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Everything posted by happyconcepts

  1. I have been working on a mod for the Caribbean, and therefore welcome and encourage mapping efforts for these beautiful island habitats. So far I have only mapped some Bahamas and Cuba using a subset of the tropical textures. @Marcus Brutus Bombastus nice work!
  2. Not to digress but I would be keen to know more about Echelon in this context of player rating and accountability!
  3. Timing. Getting to know how long you need to do ____stuffs like building a tower, catching a pig, upgrades, and getting your army moved across the map or into position for a play. But timing is just one area among many ... glad to hear you are enjoying RTS and 0 AD.
  4. Myself, I stay away from freshwater tuna. Just sayin'
  5. The order in which the mods are loaded will matter, too. Load 0 AD first and then load the other mod.
  6. Those words would reflect your mind, yes? Please try to change your mind bro. And the words will take care of themselves.
  7. So let me do my best to answer my own question. Perhaps others should still ask themselves the same. 1. I like to play RTS. 2. I am not prolific but my code is written with diligence, and I am always learning and trying to improve. 3. I have played RTS for over 20 years. See #1. 4. To call 0 A.D. a game is too polite. More like a screwed up science project. That's how I see it. So I come to contribute and only get trolled and labeled a complainer by the dev team. So let me get back to my question and see if my answer is any different next time.
  8. I'm just scared. When I contribute, like my last suggestion about battle alerts, it gets called a "complaint". Why should I stay involved with 0 ad?
  9. I agree that the player should not find it difficult to know if they are under attack. I share your pain. But reading the alert... reading hmmm..is anti-pattern for video games? I strongly suggest using audiovisual cues, similar to the ideas @wowgetoffyourcellphone and others have shared in the battle sounds thread. Here's what I suggest. When I play regicide games, I can see whenever my hero is taking damage because the hero,'s icon flashes with an overlay color. Let me make the strongest point I can here. In regicide this visual alert approach just works. I know when I'm engaged and my hero is taking damage. That I cannot even now tell you what color the icon changes when it flashes really tells me that this is good UI.
  10. JavaScript has its own, shall we say, interpretation .... of int and float. I would check any maths added to trade.js?
  11. Really I just would like a louder, better alarm sound when being attacked. I have lost too many bases because of it!
  12. Anyone can make a game. I think listening more to gamers is essential to making a fun game.
  13. @(-_-) Are you following the fork or otherwise leaving? Your cogent responses have inspired me in the beginning, here.
  14. Thank you for that @Nescio. I am not here for drama. Your kindness will be appreciated very much.
  15. Disappointed that @feneur with mod rights can edit people's posts, by @Nescio in this case. Perhaps Nescio has mod rights too and can edit his own. That would be the issue, although it's also disappointing to be ridiculed.
  16. About all I can say is that if you use the banhammer it should be fairly applied, and not capriciously relaxed for friends. Nobody but the corrupted supports corruption.
  17. So from what ive gathered, you know this place and this repo and this crew. So I want to underatand, are you indeed confirming that some people can evidently (and quietly) change their posts on this forum? Because it seems to me that all you have done so far with your reply, really, is to come upon a single voice being raped by many entitled voices, and you have only jumped into line (with a smile emoji) to take your turn too. That seems self-serving of you @feneur, or covering for your friend, as opposed to being either helpful or investigative for example. Open-minded is a concept, yes? To be clear, with only about two posts under my belt at the time, I mirrored nescio's language in my reply on purpose. Because I didn't know the markdown for quoting. @Krinkle perhaps my initial comment was more spot-on than I thought. Has anyone else here beside me given you the DR mechanics feedback you asked for?
  18. @Sundiata This works in my mod! So please come and play it. I've tested on some but would like to see about as many existing maps as possible. It really changes the gameplay (better in my opinion). @asterix please let me know too if you like it!
  19. Was my contribution committed? Nescio commented to the OP @krinkle on June 23 that (my) patch had been "submitted" so I responded to this thread, and perhaps the genuine disappointment in my voice was felt in that post. I look now at that first post and he said my patch was "submitted". So yeah, that's a bummer feeling to face on my end. From the phab issue discussion it would seem that Nescio has no vocabulary deficiencies and may even be skilled with language.....so why not use "accepted" for my patch in the first place if that was the case on June 23. It would have avoided confusion and coincidentally not made a newcomer like myself feel like this repo might have been taken over by squatting trolls. Too bad we can't discuss the OP topic here...why not? I would like to, now that you've engaged me. Aloha
  20. This should be great for my interior thalassic artist, thank you. Is it part of A24 or would it be committed to the "dev" repository? How would I access it?
  21. Just a few months ago, I submitted my first contribution to 0 A.D. as a patch for this issue. It was tagged "beginner" by @Imarok. But either feature creep or no room for a newcomer like me? Idk I tried. So ...metaphorically speaking, and sadly too (which is why I'm expressing it) "Diminishing Returns" seems so far to describe the investment of my interest and time toward 0 A.D. in the less than four months since I came here to be a modder, mapper and FOSS contributor. I would point out that a more sensible simulation would be to add people to work the land and improve the yield (not diminish it). But that would have been beyond the scope of this issue. The DR mechanic is being mis-applied as a "feature" when it would be better used to sim other gameplay dynamics. So yeah, no one else here cares about my contribution, so you probably shouldn't either?
  22. But ideally I would like to play with a minimap... just smaller and with a compass heading and user-customised to the right side of my screen UI ... I remain interested in this topic and encourage progress. Ross Bolymon!
  23. Thanks for the help, found the object name (at least in A23): Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("minimapPanel").hidden = true;
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