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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. My experience with Steam was infuriating and thus very short lived. I bought a new laptop and just grabbed a Civ V disk to go along (I really loved Civ III). The game wasn't fit to publish in its release state, the Steam software made my whole system 'fishy', the offline mode didn't work, often when I wanted to play I had to do Gigabytes of updates first, when Steam servers didn't answer I couldn't play the game I bought on a disk... So yeah, screw them and everybody like them.
  2. @elexis I could make an uneducated guess, but I'll just try to summon @(-_-) instead.
  3. Well... https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/forum/448-delenda-est/
  4. @SundiataWhile you might be completely right, how would you translate that into units stats? (I have no idea how the damage of those three weapons would compare, or how they should be balanced.)
  5. @(-_-)Thanks for your answer! Are you making a ticket or fixing it directly? I tried to look up what an actor is a while ago, but reading it again I realized I still don't really have an idea...
  6. I just had two invisible relics. missing-relics.ZIP
  7. When I upgrade a Sentry Tower to Defence Tower it's technically a different building? I noticed before that workers stopped repairing the tower when the upgrade finished while they were at it. And I finally figured out why Sentries isn't researched although I was sure I already did it... I don't even know if I got refunded when the research stopped due to the upgrade, but I would really prefer the research to continue even if the tower upgrades in the meantime.
  8. Yeah, I actually figured that out while playing on. I wanted to look at the ship's stats to see if I should wait for that or take the cheaper one. The ship will unlock with p3, so that's not really a choice as I will progress anyway. I still think the mouse-over shouldn't tell me to right-click and then do nothing. (Ofc I can always go to the unit tree and look at the ship there, but if I just wanna compare ships at the harbor I think the game can just give me those infos right there.)
  9. Bug: Sometimes when an icon says 'Right-click to view more information.' nothing happens when right-clicking. I guess I should've headed over to that other website to search if it's a known bug?
  10. @SundiataYeah. I gotta say I find the Rashudin color scheme a bit more appealing.
  11. mkay. My 'simple' suggestion here would be to tell ~it, so the replay can be loaded and continued. There are most likely totally valid reasons why the savegame is forgotten; else I'd 'simply' suggest to remember and continue that... And that's probably how deep I will have ventured into this topic.
  12. Hello & welcome @Raulillo! Don't worry, there's a learning curve! Personally I'm still playing against very easy AI (usually 2 vs 4 enemies). Enjoy the game & the forum!
  13. I'd still be interested in replies to my previous post! How about a category 'support' for the Units Statistics? I have plenty of space for an additional category, and that way the numbers for 'Lost' would add up. Ofc that still wouldn't account for the three units I captured... Is there also a category missing for the buildings?
  14. Hope you bear with me for a bit! I don't know if your statement is true for all cases or just mp-clients? Clearly the game saves the, uh, gamesave at some point? The replay I posted above had three parts. So I guess I saved two times during the game? What is saved then? And when I load a game, what is loaded? 0AD knows which specific game I am loading/rejoining, so why can't it 'simply' load and continue the files of that game?
  15. @(-_-) @elexis Thanks for your answers. Why can't 0AD 'simply' continue the replay file when a game is loaded/rejoined? Clearly, having one (working) replay is what I'd want after a game, and not this current fragmented sh state of things.
  16. Sooo... Let's assume I had three 'replays' which together I guessed would be the replay of my last game. last_replay.zip What would I have to do to make that a working replay?
  17. Out of address space (64-bit OS may help) Location: wvm.cpp:296 (vm::AddressRangeDescriptor::Allocate) Call stack: (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found) errno = 0 (No error reported here) OS error = 8 (Für diesen Befehl ist nicht genügend Speicher verfügbar.) I thought maybe it was a RAM issue. I looked a bit for 'OS error = 8' which to me seemed to point more in the direction of resource leaks? I have no actual debugging experience, but should I maybe install some tool to see if I can catch what's going on?
  18. @Loki1950 Yes, thank you. That was the stuff I posted yesterday. More often than not crashlog and interestinglog don't catch my crashes, though. I tried the pause/crash thing again yesterday: it took two hours. It's not a pressing issue, however one I can reproduce. And did someone change the title of this thread? I'm quite sure I intentionally used the wrong superlative 'recenst'.
  19. @stanislas69 Thanks for your reply. I have 640KB >800GB free disk space; that oughta be enough. I should follow that antivir lead. What other app could be using a 0AD file? That out of address stuff usually comes up when things already have gone to sh*ts and I'm trying to click away those gray error windows with 'continue'. Although I believe the messages that an error has occurred, I'm not sure how much of the details I should believe...
  20. Normally I can save games; so 0AD should have those rights, no?
  21. Tried it again last night; it 'worked', but I fell asleep so I can't tell how long it took, lol. I believe it was >1 hour. I'm kinda used to encounter quite 'original' errors, so wouldn't surprise me too much if no one else can reproduce it. On a completely different note, the game just crashed: Function call failed: return value was -1 (Function failed (no details available)) Location: SavedGame.cpp:113 (SavedGames::Save) Call stack: 0036E0FF 003EE5B9 003EED98 003E9FCA 003E9317 003E9A58 5E0736A4 5E077D91 4ABB6250 0068EB58 errno = 13 (Insufficient access rights to open file) OS error = 0 (no error code was set) ERROR: could not initialize ogg data at audio/music/Sands_of_Time.ogg ERROR: Failed to save game Often the error message tells me something like 'Out of address space. A 64bit OS might help.' I do have a 64bit OS, while you're only a 32bit program anyway...
  22. On the title screen is a box in the right bottom corner.
  23. @(-_-) V-Sync is disabled. No luck there. @Angen Fullscreen with postprocessing disabled Because of my frequent crashes I disabled a bunch of things, can't say I noticed any effect on stability.
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