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Everything posted by Carltonus

  1. Xerxes in Old Persian. Have you not read the latest news:
  2. Ihr Hausmodell ist sehr wunderbar. Da following Sentence ist pseudo-Deutsch: Dieser Herr hast ein grosspotential fur ein neues Thrakerfaktion (oder Subfaktion)!
  3. You're in luck, here's the Kinsmen Cavalry from the Atropatene (Median) faction, good to know that the faction's starting region in Rome 2 Diviide et Impera mod neighbors the Seleucids. Great replacement for the elites, but they seem to me like champions: And more medium cavalry, don't think this could be of much help: The above link also has some more images that might somehow be useful in your research, they're in the Eastern Factions section. For the actual Seleucid faction, this is the only one I found:
  4. I think @Genava55's like means "yes", so it's a maybe. For the benefit of doubt, no need for a swap, just a cosmetic appearance and/or with slightly increased stats for the champion swordsman. For the citizen cavalry skirmisher, as to rid the anachronistic Achaemenid barding and armor, why not Median cavalry? That is, until a Pontic faction is made: Persian skirmishers (also from Pontus faction), for basic rank: Can't wait to see the new icons with the updated thureos shields.
  5. Suggest you keep researching and to not rely much on Wikipedia. Maybe an Atlas-only unit?
  6. Another option can be a separate reformed (Hellenistic) Spartan faction, the village phase will have pikemen, Skiritai peltasts, and Tarantine cavalry, and the rest will follow. Athens can also follow suit so epibates (marines) can be basic-elite and champion hoplites are logades instead of epilektos. That way, these are consistent with the theuros-wielding soldiers which used to be recruitable at the stoa. Still clinging on the hypaspist swordsmen for the Macedonians.
  7. The new siege engine models exceeded my expectations after seeing the gameplay video by @psypherium. The only things left to make are their unit icons. Also, the polybolos icon still uses the oxybeles image, and the Carthaginian deployed siege engines @LordGood's "paintings". Suggest these quick changes, thanks!
  8. Suggest a two subfaction system in which will be split into Traditional and Reformed, like the Seleucids in Alpha 23 but better. For the Traditional, the player should choose Leonidas, Brasidas, or Lysander as their main hero; the Reformed Cleomenes and the fifth hero (Nabis?) Traditional units Perioikoi hoplite Helot skirmisher Helot slinger Perioikoi podromoi Skiritai hoplite/swordsman Spartan hoplites, two can promote to Olympic champions Theurophoros skirmisher → Celto-Iberian skirmisher Thorakites → Lucanian/Celto-Iberian swordsman Mercenaries: Symmachoi (allied) hoplite Symmachoi cavalry (spear or lance) Cretan archer Reformed units Reformed Spartan phalangite Skiritai skirmisher Skiritai swordsman Tarantine cavalry Reformed Spartan hoplite, can promote to Royal Spartan hoplite? Gastraphetes Mercenaries: Symmachoi theurophoros spearman Symmachoi cavalry (spear or lance) Cretan archer Symmachoi thorakites swordsman That way, the shift from perioikoi citizenship makes sense and there are no longer two kinds of pikemen. If still insisting on the citizen/champion pikemen paradigm, then instead of "Perioikoi" and "Spartan", how about "Reformed Spartan Phalangite" and "Thorakites Phalangite"? Elite gets 1/3 chance to wear a cape. Anything else?
  9. The Spartans Above: King Leonidas and his "Battle Frenzy" upgrade Above: General Brasidas (left), Admiral Lysander (right) Above: Unused hero Agis III (left), Cleomenes III (right) Note: I might add Agesilaus as a 5th selectable hero and use the left-hand portrait Above: Queen Gorgo (left), Spartan Female Citizen (right) Above: Priest-Healer (left), Helots/Slaves (right)
  10. Still thinking about what to put?

    At least a unit breakdown is enough like your Seleucid thread, so I can think of any suggestions. Same for the Spartans.

  11. Since there will be more than one type of cavalry archer for the Parthians, think this should be high time to implement the camel stench aura like in Delenda Est. Suggest that the unarmored cavalry (axeman, skirmisher, archer, and camel archer) can be recruited from the Corral, like the Xiongnu faction, while the cataphracts from the Stable (a City Phase building). The Persian Kardakes hoplite, Persian archer, and camel cataphracts from the Fortress. Had the Parthians actually recruited Roman mercenaries? Thought Rome was one of their traditional enemies. If not, the embassy can hire a Pontic phalangite alongside the Parthohellenic theurophoros swordsman and Hindu war elephants. Expecting at least 7 champions for the Parthian faction. Does the Spanish mean the trader (camel) the same stats as a Maurya elephant? Or there will be elephants as mode of transporting goods? Here is my proposed breakdown (slight modified from @Duileoga's above, and friendly for non-Spanish speakers): City Center Persian spearman Parthian archer Cavalry skirmisher Cavalry spearman? (Town phase) Camel archer? Barracks/Training Ground Persian spearman Eastern hillman (axeman) Parthian archer Corral Cavalry axeman Cavalry spearman? Cavalry skirmisher Cavalry archer Camel archer? Stable Cavalry spearman Cavalry archer Cataphract lancer Cataphract archer Embassy (or swordsman and phalangite go to Barracks in City Phase, elephant in Fortress) Parthohellenic theurophoros swordsman Pontic phalangite Hindu war elephant Fortress Persian Kardakes hoplite Persian archer? Camel cataphract (lancer) Which one of these can be the champion spearman? There's already the Parthohellenic swordsman, so the latter will suffice.
  12. Philip's cuirass matches well with his helmet. You know, classical-era soldiers equipped with a thureos may be considered anachronistic. They are more suited to a later Macedonian faction such as the Antigonids. Suggest that the black cloaks and Odrysians replace their shields with peltai? In the same manner, the thorakites with hypaspist swordsmen or the related. Consider it a temporary measure until some kind of weapon-switching system is in place.
  13. @MrLux, having been looking at the progress of the wonder once in a while, it looks impressive. Are the trees and shrubs intended to be part of the wonder, or they will be removed when the finished product is ready?
  14. @Nescio, in my opinion, the wearing of one greave is somewhat unconventional in battle, probably for show-off at peacetime, and a Latin tradition. Greeks, likely out of date range of this game. Maybe one-greave soldiers (especially with intricate designs) can be a rare occurrence, like in 1 out of 10? Gladiators may be an exception.
  15. @Genava55, pardon the bytes: The frescoes depict what appears to be potential "hoplites"/spearmen, a skirmisher, and a swordsman. Are these all Lucanians, or some are from other Italic tribes (Samnites, etc.)? That is, if there are proposals for Syracuse faction, some other Magna Graecia (sub)faction, or an Auxilia system (by biome, or embassies) can be added for the Romans. Maybe for Epirotes. A few of such units from Total War Rome II: Native Lucanian Warriors (champion or mercenary swordsmen): https://www.honga.net/totalwar/rome2/unit.php?l=en&v=rome2&f=inv_rome&u=inv_local_lucanian_warriors The best image of them I can find. Mercenary Brutti Veterans (champion? skirmishers): https://www.honga.net/totalwar/rome2/unit.php?l=en&v=rome2&f=&u=inv_mercenary_brutti_veterans
  16. We'll continue the discussion on the Spartan hero(es) and units when @wowgetoffyourcellphone creates a separate Spartans thread. If he doesn't want to split them into two factions (which would've made Pausinias a third/forth for the traditional and Nabis a second/third on the reform), might as well put Nabis as a fifth. Other than that, Agis III only has the 1000 health bonus in vanilla, while Leonidas has an aura bonus for hoplites around him, which of course makes almost little difference which hoplite hero to take. In my opinion, Spartan heroes should all be hoplites or, in the case of Lysander/possible fifth hero, at least a xiphos and aspis. Rome II has the Spartan general unit hoplites. Checked the GitHub code and found out Hannibal has an upgrade to ride Surus. Why not also give him the option (hidden in the hero card) of riding a horse, since Surus was probably attested only around the Second Punic War (and never heard again after that)? A second choice of speed or power. Good for father-son and brothers-in-law scenarios.
  17. A few suggestions: The Reform pair upgrades should be removed, like in @borg-'s mod, so the Romanized Thorakites can only available to Antiochus IV. Any thoughts for mercenary/champion swordsmen if you choose the other two? Visualization for the Parade of Daphne (if you want to add/make a change for some units): If you want, there can be a second elephant unit, an un-barded tower one, which costs food, wood, and coins, and extremely vulnerable to javelineers. Then the armored war elephant can add metal to the cost.
  18. I don't remember generating such a map, but I did edit and play-test the Macedonian campaign by @SciGuy42. After that, I played a game of Corinthian Isthmus (4 players), forgetting to reveal the whole map, and for a while commanded my AI ally's hoplites. Crash happened sometime around when my other AI opponents were trying to penetrate my walls for a second time. Was able to use the save option a few times until warnings appeared that forbade me to save further. commands.txt
  19. Just another one today. userreport_hwdetect.txt crashlog.dmp crashlog.txt interestinglog.html mainlog.html system_info.txt
  20. If not perioikoi (dwellers around), one other option is the symmachoi (allied [Greeks]), which connotes most likely non-Spartans. Probably mercenaries as well. Since you said "citizen-soldier", the ambiguity between perioikoi and Spartiates begins to appear. Might as well make the phalangites Spartiates, and the champion thorakitai phalangitai (link is for the Antigonid faction). Other options have to be kept open. Here are all the available hoplites and phalangites for the Spartan faction in the Divide et Impera mod that might help you. At least one non-Skiritai hoplite unit still needs to be intact, or that hoplite/spearman unit can be an symmachoi that replaces the already-existing Pelopponesian Hoplite mercenary. What do you think?
  21. Using Alt while dragging works for the grass, but rubble_rome_sb (the destroyed Roman camp) still cannot be selected. Is this a bug?
  22. I can edit the scenario maps now. Very nice. But there is one more thing missing: how do I delete already-placed actors? The destroyed Roman camp in the first campaign has to go, and the grass models need to move.
  23. To be historically fair, the Silver Shield hypaspists upgrade should be exclusive to Alexander (and optionally, whenever a Maurya or some other Hindu faction is in play). The Somatophylakes (royal bodyguards) upgrade should be exclusive to both Philip and Alexander (maybe Demetrius?). These can be some of the hidden upgrades in the faction. I wholly admit that in Total War: Rome II the separation of perioikoi and Spartan phalangite is most likely not historically accurate, and is exclusive from the game. The Divide et Impera mod kind of fixed that historical error with only one kind of pikemen for the faction: Neohomoioi Phalangitai. Mea culpa. So the hoplites are still mandatory, but their gear should be "updated" to Hellenistic times. If you have any alternatives and/or more additions/revisions to the reformed Spartans, let me know. A separate (sub-)faction would've been better, since at least two more heroes (Agis IV, Nabis, you name them) can be implemented with this.
  24. The downloaded maps still cannot be opened in Atlas. After clicking open, there is a selection of maps (Skirmish, Scenarios, Tutorials) based on the C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\data\mods\public\public.zip folder. How to make it open maps from anywhere? The Trac article never tells that procedure.
  25. What I mean is, @Stan` and @SciGuy42, are there instructions to open downloaded map(s)? Since I can't do that on a vanilla game and Atlas, which opens the ones on the public .zip folder. Trac doesn't give much. Not registered to GitHub, and might not want to. Could post the finished product(s) here.
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