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Everything posted by happyconcepts

  1. Ahh ... A meta approach to balancing for DE heros? Alas it is a challenge I am somewhat familiar with since I am at a similar stage with the Aye Pirates mod. Apologies for not knowing DE better, but with AP I started with four basic "advantage" paths that a hero can buff into ... all with aura ... then added a fifth (economic via trade): Attack Damage / Attack speed Armor Move speed Loyalty (resist capture) TradeGain Its fun to play so far... if you have other advantage mechanics in DE I say use them. i want more stealth for example.
  2. This mitigates "dancing" if the splash damage catches the dancer, anyhow that was my thinking last month. I put 10m range splash damage for cannon in the Aye Pirates mod ... but I'm not a dancer so I cannot confirm that it is effective.
  3. Wow 3 games today if i read it correctly... GO TEAM ! ! ! (YOU TOO CAN DO IT TOO @badosu ! !)
  4. There's the link for you. Its for A 23 Ken Wood version of 0 A.D. Hope you like it!
  5. They are saying protests are planned for the summer. Geez I barely survived this last round of looting in LA ... and I was just trying to stay out of the way
  6. If you don't mind the lack of new art, try the aye pirates mod. I'm fighting from my ship(s) the whole time ... perhaps you would enjoy the gameplay
  7. I like the idea of your mod! There is sure to be much more American history buried in the jungle.
  8. Arrrg forgot to include me map of Romanos Bay Cuba...it will probably make it into the next release. Meanwhile random is playable. Try: Map Type: Random Map filter: Naval maps Select Map: Pirates Map Size: <Captain's choice> Biome: Caribbe Population Cap: 100 or 150 or 200 Game Speed: Island-style (optionally, Drunken Sailor) Regicide is fun because your hero is quite charismatic and can capture just about anything .. but basic (conquest) victory condition plays ok too.
  9. Version 0.9 released (yay) its in the Mods section of the Forums. Apologies for the wait ...
  10. Aye Pirates Mod attached as .zip version 0.9 BLM Captain your crew in the Carribbean back in the 17th century ... Boats -- Whales -- Boars -- Cannon(ish) -- Slaves (can become free) Muskets -- Original Music -- Re-worked gameplay -- Tides!!! I know Lion has asked for screenshots but my rig is broken ATM. More to follow ( I hope) Enjoy! aRRRRRRRRRRR - happy ps its really rough and a work in progress here is the hash ayepirates_0.9.zip MD5: 4e01f885ee0d237f09cdc5fe6ee4317b ayepirates_0.9.zip
  11. @LordGood looks great! My Aye Pirates Mod v 0.9 first public release (CC-by-sa) is about ready to go! Will you let me include your musketman as the art for the "shooting pirate" unit? I shall be looking to change the hats, of course, for the 17-18th century flair about it!
  12. I adjusted territory in Aye Pirates perhaps I could persuade you to play my mod and see how it goes? @andremm486 Its far from removed completely but in Pirates you get the forward expansion/firebase support option by building docks and houses. As for whether or not you can "rush" your opponent with it....remains to be discovered! Join the crew!
  13. OK I must admit to being embarassed. I forgot to post the mod files. Lots of fires and looting last night here in Los Angeles, now there's a curfew. Aye curfew.
  14. Hello everyone! May 15, 2020 So I (@HappyConcepts) am clearly not an artist but ...I like RTS So I am very happy indeed to present my mod for your gaming pleasure. Let’s feed your soul with pursuit of princely treasure! Aye pirates ! Plenty of ships we find laden with cinnamon, silver, or ivory or gold! In this life of adventure, lad You will ne’er grow old Aye pirates , known as scourge of the seas and the shallows! Yet I have known many who Would not rightly deserve gallows There be many with letters of Marque those Kingsmen … those killers! Those wretched devils! Those privateers! Those frigates wreck’d and those thund’ring nines! Watery graveyards remember no crimes. Aye mates rejoice! Brethren drink in this night! Aye pirates! For freedom! For treasure! For fun! For the fight! Ummm yes I look forward to as much input as possible. The art is obviously lacking at the point but there are several hundred hours of play-testing put in over the past 13 months and I must say I really enjoy playing this mod! I hope you enjoy it and please post questions, ideas, suggestions here! The github should be up soon ... Please stay safe, COVID is a killer in these unprecedented times!
  15. How would you "keep control" of an enemy's Mill? Is the Mill not subject to strong territory influence from the enemy's Civ Center next to it?
  16. Greetings bushido There are enough capricious and arbitrary changes being made in this world. This change would directly affect me e.g. "affects": "mod maintainer", What is the benefit to changing how these tech targets are parsed? Which bug(s) does it address? Thank you for your time.
  17. Are you limiting the maximum sundials to one in templates/special/player/player.xml or else maybe there is a better alternative? I just checked and at least one of my limits set in player.xml is being completely disregarded by the simulation...
  18. So somehow "slavery" is so unacceptable to the core devs that slave units were removed... Yet somehow "misogyny" is so acceptable to the core devs that the women remain nerfed. Change please. Moral consistency is OP.
  19. I have placed relics in my maps and they seem work for both A23b and A24 dev. So is it the victory condition for Wonders that is your problem, or is it also Capture the Relic victory condition has a problem too? When I find some time I will load up that Med map and check it.
  20. What do you think the bb stands for in your troll username and why would you even push such a narative? I think you do it to yourself, it's just an opinion. Enjoy the ban.
  21. sudoAD would do for me, but I've no real idea where all the user data telemetry is going...on either fork!
  22. In a map I'm making (1666) I replaced some trees as decals and placed them so catapults and large units cannot pass through them. Done it on a couple, actually. I probably got the term wrong, not decals but... it's like placing units except these are the trees you cannot chop down for wood. It's laborious to map it this way but it seems to work.
  23. I understand you, I am suggesting that changing the map's water depth would be the fastest way to achieve your goal. Imho there are larger game issues atm to be addressed. For the GUI, I hesitate about calculating the additional pathfinding each turn. Hey why not rush a tower in that spot and perhaps with a house too, then you can build the dock further south?
  24. That's not a good place to build the dock imho and as it's a strategy game involving choice I like the challenges and consequences that evolve from making decisions like where to build my dock. But if its a continuing problem then just make the water deeper (by that shore) in the map itself.
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