, based on one's preference or current mood, what civilization should one pick for a given match. Like to play with cavalry? Go with the Persians. Like infantry? Go with the Athenians. Like extremely aggressive gameplay? Go with the Spartans. Like balanced civs? Go with the Seleucids. While most of these choices are already quite obvious it is somewhat disheartening to know that the Romans, well known for not having good cavalry, will be able to field heavy cavalry just as good as your awesome Baktrian Lancers. Similarly it is somewhat mood-ruining to find out that the half-naked Celtic spearman is just as skilled as your hoplites or Triarii (which was an elite veteran unit BTW). I think each civilization should feel unique in its gameplay too. AoE2 proved to us that for this you don't even need wildly different unit sets and/or base stats, which would be really hard to balance with this many civilizations. Its enough to have a technology tree and make available to each civilization a unique subset of it. This technology tree should encompass everything from economy to military. Some of this is already in place. For example Greek civilizations have the Theatre building which helps them expand. Some civilizations have the Archery Tradition tech which makes their archers stronger. We need more of these. We need such techs for many more aspects of how effective melee/ranged infantry and cavalry, elephants, siege units, mercenaries, etc. is. An important thing to note is that, although we tend to stereotypically view barbarian civilizations as of lesser ones, this is not true. So I am *not* suggesting at all to make for example the Gauls weaker, contrary to what my example with the hoplite vs. half-naked Celtic spearman above might suggest. The Celts were known highly-skilled blacksmiths just like many of the steppe nomads.
    1 point
  16. If you unzip public binaries/data/mods/public audio folder there, can find from basic selection sounds to civ music Depending on what pics you want, you can find them in the art folder, just browse around in art/session/... for mappreviews, tech portraits, unit portraits
    1 point
  17. You can also try here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:0_A.D.
    1 point
  18. A lot of the images will be in .dds format to make for a smaller download footprint from your forum image I assume you use a Linux flavour there is plug-in for the GIMP that will ope dds format not sure where in /usr/share you can find all the data file though just did a quick look now. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  19. I came up with a few new ideas How about we get to either use the captured enemies for work/fighting in our amy, or we can trade them off for food,wood,metal or stone. We can trade them off to a serf broker at the market. We can use a feature similar to the espionage button to capture our enemies to turn into serfs. Instead of a cavalry swordsman/infantry killing a girl farmer,a citizen or a soldier they can capture them,and trade them into slavery. With war comes prisoners.
    1 point
  20. inside public.zip in binaries folder there are many folders before but I don't remember
    1 point
  21. Skybox is hardcoded, so currently you're not able not change its shape, only textures. But change it to sphere would be good. Also It'd be good to add atmospherics scattering. I have some plans to improve the sky. But the game is RTS, so usually sky isn't really visible, so even a flat sky works.
    1 point
  22. As the name describes the skyBox is just a box with images on each face, in 0ad the skybox botom side is black because is not necessary for the game. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skybox_(video_games)
    1 point
  23. People should keep in mind the only thing that has been decided Wednesday is that the proposed articles will go to the European Parliament to be discussed and voted upon, probably in about six months.
    1 point
  24. Hi, I'll try this out of curiosity. Thanks. Now the YAMG for A-23 is on Github. No new features but a full upgrade. The fractal painters expect an Area in their paint() method and mesa and depression painters provide a Vector2D array, instead of point array. The Cell object inherits now from Vector2D and can be used in rmgen where a Vector2D is required. Of course, the placer and the utilities which rely on this Cell array can't be used without creating a g_TOMap Cell objects first. AnEgyptianOasis is still a work in progress. It works nicely and don't lack features, but some details need to be fixed, particularly players starting resources. I have quickly copy/pasted some code somewhere and this code fails at time for some reasons. Have fun !
    1 point
  25. Maybe @FeXoR could have a look too. I hope he is still around.
    1 point
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