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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. I don't think @faction02was suggesting arbitrary/different colors, but that each player can assign any (existing player) color individually.
  2. Two things I'd consider 'basic' which are missing: - fallen wildbeest (even dead they always appear to be standing) - lioness portrait (if the units appear different by gender, I think the portraits should go along)
  3. Depends on the river? Like the lower end of the Thames (where I recently wasn't able to release a (medium?) warship), I think should be ok. Anyway, I'm no fan at all of the guesswork involved. ('Will I be able to use ships on this river?' 'Will my ship be able to pass if I erase this dock?'...)
  4. 'A bit too small' sounds much too weak for me. The ships are ridiculously oversized and frequently can't reach spots I really think they should be able to. One example where ship size and map/world size totally don't match is 'Mediterranean'; the size of the mare nostrum is ok for one or two fishing boats, but a warship can't reach the Adriatic Sea or the Levant or pass the Strait of Gibraltar. And while pathfinding is a general issue, I feel ships manage to be the dumbest moving units of all. And single ships are bad enough, but if you have two that are crossing paths or want to go by each other...
  5. I'd especially like that for walls. I think it's often painful trying to properly align them, especially along mountains or shorelines.
  6. I just tried it ( to make sure): quicksaving doesn't add an entry in the list for loadable games. I strongly support the wish for an autosave feature!
  7. Are you blushing already? They even have loincloths I can't see on @Genava55's references...
  8. I think that's fair, as the unit can't attack either (right?). I was afraid several times my freshly promoted units would die, because they wouldn't go where I told them when they were doing their vain prancing; so I'm actually glad they're invincible. Or we could just get rid off it completely.
  9. @SundiataSorry, I didn't get the whole ~timeline from your posts. Also I was aware of administrative issues at wikipedia, but I didn't know this ip-stuff was one of them. I've been banned some place because of my ip, and of course I was annoyed but I didn't take it personal. Anyway, I hope it's now resolved completely and you won't be bothered by it anymore.
  10. And that's perfectly fine! I just can't stand my units dying because of some stupid !"ยง$% I would've done differently if I was there... (Which on turtle I mostly can.)
  11. I take it as an 'implied' dedicated ~tower guard. So he's there, hence the sight, he can shoot a bit, but in case there's a real attack you either need real fighting troops there or the tower will be lost. And ofc that poor guard can't hold the tower if he isn't supported from the surrounding territory anymore...
  12. Ofc options are fine for whatever, but 'Defensive' also has its issues, at least for me. Especially when I forget units are on defensive, and they will abandon some battle to go back to some position I told them to go several commands earlier... 2. One of the many reasons I play on turtle-speed. The units are so dumb, and usually too incompetent to kill the fleeing unit anyway; even cavs chasing pedestrians... *rolling eyes* 3. Perma-death for heroes is fine for me. 4. I dont do MP, so I don't really have an opinion on dancing. Seems pretty lame, though.
  13. How exactly is that different from 0AD? Besides that you can pay for sentries to add firepower, you can also put 'dedicated' units in the tower. I often do that on 'hot' borders, for firepower, capture prevention and repairs.
  14. I'd suggest just trying that, before you're lamenting over spilled milk which actually might not even be spilled. AFAIK those ip-bans aren't very precise and I guess the handling is automatic, so maybe it doesn't come down to bad character traits of those admins. They even told you several times to create an account/log in to avoid being caught up in a banned ip range...
  15. Yeah, well. So we don't have mines right now, only pick-axes and dropsites; if the community will be happy with the introduction of actual mines I guess I'll be fine with it. Among the aforementioned dropsites is the CC, which also serves as a hospital, maternity ward (clone lab?), barracks, stables, archery range, bunker, research facility... I don't think I wanna argue now on how comparable the CC is to a 'town hall' or 'community centre'. I just wish you many games full of happiness about your town building and gathering situation.
  16. Sure, not the stone-age, but with those few people and only one building in the beginning I wouldn't call them fully established either. I probably only wasn't clear enough about what I meant; ofc there's no problem with being able to adjust the map size. I normally play with randomly picked maps, and then, of course, if I don't know what map is going to come up I can't make preemptive adjustments. Probably should change that approach anyway, guess I'm currently missing out on naval maps... Just put up an extra storehouse. Anyway, I'm fine with blue cav being able to hunt anything, including chickens. I don't know if the suggestions in the OP would add much to the gaming experience, while it certainly would change the current eco. And while the current eco might be full of inaccuracies and peculiarities, I wouldn't really know where to start or end or really make a meaningful suggestion.
  17. I don't wanna argue now over those ~few thousands of years. But the starting CC and the initial nine units are actually the beginning of our civ in the game... Ofc I wasn't 100% serious. But I did read suggestions for provisions and ammo. Isn't collecting some rocks for slingers also trivial? I think my settings are fine for most maps, while adjusting the size of certain maps doesn't really go together with 'random'. Hm. I think this pretty much comes down to your preferences, especially wanting to change how mines work. For me, control of the deposits is already important, and my whole 'game plan' might center around making sure I have enough minerals (metal, mainly). While I do feel a bit of your town planner's pain, I basically go with 'fff' (form follows function), and whatever is pressing at the moment. As for your last sentence, I believe there are plenty of historic examples for settlements starting, thriving and dying depending on the available mining.
  18. Maybe 'at the dawn of civilization' (which the beginning of p1 could represent) horsemen weren't that decadent/social roles were not that differentiated and everyone just pitched in what they could? I think it's nice to have some animals around to get started, and I frankly don't care too much if it's chickens or goats, sheep... Whenever I read 'realism' in this forum, I wonder when I will have to take care of what goes into my units (water?), and what comes out of them (latrines!). Oh, and those sore feet! And the STDs. And all the invalids turned beggars... Gee, do you have some terrible ideas! There's already some maps (that are supposed to be 'interesting' I guess, with uneven terrain like Hellas or Lower Nubia ...), where building already is a real pain; with bigger farms I'd probably just stop playing those. And I'm fine with some starting minerals. After all, I imagine my peeps had a reason to build their CC where they did; though historically I believe the main thing would've been (fresh) water...
  19. @BardockSSJLEvery answer to each of your questions could begin with 'It depends on...' (civ/map/type of game/enemies). You might want to set the enemy AI to 'very easy' and reduce the game speed. To give you an idea on how to start, here's what I usually do: - set civ and map to random - send my 1st cav scouting, produce 3 more to scout the whole map; that's an expensive luxury, but I can afford that against very easy AI. - send two females to berries - send 1 female and 1 melee soldier to build a storehouse, other melee unit to build a house next to it; have all 3 chop the same tree afterward (women inspire men to work faster) - send the last female and my 2 ranged soldiers to cut wood at the CC - immediately research the 1st wood-cutting tech when the storehouse is up/I have 200 wood - produce another 6 women ASAP to gather food - produce as many women as possible to cut wood - when I have wood coming in sufficiently, I send my two ranged units and their cheerleader to start building towers; depending on the urgency I might make a few more ranged units to help. Sometimes they also build houses in between, sometimes I have 1 or 2 women do that. - when the berries run low, I build a farmstead and have 2 women build 2 fields, so when the berries are out I ideally have 2 fully loaded fields (with the 8 women from the berries) and the first farming tech already researched. When there are more berries in my territory I build another farmstead and research wicker baskets first. - build barracks when I can afford them - research baskets when I can afford it Typically I have ~30 units gather wood and 30-35 women farming (6-7 fields) when I phase up. In P2 I try to get the gathering techs for wood and food first, then start mass producing soldiers for stone and metal gathering (+ cheerleaders) and get the other gathering techs. Make more women for food and wood as needed. And of course pesky neighbors can interrupt all those plans...
  20. Hello typons! I never tried MP myself, but if you search the forum for 'firewall' you will find threads saying you'll need to open that UDP port 20595. And you might have to whitelist 0AD in the firewall and/or antivirus. hth
  21. For now that seems to be the solution. The most common suggestions for crashes are to turn off GLSL and post processing; at least it works for you, I still have frequent crashes.
  22. Yeah, or trees next to hills, or trees in walls, or trees too far in the water. It can be quite annoying. Workers look busy and don't show as idle but don't cut any wood. Sometimes the tree as such is ok, like for one worker, but the territory/angle is weird and so the workers all block each others' path...
  23. Do you maybe have to whitelist 0AD in the Windows Defender?
  24. Yeah, know that plenty. Never thought it might be hero-related. Also no mods. Turned off the usual suspects in the graphics settings. Alas! To no avail...
  25. They're just tired of your $#!+ because they're soldiers and you make'em dance!
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