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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. It's painful to watch whenever melee units try to kill sth that's moving...
  2. I watched the replay of the first part of that game above: all units were working correctly, so I assume there was a problem with an earlier loaded save file. And the game crashed again, again I have no additional info to provide. If maybe @stanislas69or someone else has another idea about this memory leak suspicion...?
  3. What about Iphikrates? He gives bonuses to formations. I agree formations are broken. I train units in batches and use control groups, so no I have no real 'manspam train' and at least a bit of order on the battlefield.
  4. Don't know what's up with this Phoenician Levante map: Logs didn't show anything, but clearly something's not right when ~all workers are just standing around... savegame-2652.zip
  5. :/ Displayed time was 19:03 (close to that 20min mark I mentioned before), which on turtle speed actually means >3hrs. Dunno why the mainlog updated at the time of the crash (nothing interesting in there), but the other logs again didn't catch $#!+:
  6. I'm afraid that's not a complete reproduction of events. First you selected them, then you told them to go somewhere, then you issued the build order. Did you by any chance hold the shift key at step three? If so I'd suggest trying build orders without the shift. Edit: And if not, maybe try to send the units only close to the building spot, but not on it, so there'll be no walking on and off the foundation.
  7. @stanislas69Would that be the same as resource leaks? I speculated on that before, but didn't get any reaction...
  8. I think I never had a crash when trying to load a saved game. I'm certain I'll have that out of memory thing again soonish, I'll upload the dump then. Summary/step by step: play >20 mins with my settings -> crash.
  9. So, someone has encouraged me to report every crash; I had another of these: When I accidentally started two instances of the game I got: Should that be an unhandled exception? --- Even easier: I can change the title directly on every page of this thread. FYI --- I feel like the GUI could really use some keyboard commands. For example, in the Load Game menu I'd like - to be able to use the arrow keys to navigate the list - every button to have a shortcut assigned - the most common option to be pre-selected
  10. IDK if it's just us, but I know that too. I tried formations yesterday, and it was every bit as unsatisfying as I remembered it. First I tried a Phalanx, which caused the involved pikemen to turn back (instead of towards the other units/their previous destination) and block a choke point (which I didn't want). Then I tried an open formation which made the involved units too dumb to move properly, also I couldn't queue commands. So even though I had a leader giving a bonus to formations I decided to do without it...
  11. No. I could add a tally in my thread of 'pyrogenesis.exe has stopped working' incidents, but I really didn't see a point of reporting every crash if there's no new info from it. Unless you tell me that each mention alone will totally and positively motivate the developers to work on stability. :)
  12. Hello Maxiboom, welcome to the forum. Unfortunately 0AD isn't very stable, I had two games crashed just today. :/ You could try to check if your antivirus is maybe interfering and whitelist 0AD.
  13. My experience with Steam was infuriating and thus very short lived. I bought a new laptop and just grabbed a Civ V disk to go along (I really loved Civ III). The game wasn't fit to publish in its release state, the Steam software made my whole system 'fishy', the offline mode didn't work, often when I wanted to play I had to do Gigabytes of updates first, when Steam servers didn't answer I couldn't play the game I bought on a disk... So yeah, screw them and everybody like them.
  14. @elexis I could make an uneducated guess, but I'll just try to summon @(-_-) instead.
  15. Well... https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/forum/448-delenda-est/
  16. @SundiataWhile you might be completely right, how would you translate that into units stats? (I have no idea how the damage of those three weapons would compare, or how they should be balanced.)
  17. @(-_-)Thanks for your answer! Are you making a ticket or fixing it directly? I tried to look up what an actor is a while ago, but reading it again I realized I still don't really have an idea...
  18. I just had two invisible relics. missing-relics.ZIP
  19. When I upgrade a Sentry Tower to Defence Tower it's technically a different building? I noticed before that workers stopped repairing the tower when the upgrade finished while they were at it. And I finally figured out why Sentries isn't researched although I was sure I already did it... I don't even know if I got refunded when the research stopped due to the upgrade, but I would really prefer the research to continue even if the tower upgrades in the meantime.
  20. Yeah, I actually figured that out while playing on. I wanted to look at the ship's stats to see if I should wait for that or take the cheaper one. The ship will unlock with p3, so that's not really a choice as I will progress anyway. I still think the mouse-over shouldn't tell me to right-click and then do nothing. (Ofc I can always go to the unit tree and look at the ship there, but if I just wanna compare ships at the harbor I think the game can just give me those infos right there.)
  21. Bug: Sometimes when an icon says 'Right-click to view more information.' nothing happens when right-clicking. I guess I should've headed over to that other website to search if it's a known bug?
  22. @SundiataYeah. I gotta say I find the Rashudin color scheme a bit more appealing.
  23. mkay. My 'simple' suggestion here would be to tell ~it, so the replay can be loaded and continued. There are most likely totally valid reasons why the savegame is forgotten; else I'd 'simply' suggest to remember and continue that... And that's probably how deep I will have ventured into this topic.
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