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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. Right. I believe that's what I wanted to say from the beginning. And I totally don't know which reaction button to hit for your post...
  2. Hola. Yo no hablo espaƱol adjunta crashlog.txt y crashlog.dmp archivos Puede encontrar rutas a estos archivos en https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths (with google translate)
  3. I only noticed it with that game on Ngorongoro so far, where the shuffling of positions happens quite consistently when starting the replay. The next game/map that wasn't the case. I will look out for that effect in my next games.
  4. When my CC is in a different position, I have a different resource distribution, build in different locations and have different neighbors that is only a matter of the camera?
  5. Personally I find it disturbing that something as fundamental as the starting position gets messed up, since the resulting 'replay' can only be complete garbage.
  6. @Stan`Sorry for not being clear: I meant the starting positions, lol. (SP, game time is 0:00.) I hope the pics are clear enough to see that my supposed starting position jumps all over the map every time I open the replay. Edit: I started a new game, loaded, quit and watched the replay a couple of times and my starting position stays true. Doing the same with the above Ngorongoro save again and my supposed starting position is jumping all over again.
  7. I start at ~6: I open the replay and I'm at 11: Or at 6 again, or at ~5: Build 25842, logs got nothing. savegame-5460.0adsave
  8. This floating grass seems off. (Harbor/Nubia)
  9. lol. It has been ages since I received a diplomatic offer from an enemy. Nice try to save your butt, Ashoka! Since my ally turned out to be an absolute peacenic the game probably would've gone on for hours if I had accepted: (Also, shouldn't it be 'It would be to both our benefit...'?)
  10. A few very basic tips: - lower the game speed - keep your workers' walking distances short: build farms next to CC/farmstead, build storehouses near wood/minerals - to avoid idle times frequently look at the symbol next to the minimap
  11. @YekaterinaIs it possible to position the artillery in front of the mast? I kinda don't like my projectiles going through my mast & sail...
  12. I have the suspicion that it was correct at some time; but I'm not gonna install old versions to check. Noba Skirmishers are Kushite mercs, trained at the Noba Village. That's not new to the RCs, I believe that has ~always been the case; although I can't vouch for the specifics of the MS Defender.
  13. @Stan`Weren't we down to three town structures? The math seems right as I only have one town structure at that point; but I'd really dislike if we had a wrong number there. I'm on build 25839.
  14. The Mediterranean Sea in 'Mediterranean' is a joke. 'Nice' that the map goes up to the polar region and includes the British Isles etc., but you can't access large portions of the Mediterranean with ships, water straights like at Gibraltar are not passable... In short, that shallow puddle can't be an argument for anything imho. I support this idea. I don't know about the other ideas for nerfing though. AFAIK the ships' weapons were used to a good degree against enemies' deck crews, so it would make sense that they can also target units at land. Finally I think that making the ships less susceptible to arrows is a bit contradictory when the complaint is that one can't get rid of ships without own ships.
  15. So this one of those discussions just ebbed away without any result?
  16. mkay, the number is referring to the oarsmen, not the rows of oars. Looking at various articles/schematics, I don't have an idea what the Carthaginians' oars were actually arranged like. Searching on the forums didn't show me what source was used for our model. So I guess I just gonna live with three rows of oars in a triangular positioning (and not two rows, and not positioned directly above each other or offset diagonally).
  17. I'd like to come back to my first question from the opening post: I can only make out threes of oars instead of fives. And from how I understand it, even for a trireme the position of the oars are wrong: So, is the current model a placeholder, a convention, or what?
  18. I've seen sth like that before; my ally's AI rushed (and I believe it captured a storehouse, which was very short lived) and then a woman would travel ~half the map to chop wood there. edit: she went forth and back several times; maybe she was finishing that one special tree... edit2: I looked if I could find a relevant save; and I did. When I load it and just let it run, I can see my ally commencing the attack and capture the storehouse; 2 mins later (10:10) I see the loaded woman walking by. HTH savegame-5349.0adsave
  19. With all due respect, that reasoning doesn't sound coherent and even contradictory to me. Sure, people who quit don't need to be kept around; but there can be a lot of reasons why people are temporarily inactive. But if one understands how to boom, has a solid understanding of strategies and tactics and can do ~100 clicks/second, the rating one acquired with previous alphas will be a better indicator of how someone will do in the game than just giving them a noob rating just because the version number changed.
  20. Yeah, and you could rng it what predators belong to what pack/pride and have'em attack each other! And the point being what?
  21. Greeks and other civs get attacked by Gaia alike, so that's fair. Or did you mean the ancients? I'd say let's handle that when they complain. On Elephantine (? Has it been removed in a25?) humans, lions and crocodiles chill together until a player comes along, giving me a real Gaia vibe. Anyway, I don't know if it would add anything to the gameplay if we differentiate the herbivores, carnivores and free/wild humans.
  22. Since it seems to be a leaderboard issue: I don't think people who don't play (rated) anymore should stay at the top forever. I would handle it more like other world rankings (eg tennis), where if you don't earn points you move down. I think it's also justified by the change of versions, or people could become rusty (or deteriorate biologically/die). I would take a simple approach: at the end of each inactive calendrical month -50 pts. So a month of inactivity wouldn't be too bad, but a year of inactivity certainly would get you closer to the bottom. Since I only do SP I'm totally impartial.
  23. I think 'Gaia' is fine. 'You have been attacked by Neutral' and having 'Neutral' enemies would be better?
  24. I guess it would be perfect if @Stan`would happen to have the RC3 ready by then... gl&hf to all participants
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