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@feneur: thanks for tagging. I already was planning to do some kind of explaining but I wanted to get home first I feel I should do a bit of explanation on the organizational side to lift some of the confusion around here. The 0ADMods organization on Github is one and the same as the Council of Modders in this forum. The Council of Modders is a semi-open (there are some group PMs) group dedicated to (guess what) modding and it was formed by joining Rise of the East, Millennium A.D. and Aristeia together. It's a fairly loose and semi-unorganized team (hence 'Council') and it's moderated by the initial members (I happen to be one of them). The mod pages on ModDB are also managed by us. So, in short, 0ADMods is not a collection of all mods created for 0 A.D. nor is it an absolute necessity to have a repository in here to start modding 0 A.D. (though some kind of repository in general is nice for version control). If you want your project to become part of the Council (and release the mod under it's banner), that's possible though preferably I (personally) would like to see some kind of progress first (I've seen too many projects that start eager and never come even near a release) @stanislas69: that's actually the same reason why I refrained from suggesting it up for merging with RotE so soon. Depending on our final decision for reworking RotE (a topic that's still under debate => it's likely to pass the votes but still...), it would fit nicely with the new theme (with more exotic factions). But I didn't want to act too quick and take my words back later because they turned out to be wrong @Sundiata: it's not always entirely clear what colors their buildings were and often multiple archaeological discovery show different variations/types/ornaments/colors of buildings. That gives a bit of artistic freedom to do what looks best and building a color pallet is a good tool to find colors that match with each other4 points
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More look at how they look in the ui. I think they really make it 'pop' and give the icons easy recognizability they did not have before.3 points
There are a lot of books, tutorials, @#$% blogs or stupid explanations on how to code. It really need persistence, dedication and patience as almost everything related with human life. If you want to get your hands on the code, start here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/StarterTasks, 0ad (I hope somebody correct me if i'm mistaken) is developed on C++/C#(?) and the SpiderMonkey engine, which is JS. You need to know too how to handle XML files, plus tools like SVN/GIT, eventually, when you are more deeper with it i guess it will be needed to learn things about game programming. Perhaps you could start with something simple like triggers, so you may get to know how 0ad works http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Triggers For building the game, i did it on Debian jessie, it went smooth, don't know really what happens on fedora 25, but try again http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions#Linux check dependencies, check everything you do and if you find yourself with no answer go to the IRC http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=0ad and ask or submit a ticket if you think is needed.3 points
Hi all, I'm 26 years old and I've been interested in programming since I was 10 or 11. In 2000/2001 our neighbour tried to teach me c++ but that didn't work. I struggled with Blitz Max when I was 15 and I couldn't write good programs. Things are different in 2017: I've taught myself how to build c++ applications in Linux and I know what tools to use and what tools to avoid. I use Code Blocks, whereas in the past I tried using Anjuta (garbage!) Emacs and Vi, none of which are acceptable for beginners. I also don't recommend automatic indenting, I find that these "aids" are counter-productive. It took many years of unnecessary stress and now I finally know what I'm talking about: I prefer c++ with Code Blocks and SDL2. I'd consider using Unity or Unreal in the future but for now I enjoy learning without too many assisted things. Getting comfortable I was sceptical for 15 years as to whether I could learn programming. There's too much conflicting information regarding how to do things, or what tools to use. Also, programming is unfairly stereotyped as being about "zeros and ones" and as a result many people think you need to be a hardcore autistic to gain any ground in programming, which is untrue. The main difficulty (besides the overwhelming possibilities of tools/languages) is simply that you cannot learn programming in high school. When I was in high school back in 2006, they only taught Microsoft Visual Basic and that was only in year 12, which is the 4th year of high school. If the government bureaucrats want students to learn properly, then they should teach programming in a wider sense. They should demonstrate the pros-and-cons of different editing tools, and c++ should be taught too - it isn't as hard as most people believe. 100 lines of code looks confusing to most people, if they're not familiar with programming. People don't understand that programming is structure: it is loops and function calls. A program can be broken down and understood as components, just like any other electrical system (SHOCK HORROR!) No-one becomes a genius programmer overnight. You have to start at the bottom, knowing your tools of choice and knowing what the scopes of your program are. Once a student understands that some parts of the program do not connect to other parts of the program, they can find problems much more easily. It becomes 1000x easier to understand. Every time someone talks of "learning to write code" they do damage to the reputation of programmers. There is no "code" there are statements. There is no "logic" or "system" there is program flow and loops. The sooner "normal" people become comfortable with programming the better things will be for everyone. Another point I'd like to emphasise is the GNU Philosophy Where did we come from to get to here I believe that it's important to know where we came from. While I dislike Bjarne Stroustrup's style of teaching there is something in one of his books that I really liked, he dedicated one chapter to the history of programming. I thought that was really cool. Back in the day it was all academic people. Then in the 80s the games industry was almost exclusively men with long hair who lived off pizza and metal. When money and status is the motivating force that drives someone into programming or network administration, that is the wrong motivation in my opinion. My motivation for learning programming is because it's interesting. I also want to share my skills and publish software for free (with no strings attached) so that we don't have to rely on closed-source tools and see ads everywhere. The world has reached such heights of gluttony that competing requires one to be as shallow and selfish as possible. It's refreshing to go against the norm. The invention of computers and silicone chips was a great scientific advance that is supposed to benefit everyone. We should continue the tradition of helping people do stuff whether it's being entertained or sorting data, and users should always be the most important thing. The rabid commercialisation of the games industry has been a disaster in my opinion. I'd like to avoid paying for games as often as possible - that's why I support 0 A.D. 0 A.D. I haven't managed to compile 0 A.D. yet, I need to try the nightly build next time or whatever it's called - the latest stuff from git/svn. I tried the package in the Fedora 25 repos with no luck, and I tried compiling the source but I never tried the latest build which I suspect is my problem. I don't have internet where I live so every time I want to download something or get support I have to get in my car and drive. I hope to go flatting in 2-3 months and perhaps get fibre via an ethernet cable for maximum speed. Plans for 2017 I begin a programming course on the 27th of February and that course ends in December, basically I get a piece of paper which says I'm smart and I learn c# and Xamarin (Xamarin is for making android applications). I want to contribute to free software projects in my spare time, I'll start with bug hunting. I also like the idea of promoting 0 A.D. on other forums, something which I've already done lots of. Do not underestimate the value of marketing (eg. good, short videos, walk-throughs and screen shots) I attached some photos just for fun.2 points
@niektbThank you for the clarifications… I did think it would be a bit odd to add a non-existing mod to almost complete mods… And I fully understand your concern about this mod possibly never even reaching a release. I've been "lurking" on and off on this forum for a few years now, and I've seen many suggestions and Idea's, but only a fraction of them ever materialize. So as I mentioned on the first page, I don't want anyone to think I'm jumping the gun here. I realize there is a TON of work ahead. But as I also said earlier, if there's is any chance of a Kushite mod seeing the light of day, I want to do what I can. You guys have been quite accommodating for something that essentially came out of nowhere, so thank you for the patience and interest. I hope I can count on some of you to continue to help me with some of my noob questions… You've been most helpful up to now! I sincerely hope, that together with balduin and others interested, we'll be able to present some progress in due time, even if it is originally restricted to concept art, and a clear civilization profile/design document and repository. @EnriqueMagnificent, thank you. I've never made a texture pack before, but I'll be spending some time learning this. I have a degree in graphic art, but it's nowhere near the level some of you guys are at. I do believe I can create a decent texture pack though (photoshop is an acceptable tool to make texture packs, I presume?).2 points
I think programming is great fun, it's a mix of structures, logic and creativity. And when you do string design, it has a linguistic element too, or when you do graphics, an artistic one. Check out this interesting lady: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Lovelace2 points
At the moment, you can't build a wall if there are trees or bushes (basically, any object that takes up space) in the way. We have already discussed whether it would make sense to automatically destroy trees that are in the way of building a wall, but nobody has written the code for it yet.2 points
Thanks for introducing yourself Please let us know if you suceed building 0 A.D. or if you need more help EDIT: If you find any information missing/missleading or errors in our wiki please let us know2 points
I don't think having death animations that takes a while until they're clearly dead in the ground is beneficial for a player that should know if his units are dying/losing a battle to be able to decide if he should retreat or not. I'm sure in reality there were a lot of times where the rider died and the horse just flee, or just stood there. Also rearing up on every death animation would look a bit stupid. @Lion.Kanzen Try imitating in front of a person a death by any type of weapon and ask them to tell you which type of weapon death you were imitating...2 points
Thanks for all the feedback, guys! Gonna note them down. For now, I think I need to improve on two things: Equipment - My current hardware's processing capacity greatly sacrifices video quality for the sake of a cleaner audio. So the best I can come up with is to save up for a budget mic (specifically the snowball)... I'm not sure how long that would take me, though. Communication Skills - It's my first time actually talking to my computer where somebody else would hear it. So my confidence and ability to enunciate words properly in English (which obviously isn't my native language) isn't great. However, since this is the skill that I know I can obtain through experience and your help, I am going to put much of my effort in improving on this one first. If you want to leave advice/comments here, that's fine. But I'd prefer that you give those comments on my video just so we can keep this thread relatively clean. So here's my next video:2 points
The SVN guide will be my next stop and here's the latest files. I should have tried those the first time. Oh well, once I find a house with fibre broadband I'll be able to work on this for hours on end2 points
I believe you didn't mention (or at least you didn't demonstrate, I may have missed it in the speech) that trade with allies is more profitable, that ships can trade between docks and that you can boost your profits with market upgrades. But the subject is well covered anyway. There is some technical background noise, please try to configure your microphone / recording software to get rid of it. I find such video series useful and entertaining, so I hope you will proceed with it.2 points
Ok, that's what happens when attempting to access the Atlas editor. OAD_Atla_editor_faillure.mov1 point
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Ah, that's my art subforum, so me to answer I guess. Indeed this looks promising but you'll have some work to do on those texture to make them more realistic. Try to see how that cloth would fold to add shadows. that will improve greatly the quality. For the shield you forgot the metallic emboss1 point
@GunChleoc Really interesting read! what a woman!1 point
Nice, can you try to improve the transition between the horns and the head a bit ? Sorry for the nitpick.1 point
@Sundiata Indeed Photoshop is highly acceptable. You can also use GImp, Krita, Paint.net or whatever you want that allows to release files under CC-BY-SA 3.0. If you want to keep the same license that is.1 point
@Sundiata You're not "inventing" the color palette, you design it based on the facts that you know from the materials and paint used by the civ. If you know the colors they used, then you know where to aim while creating the color palette. It's to make the civ structures look good. If you want examples of textures, you can check the ones already in the game. For textures, you can look for CC0 textures and/or CC-BY-SA 3.0 or higher. One of the best sources is this guy, he published a lot of high quality textures under CC0 with its respective normal and specmap: http://nobiax.deviantart.com/gallery/56486308/Free Also there's www.texturemate.com and http://3dwolf.weebly.com/textures.html etc... There's plenty of sites offering completely free textures with CC0 license, you just have to look for them. Normally there are two 1024x1024 textures for each civ structure set. You can merge them in one big 2048x1024 texture for easier setup. Use alpha transparency where you want playercolor to show up. There are a few tutorials in the art forum about art stuff. Also you can check http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ the "for artists" section for more information about 0AD artist guidelines, tutorial links etc.1 point
My english is very bad i'm sorry the civilizations iberian, celtiberian and little dates information and art in this web/s: http://arrecaballo.es/edad-antigua/ http://arrecaballo.es/edad-antigua/el-caballo-en-la-peninsula-iberica/los-iberos/ --- creatari for iberians is good idea movility and speed in the fase 2 light "javelin launcher" the iberians need a little refence of baskonia in the school it is studiet the more resistence baskon,mercenaries,bierians and slingers balearics1 point
I like the idea of the unit especially as it fits the historic guerilla background perfectly.1 point
Please don't take it too far off topic (search some general question forum or make a new topic for more questions). Anyway, it is currently impossible to order units to run, running is only triggered when units flee or chase, but again this cannot be user ordered, only UnitAI auto behaviour triggers it (f.e. being attack in passive stance).1 point
I really like how the icons look much crisper with the softer background glow than they currently do now. Specially the small versions shown on the last pic. This is a very nice change.1 point
Please check how they did aoe2 ones in the following video (incredible play btw). Notice how the horses tumble as if they were hit hard from a side which is simply how a horse would lose balance and fall but could also look as if they were hit hard from one side.1 point
It's not a matter of creating the texture and forget about it to dedicate entirelly to modelling. It's a process of iterating over the texture as you go along all buildings. Defining the color tones of the texture at te beginning would prevent to rework the texture several times. Nobody has to follow the same workflow, just see what you see fit for your way of working.1 point
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@Sundiata Yes, I was hoping you will say that. I would like to develop the Kushite mod together with you. There are many steps in the development which does not require programming skills, but at some point in time you need to do some programming. I am a software engineer (programmer) and more then willing to take on the development, especially on the technical side. Other 0 A.D. community members will help us during the development. However, many active members of this forum are already involved in other projects and cannot take the responsibility of another project. The open source model allows other people to join in. We actually need to involve artists in the development process. However, they should be able to pick a task like modeling a unit or house and than work again on other projects. To make that possible, we should be the one who have an overview and take decisions. This includes to update the task list, review contributions and answer questions related to the Kushite mod. Such a development style is called Bazzar model (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cathedral_and_the_Bazaar#.22The_Cathedral_and_the_Bazaar.22).1 point
No problem as I said before , you are good, better than that guy youtuber. (Sergiu)1 point
The proposed fix to this issue has been committed in 19160, see also #4408 and D42. The autobuild has some issue (@Itms), so compiling would be needed if you have SVN to test, otherwise wait a bit for the autobuild (or wait to the next release if you can't use svn).1 point
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That demonic possession Is it possible to have animations given how they die? I mean, if a rock from a siege engine kills a unit would represent a different animation of death1 point
As I wrote above, catapults are hard to defend due their low range. Towers will easly attack champions protecting the catapult and enemy can skip my covering units anyway and destroy it with few hits. Catapults are really hardly valuable due their weakness, the cosf / performance ratio is really low. You need more than 1 catapult in order to deal significant damage, by the way you can't train a lot of catapults because they cost too much stone and they will be destroyed easly.1 point
That was just an old 3ds Max file with some objects already in it, so I don't really think it's useful any more. Maybe someone can create a new one, but otherwise just import some existing models to compare with. I would think that one of the new unit model source files would be a good one, and perhaps include an existing building to get an idea of what kind of dimensions it should have etc.1 point
needs some quick tips about speaking for media like radio, in Spanish we call this Locución, but I don't found a properly english termonology.1 point
Post info, sources, suggestions, etc. here. Be sure to credit your source if you post images or written info. Below is a basic design document. FACTION: New Empire Assyrians TIMESPAN: 745-612 B.C. CIV EMBLEM: Star of Shamash [thanks to niektb for the emblem!] UNITS Note: With these placeholders, citizen soldiers should retain the same appearance regardless of promotion. The exact corresponding scenario editor actor files are listed beside the unit names below, followed by the structure(s) from which they can be trained. CITIZEN CAVALRY Syrian Horseman – pers_cavalry_spearman_e (Civ Centre, Stables) CITIZEN INFANTRY Chaldaean Archer – pers_infantry_archer_e (Civ Centre, Barracks) Hittite Spearman – cart_infantry_spearman_e (Civ Centre, Barracks) Hebrew Slinger – iber_infantry_slinger_e (Barracks) Elamite Skirmisher – pers_infantry_javelinist_b (Barracks) - cannot progress beyond basic rank CHAMPIONS Assyrian Officer – pers_champion_infantry (Fortress) – gives LOS citizen infantry + 2 attack – build limit 5 – auras do not overlap Infantry Guardsman – pers_kardakes_hoplite (Royal Apartments) Infantry Guard Officer – pers_arstibara (Royal Palace) - gives LOS guardsmen + 1 attack – build limit 1 Royal Bodyguard Cavalryman – pers_champion_cavalry (Royal Apartments) Scythian Horse Archer - pers_champion_cavalry_archer (Stables) – town phase Assyrian Chariot – pers_cavalry_archer_e (Stables) – city phase SIEGE Siege Ram – pers_mechanical_siege_ram (Siege Workshop) Siege Tower – mace_mechanical_siege_tower (Siege Workshop) HEROES Tiglath-pileser III hero – assyrian_hero_sargon_ii (Royal Palace) Sennacherib hero – assyrian_hero_sargon_ii (Royal Palace) Ashurbanipal hero – assyrian_hero_tiglath_pilaser_iii (Royal Palace) SUPPORT Conscript Laborer – athen_support_slave (Warehouse - only building this unit can be trained from) – can harvest domestic animals, wood, food (berries and farming), metal, and stone; cannot hunt; cannot build; cannot fight; fairly easy for enemy to capture; 1 Conscript Laborer should be included in the starting units group Assyrian Woman – pers_support_female_citizen (Civ Centre, House) Assyrian Merchant – pers_support_trader (Market) Priest of Shamash – ptol_support_healer_b (Temple) NAVAL Fishing Boat – assyrian_ship_fishing (Dock) Merchant Ship – cart_ship_merchant (Dock) War Ship – cart_ship_bireme (Dock) STRUCTURES The exact corresponding scenario editor actor files are listed beside the structure names below, followed by their trainable units. VILLAGE Barracks – assyrian_barracks (Chaldaean Archer, Hittite Spearman, Hebrew Slinger, Elamite Skirmisher) Corral – pers_corral (Sheep) Dock – pers_dock (Fishing Boat, Merchant Ship, War Ship) Farmstead – assyrian_farmstead Farm Field - assyrian_field House – assyrian_house (Assyrian Woman) Outpost - pers_outpost Storehouse - pers_storehouse TOWN Civ Centre – pers_civil_centre (Syrian Horseman, Chaldaean Archer, Hittite Spearman, Assyrian Woman) Blacksmith - pers_blacksmith Defense Tower - pers_defense_tower Market – pers_market (Assyrian Merchant) Stables – assyrian_stables (Syrian Horseman, Scythian Horse Archer (starting in town phase), Assyrian Chariot (starting in city phase)) Temple – pers_temple (Priest of Shamash) City Wall – pers_wall... etc. Warehouse – other/pers_warehouse (Conscript Laborer – only building this unit can be trained from) – the warehouse functions as a forward operating dropsite; it can be built in neutral territory, but slowly decays over time CITY Fortress – pers_fortress (Assyrian Officer) Royal Palace – pers_apadana (Heroes, Infantry Guard Officer) Royal Apartments – other/pers_apartment_block (Infantry Guardsman, Royal Bodyguard Cavalryman) Siege Workshop – other/pers_inn (Siege Ram, Siege Tower) Great Temple of Shamash at Hatra wonder – pers_tacara1 point
You no have idea how different is the feeling it's like a new game, but need too much work because there plenty animations they aren't in use.1 point
Speak for yourself! I just saw a video of someone playing it, and I'm again hyped to wait for the next Alpha. The meshes, the animations, the icons... I might be wrong but are the champions also getting the Experience system? That's so cool!1 point
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For champions, think really archaic. Maybe something like "Temple Guard" or "Palace Guard", and then maybe "Chariot Champion." Really give these Greek an old school feel. Bell cuirasses, Illyrian helms, barefeet, penis swag, dipylon and boeotian shields.1 point
If you manage to get a white variation texture I think it is possible to convert the white to alpha leaving only some darker fur details so we can randomize the "base" color where the white would be. Similar as how the current horses have variations or head colors.1 point
There is yes, please see http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ReportingErrors for where to find the log files on your system. If it's just an error interestinglog.html is usually enough, and if it's a crash the crashlog files are useful. If you have run the game again the files will be rewritten though, so it's best to get the information from the files right when it happens1 point
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I can confirm that I have the bug fixed on my end, I'm just waiting for a formal report from someone on Windows and *nix that it works and that nothing is obviously broken, and then I can commit it. I need to check for repackaging options. There might be an easy-isa option, or I'll need to repackage the whole thing.1 point
The Debian warranty comes to mind if you break it you get to keep both pieces. Enjoy the Choice1 point
I am having the exact same issue. iMac late 2013 running macOS Sierra. I was just going to make a post about this, glad I found a topic covering it.1 point