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Everything posted by Carltonus

  1. As of latest Alpha 26 release, as before in my last reply; and weirdly enough, the pikemen (ji bing) can only assume the anti-cavalry idle pose holding their ji with one hand instead of the intended syntagma per [27079]: 0 A.D. 2022-09-24 08-57-42.mp4
  2. Branch progress: carltonus-names Technologies Phases ✓ (implemented in Alpha 27, but welcome to any further suggestions) Others (list expanding for specifics) Structures Athenians Britons Carthaginians Gauls Han Iberians Kushites Macedonians Mauryas Ptolemies Romans Seleucids Spartans ✓ Renamed some SpecificNames to Doric or Laconic forms Others Units Athenians Britons Carthaginians Gauls Han Iberians Kushites Macedonians Mauryas Ptolemies Romans Seleucids Spartans Others Miscellaneous The original opening message is below:
  3. Similar to what @Gurken Khanreplied on the Corinthian Isthmus misspelling, the video timestamp 2:43 has the "Chang Jiang" (Yangtze) map titled as "Chin Jiang". Noticed this days before you posted this.
  4. Please be careful whoever sorted the trailer playlist, the Alpha 25 one is the second-bottommost rather than the top as with the others in ascending order. Typographical errors on the latest is noticeable, such as that of the "Long River" in Chinese.
  5. Much I can give you based on what is terribly needed in this area. It's high time that there should be icons for unlocking chariots too, amongst other things. For the former, at least 4 can be worked out; one for (Achaemenid) Persians, one for the Mauryas, another for the Diadochi-era factions (particularly the Seleucids), and the last for Britons. Maybe another for the Han, in case of mods or if unit moved to stable in the future. These can share a common pose, and the same can be done too for the unlocking champion infantry, cavalry, and others too. Any thoughts for the Mauryan palace and faction-exclusive temples?
  6. How about compatibility for Apple devices with M1 chips? Would be great for doing tests on my MacBook Pro.
  7. Here is the .pdf article for possible Sanskrit translations of "town" and "city". If too long didn't read, they are "Nagara" and "Pura", respectively. Were it being Prakrit, the former's rendition would have been "Naara". If you want "village" for reference, it is "Grāma" (Prakrit "Gāma"). One of the next steps for improvement in the next working alpha (27), after release of 26 in a few days/weeks, is the enrichment of the specific and generic names. To begin, the Great Stupa can be "Mahāstūpa", whereas the former moved to generic parameter.
  8. Pardon the necropost, but please remind us of either which language is currently used for the Specific Name parameter of this faction: is it Sanskrit, Prakrit, or a mix of both? This decides the names for the town and city phases, among others. Potential replacement for the maiden guard swordsmen? Most of them already in the core game; the rest, especially the lancer and the two tribesmen, can be Atlas-only units, or better still, trained from captured barracks, stables, and embassies. Not to mention if the texture maps can be improved or new ones made. All of these after the 26th alpha is released, of course.
  9. More oversight for the Han; this is before @wowgetoffyourcellphone added syntagma formation for the ji bing: 0 A.D. 2022-09-13 01-04-37.mp4 In short, the same goes for the mao bing (spearmen) and palace guards, former cannot assume the supposedly Roman anti-cavalry and latter (along with Atlas-only dismounted Han Xin) unable to do the same. Is the latter case intended? Standards used are for the wrong civilization emblems too, in tandem with the incorrect formation animations. Also, the Han sandbox starts with the imperial court building rather than the gongdian, which is the usual civic center. Clicking the court building initially shows outright the grayed out jun (III or city phase) upgrade. Unless you build the actual civic center somewhere to do the xian (II or town phase) upgrade, you can't with the chaoting per se. Further, the mao bing also have a weird animation when carrying wood, walking if still wielding the spear: 1995604007_0A.D.2022-09-1301-46-54.mp4
  10. That's correct. Switched to OpenGL from legacy OpenGL ARB, still flickers upon starting to record after opening .exe/shortcut; but the .exe was in fullscreen at that time. Interesting Microsoft docs quote, these may explain the black rectangles and flickering issues I have experienced... never thought of those before. Windowed mode seems to have stopped the black bits from appearing and disruption of Game Bar recordings in both default and legacy OpenGL options in-game.
  11. Last week, the whole game windowed flickered black for a few milliseconds, instantly stopping any recording with Xbox Game Bar: Still persists even with recording after startup or restart of the .exe or shortcut. Attached is most recent of both: system_info.txt and userreport_hwdetect.txt As of today/tonight, seems to be no longer the case. In other news, the Nisean Horses upgrade is still grayed out even after reaching City Phase as indicated in tooltip. Edit: The next alpha should have said tooltip explicitly require the Unlock Champion Cavalry technology. 0 A.D. 2022-09-11 01-29-31.mp4
  12. Thanks for fixing the unit actors that used the wrong formation animations. Suggest that the Atlas-only footmen heroes Quintus Fabius and Claudius fix their testudo animations as well since they equip a scutum on their left hand. Don't know about Scipio though.

    1. wowgetoffyourcellphone


      I think I can fix those too. :)

    2. Carltonus


      Great, thanks once again. Re-opened the ticket as not to forget.

  13. The same should be done for the testudo and anti-cavalry for the republican Roman hastati and triarii, as presented in a previous post of mine.
  14. This is as soon as I start a normal 1v1 game. If I did this on full-screen the Xbox Game Bar would instantly stop recording immediately when black bars or flickers appear at random times. Begins when doing a snap-in at opposing center, was about to go back to my base to actually place the house somewhere around mine. 0 A.D. 2022-08-30 21-49-28.mp4 commands.txtmetadata.json
  15. The Seleucid militia cavalry still uses the Achaemenid Median Cavalry icon. Minor edit, or for the next alpha?
    Not wanting to necropost the thread of improving the hero portraits just yet: what of Chandragupta the last to have yet a portrait... either @m7600 or @kul could put the last jigsaw piece, and maybe add one for Maharbal to replace LordGood's watercolor.
    Finally, suggesting that the lacey border of the Han minister's icon be removed as it's a remnant of your mod and none of the hero icons in the main game has one.

    1. wowgetoffyourcellphone


      I have several fixes locally, including the Seleucid militia cav one. 

      The Han minister, I kept it because he's not a hero or a standard unit, but special. I might end up removing the lace border regardless.

      Unfortunately, I think a lot of my local art fixes will have to wait for A27. I'll commit them the moment after A26 goes live though.


  16. Playing as the Han faction in Atlas allows them to assume the anti-cavalry formation like the Romans. Don't know yet if the citizen spearmen can do so too... I would try to load a typical game, but getting this "screen freeze" would take some luck. In one case, after loading the resource-heavy "Egypt (3v3)" skirmish map: 0 A.D. 2022-08-29 02-37-12.mp4 0 A.D. 2022-08-29 02-28-21.mp4
  17. Atlas - Scenario Editor - maps_tutorials_custome.xml 2022-08-28 04-51-09.mp4 The Atlas-only Samnite spearmen suffer the same as the others, in addition to not performing the phalanx walking animations. Are the Han halberdiers supposed to not assume syntagma, even if in a faction that allows such (i.e. Macedonians/Successors) or by editor/"wololo"? It would be weird for them charging the enemy with jis in shoulder. Finally, I get this game-breaking bug when giving orders to both the late-era Spartan pikemen and pike hero Philip II (also Atlas-only units) at the end; this persists at every restart of the editor. You can still continue playing, but the screen appears to be "freezing" at this point. Same happens when playing a normal game at random times.
  18. Does that mean Old Chinese? Consider using Wiktionary and/or the classics as reference(s) for greetings and vocabulary.
  19. Look at the idle animations of the citizen hoplites, pikemen, and Roman soldiers that are assuming the phalanx, syntagma, or testudo and anti-cavalry formations, respectively. It's just their normal idle animations being played rather than their intended effect after stopping. Only the Libyan and diadochi mercenary spearmen are able to do their idle phalanx positions.
  20. The issue is just the tip of the iceberg: some, but not all, of the other factions have their citizen hoplites and pikemen unable to do their own idle stances as well. Pericles also has the same defect: 0 A.D. 2022-08-24 14-40-21.mp4 0 A.D. 2022-08-24 14-51-50.mp4 0 A.D. 2022-08-24 15-20-39.mp4 0 A.D. 2022-08-24 15-25-37.mp4 0 A.D. 2022-08-24 15-37-26.mp4 0 A.D. 2022-08-24 15-55-24.mp4 Romans also have this with their testudo and anti-cavalry. The two Atlas-only infantry heroes excluding Scipio have scuta and can't normally assume the former. The evocati and other Roman champions (i.e. legionaries) are unable to be distinguished with the republican extraordinarii: 0 A.D. 2022-08-24 15-11-21.mp4
  21. In the scenario "Sandbox - The Spartans", Player 1 uses the Athenian faction rather than the intended Spartan. Madness, I tell you! Also, the perioikoi hoplites don't assume the idle phalanx stance as the Spartiates and heroes do: 0 A.D. 2022-08-24 04-29-12.mp4
  22. The plan was that the marine-unlocking tech be a new file itself, but since the Iphicratean Reforms parameters were originally for this purpose, might as well rename it to what @wowgetoffyourcellphone prefers better for ease: "Delian League", "Delian Marines", or somebody else can propose a different name. In my case, since it is for allowing marines and Cretans to be recruited at ports and triremes, name it to something like "Naval Deployment", "Naval Preparedness", or the related. Then the consensus process can begin. Back on topic and reiterating, the Iphicratean Reforms tech is supposed to be for unlocking the epilektos (and the future light peltast/hoplite hybrid). Some have said that this is post-golden age of Athens, so it does little to the faction as a whole and could put the epilektos itself in doubt. But since it would be one less champion, this already-present tech should serve its purpose. The archer- and marine-unlocking tech will still be there, but the two units should not need this to be required to be trained at the barracks and gymnasium, respectively; only for extension to be trained also at the two naval entities mentioned above.
  23. Reluctantly agree, but that will make two citizen swordsmen, the other being the hippeus (Greek cavalry). If there is consensus, that and the Greek scout cavalry may have to swap their recruitable phases. As well as a replacement for the champion unit (the light peltast, anybody?). There was another stoa unit in alpha 23, a mercenary Thracian swordsman which is a mix of the present Macedonian champion and Seleuicid mercenary. It was recruitable in town phase but acted as like other champions. The faction had three swordsmen types in all. Is anyone really going to do the necessary rename of and creation of the marine and reform techs? Would post this to the alpha 27 suggestions for reminder if this is not the right time...
  24. Why did you change Hamilcar and Maharbal's portraits, especially the former to Xenophon's?

    Isn't @LordGoods (?) Maharbal too oil pastel-y or watercolory? Talking about the r26691.

    1. wowgetoffyourcellphone


      Indeed your assessment is correct. I deemed the Xenophon portrait to fit the others more closely.

  25. How about the new Macedonian wonder (26397)? Though, it still needs the generic name of "Palace of (or 'at') Aigai" so to clarify the ancient Greek translation to other players.
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