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Player of 0AD

Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Player of 0AD

  1. @Feldfeld Can I download the mod folder anywhere? Pyromod does not work for me. I'd need to put the mod folder in my mods folder in order to install.
  2. Zenobia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenobia
  3. Only few buildings can be build in ally territory. However you can build big buildings directly at the border to take more space from you ally - if he doesnt have any buildings there. This doesnt work with Athenian Gymnasiums though (They are so big that there is no new space left)
  4. And why do ranged units lag the most? Is it because they calculate which target is the closest to them? Maybe they should just attack a random unit if that helps...
  5. On the archipelago map (nubia biome) we had some fishes on land
  6. Probably your match is more impressive because the AI hesitates to attack the Iberian walls. That's why I had more time to develop.
  7. Here the same with Iberians, but without your little cheat ; ) Playspeed 1x, later 2x Iberians1v5.zip
  8. Is this even a common problem? It should be clear that this not a nice action. As a spec you cannot whisper to a player for a good reason...
  9. Don't forget this one ;-) Spoilers: ChampionBattles.zip
  10. Keep O pressed then left drag (not zero but O)
  11. Archers have been overpowered in A24, but in A25 they aren't overpowered anymore, they are rather weak. They are totally helpless against siege towers, all they can do against them is run away. Though I wouldn't recommend siege towers too much as they are weak against melee troops other than pikemen. Archers can't hurt pikemen very well, so if you have them in front and your own ranged troops behind them, it should be devastating for the archers if they are not in much greater number. Actually you don't even need pikemen, any melee unit can play this role. Melee cavalry can devastate archers very well too. Especially sword cavalry of higher levels. Further questions?
  12. I think that towers are not too powerful anymore. They might have been in A24, but they have been nerfed so much that they are not OP now.
  13. What really should be changed is the accuracy. I tested how many shots a catapult needs for hitting a deer, in some cases it needed like 30 shots! They are so inaccurate, they even miss towers in a lot of cases. That shouldn't be the case.
  14. Somebody who prevents others from playing 0AD has to go for 35 years into prison? Seems appropriate to me ;-)
  15. Oh, that's why I've not been ddosed during the last days? : )
  16. During A24 I used SVN for playing with the development version, and since A25 is out I just use the SVN version to play A25....
  17. Currently I have Alpha 25a. Installed via SVN, on Linux I'd like to update to 25b. What I know is that one can update the version with: svn up cd build/workspaces ./update-workspaces.sh -j3 cd gcc make -j3 But I believe this will not give me A25b, but a newer development version. Thats not what I want Is there a different bunch of commands which will change it to A25b instead? @Stan` is there a simple solution?
  18. I also think that sword cav is fine. It can gather only food, and mercs can't gather at all. So why wouldn't it be stronger than citizen soldiers which can gather everything...
  19. I'm a top 40 player and I build palisades very rarely, walls almost never. So hey, the bot must be clever ; )
  20. 1. Javelin cavalry 2. Javelineers 3. Slingers 4. Camel archers Hit-and-run-tactics are helpful Slingers might be preferable because they contribute so well to your economy
  21. - if you use rightclick+ctrl+q on a formation, those soldiers will not attack only units, but also hack down buildings - buildings close to hostile fortresses decay to gaia
  22. Right now the Ratings bot is in the lobby, but again all ratings are hidden and all stats
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