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Alpha 26 Pre-release/Release Candidate Build Testing

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47 minutes ago, Carltonus said:

Windowed mode seems to have stopped the black bits from appearing and disruption of Game Bar recordings in both default and legacy OpenGL options in-game.

I've also added borderless.fullscreen and borderless.window options to the config file. You could try some if it changes something.

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More oversight for the Han; this is before @wowgetoffyourcellphone added syntagma formation for the ji bing:

In short, the same goes for the mao bing (spearmen) and palace guards, former cannot assume the supposedly Roman anti-cavalry and latter (along with Atlas-only dismounted Han Xin) unable to do the same. Is the latter case intended? Standards used are for the wrong civilization emblems too, in tandem with the incorrect formation animations.

Also, the Han sandbox starts with the imperial court building rather than the gongdian, which is the usual civic center. Clicking the court building initially shows outright the grayed out jun (III or city phase) upgrade. Unless you build the actual civic center somewhere to do the xian (II or town phase) upgrade, you can't with the chaoting per se.

Further, the mao bing also have a weird animation when carrying wood, walking if still wielding the spear:

Edited by Carltonus
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On 08/06/2022 at 11:49 PM, Salesome said:

Hellas random map is waaaay too bright. It hurts my eyes. Tweaking the sun angle just a bit makes it much better. On a general note, the sun should not produce overrexposed maps when at the zenith (which it does on other maps, too). There is a "sun overbrightness" slider anyway (which is at zero in this map).

IMHO, the install script (Windows) should default to creating a desktop shortcut (opt-out instead of opt-in). It is way easier to delete one shortcut too much than having to navigate through obscure folders to find the game's EXE file if you forgot to check it (like I did multiple times just now).

Overexposed Hellas.jpg

if we fix angle and brightness 0AD will look better @Stan` 


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20 hours ago, LetswaveaBook said:

I wanted to test some spear cavalry with their 2x multiplier and I noticed this: Hero spear cavalry still have the 1.75 multiplier.

I don't know if that is something "ugly" or not, but it exists.

Should be changed. But, honestly, it'll have very little effect since players rarely engage in fights with heros

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39 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

Heroes are a regular part of my army, so if they're fighting or not depends on their role. (But I probably wouldn't notice the .25 difference.)

it's one unit gaining a balance against one class of units. that unit is also rarely used in fights and is only available in late game. It's effect will be very, very limited. 

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1 hour ago, smiley said:

A mismatch between actual territory boundaries and drawn boundaries.

Oh, that thing again. Was confused by it several times, didn't occur to me it could happen right next to the CC.

When I moved on to the next enemy and did the same it properly decayed to that enemy, so I can imagine it's difficult to reproduce.

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3 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

I'll have this fixed by Alpha 27. Not for A26, since it's in freeze, prepping for release.

The fix won't require adjusting the map, right? Instead, it involves adjustments to the model of the structure and its metadata? For example, add a stone foundation under the expected ground level of the structure, and/or adjust the area of level terrain expected for placing the structure?

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17 minutes ago, Norse_Harold said:

The fix won't require adjusting the map, right? Instead, it involves adjustments to the model of the structure and its metadata? For example, add a stone foundation under the expected ground level of the structure, and/or adjust the area of level terrain expected for placing the structure?

does not require adjusting the map. just add the foundation to the base of the structure.

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30 minutes ago, Norse_Harold said:

The fix won't require adjusting the map, right? Instead, it involves adjustments to the model of the structure and its metadata? For example, add a stone foundation under the expected ground level of the structure, and/or adjust the area of level terrain expected for placing the structure?

I do not have the programming skills to make terrain grid adjustments in real-time, only to add platforms underneath the offending structures so that they don't look like they're floating on sloped terrain. :) 



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