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Age of Empires IV

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1 minute ago, LetswaveaBook said:

It looks all a little too cartoonish for me. I don't have a good feeling about the game, but maybe it turns out to be a great game. 

The projectiles just look so weird. Straighten those out and it immediately looks a lot better. If I look at it as a kind of 3D update for AOE2, then I like the look of everything. 

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8 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

1. That Scout cav bringing back the entire deer carcass is pretty darn cool. 

Works especially well with elephants or giraffes in 0ad.

As for the cartoonish looks I really don't like them. But then I don't like the modern American 3D animation film style either.

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The top of the walls following the slope of the terrain, units walking on top of the walls, and siege towers putting one's units on top of enemy walls are three things I wish 0 A.D. had too. Even those palisades look more natural (no “palisade towers”).

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Keep in mind that they showed angles that normally the player won't see.

I agree with others about the arrows, both the movement and the size have to be tuned. Otherwise I'm optimistic about the game and the saga.

In the other hand, the RTS that I play more, AoE 3 seems to be power creeped with US with a lot more of unique features than others civs, and probably will be pretty OP. Good news that we will have an African xpack, with Ethiopians and Hausa people (the second one I don't have any knowledge about them)

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1. Yes it's cool, and in theory could be done, problems would arise when attacking other animals.

2. What time? Depleted could be done just like health damage. Maybe something for @Freagarach

3. Mines need an upgrade, I just need more artists :)

4. ^

5. Not sure what to do there

6. Could be modded using variants (e.g. something like cmpVisual.SetVariant("Ripe"))


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Wow very cool! It definitely lives up the expectations .. knowing the franchise, I couldn't expect anything less than some AAA title. 

However, strangely as it may sound, looking at the images and previews, I have to say I kinda prefer more 0ad look and feel, more solid and realistic. As many have also observed, that "cartoonish" look makes units and structures appear a bit disjointed together and I think it takes away the immersion and atmosphere of the historical period. 

Ahahahah probably the day it will come out an updated version of Millenium AD I won't look back for a while :D

One thing very nice from AOE, though, is the extension and openness of the sceneries. Also the cities, is visually interesting how they expand, taking full space of the map  

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On 11/04/2021 at 4:31 PM, smiley said:

Good to know that T90 farms crossed universes even into AoE4.

I am definitely buying this game. No question about it.

I will only buy it if it's Linux compatible (it won't be - 99.99% certain unless they make a deal with valve) And if it is Nothing map viable.
I mean, it isn't technically illegal to Pirate something which they specifically made it so that i can't use on my system, right?
If they want my bucks, they need to Accommodate to ME first!


Edited by Auron24015
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On 11/04/2021 at 4:54 AM, av93 said:

Keep in mind that they showed angles that normally the player won't see.

I agree with others about the arrows, both the movement and the size have to be tuned. Otherwise I'm optimistic about the game and the saga.

In the other hand, the RTS that I play more, AoE 3 seems to be power creeped with US with a lot more of unique features than others civs, and probably will be pretty OP. Good news that we will have an African xpack, with Ethiopians and Hausa people (the second one I don't have any knowledge about them)

I hope they make a balance with US, this very op

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On 14/04/2021 at 3:29 PM, Auron24015 said:

I mean, it isn't technically illegal to Pirate something which they specifically made it so that i can't use on my system, right?

Oh no, it is very much illegal. But laws are just words. They are not necessarily correct, ethical or the moral high ground. It's just what someone wrote down.

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Indeed. Written law outdated quickly and ethical law is much more fluid and flexible, and flexibility is 100X better.
Also, love the hitchhikers reference you got there :).
Well anyway, Opinion on politics aside, back to the topic at hand.

I'm loving some of the presented features.

Dark Video:
Loving the Hunting thing where they carry the animal back to camp instead of having to tediously and skillfully (s)deer it back to camp before you kill it to get all the food. Sheep are better now too. Lots of simple improvements there.
Villagers being able to use the bows they use for hunting to defend themselves and even fight raiding enemies... Fantastic idea!
And the advancement thing looks good to. One Important structure per age to advance to the next makes much more sense in fluidity. Less likely to be enjoyed by rushers though.
I'm interested by how they intend "faster paced" is going to be, when ageing will be slower paced?
Feudal Video:
The scene where the units in the trees can't be seen thus producing an ambush party and absolutely crushing the marching crew. I want.
The Shooting from horseback is also a fun idea. I want too.
The Hero aura thing.. 0ad did that first you thieves!
Mongol mechanics look fun too.  Do want as-well.
Castle Video:
Definitely loving the siege mechanics. Would have preferred non-siege units being unable to attack walls though. And would make the scaling walls mechanic more viable. 
Monk healers? Yosha! Not enough Wololo Aiyoyou's though.  I'm very disappointed with how the buildings are spaced, i hope that's just a how they showed it thing, and not a feature thing. The path mechanic isn't giving much good vibes on that matter though, hope it's purely visual effects.
Imperial Video:
Charging Feature looks great.
Resist charge with pikes infront of body thing looks great, hope it isn't isn't just a visual thing.
Wololo with Relic mass conversion Definitely Aiyoyou'd me.
Agree with everything AON said about the siege stuff, the siege engines with actual people thing would be cool too.
And those crumbling effects look cool, but won't be good for the game itself. Down Toning Required Muchos Gracias.

Rest of the stuff looks pretty usual though. Mostly just Quality-of-life Stuff.
Paradox games get more features in a free update and DLC than is seen here lol. Please Exclude my hardcore Paradox Fanboyishness lol But it is true.

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