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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. JFoliveras, I suppose, as that's what the watermark says. Searching that name easily brings up his site where he sells his art...
  2. I guess same here, only with the addition of setting a rally point. I never tried the autociv mod, maybe that could get you more flexibility/functionality.
  3. moin @mineu33, may I suggest to have a look at the RC2 of A25: Maybe all your problems are solved, or could be solved for the new version.
  4. Well, from the documentary Life of Brian we know that there was actually an alien civ active in the area around 0CE: If, for example, we'd give those guys two hands holding eyes I think we should also be safe from any rights holders' wrath.
  5. They also differ by having a period at the end or not. I did not study the style-guide yet, but I'd expect rules there regarding capitalization and punctuation.
  6. The behavior regarding treasures has changed quite a bit: - units will no longer acknowledge the command to collect it; if I right-click on a treasure with a unit selected it will go there and pick it up, but without the acknowledgment I wasn't sure about that - treasures are no longer reserved when a unit is set to collect it? (No more '0/1' / '1/1' displayed.) Don't know if that's all intended. savegame-5207.0adsave
  7. @Ceres @Salesome I might consider creating an account. I guess the .po wouldn't show me what's being discussed?
  8. Transifex doesn't even let you look at stuff without being logged in?
  9. Probably there should be more than one place where those champs can be trained; in Alpha25 the limit (of 1) on Mauryan Palace was removed to allow for that.
  10. Taking the road less traveled sure didn't work out for those guys. I ordered my troops to go back to work after a fight; a few went back to cutting wood, although I had ordered all to unload at the storehouse before the fight, so I guess none of them should've returned to work. I don't think there was the usual ~'Some units could not be ordered back to work' message there used to be? btw I liked how my woodcutting women were not getting stuck on the iber walls anymore.
  11. Unit silhouettes seem unreliable: Don't know if it's a (hardware) problem on my end, when I reloaded the purple guy's silhouette was displayed fine. savegame-5186.0adsave
  12. Yeah, games seem to be over quicker. Unfortunately that makes investing in trade even more questionable.
  13. @PyrrhicVictoryGuyNo, by genocide I mean wiping out civs. I'm at a loss regarding the auto pilot units...
  14. I couldn't judge. But for example I'd be fine with limiting their pop cap to match those of the other civs. Without the ability to build the worker ele has already been significantly nerfed, the need to micro everything kinda goes on top of that. I'd be happy to get rid of that, so I can focus more on the genocide aspect of the game.
  15. Is there a way to automate the worker ele's building support? I don't see a way. Used to be that one could queue its actions or just let it build whatever foundation was in sight. I read the tip to let it a guard a unit, but that is only useful for gathering as it doesn't move up close enough to grant its aura bonus. Since that's some microing I could happily live without, I suggest: - to reduce the guarding distance; or - to increase the range of the aura; or - if it's a part of a building group, let it move up accordingly.
  16. Jaja, you're earning yourself a reputation as a linux-fangirl. But I'm dumb and lazy, so as long as the OS (Win) that comes with my machine does what I want it to... To be on-topic: I just successfully pressed the 'disable feedback' button and then the 'enable feedback' button.
  17. I'm on Win8.1. Isn't Chrome infamous for its RAM-hunger? A23's stability was a catastrophe for me. It crashed so reliably that I tried to save, exit, reload every ~20 mins. Crashes on a24 were rare, and as stated before I'm so far happy with a25, also in that regard.
  18. I try to make my cities look neat. But since I play on turtle speed you're not playing at a slower pace than me. (I look a lot at remaining build times, my focus just isn't on the architecture...) I play with 5 AIs at 300 pop cap, also got 8GB RAM* and an i5-core (though a bit faster than yours); didn't have a crash with the RC yet, but maybe I was just lucky and/or you're just getting through a lot more games. * BTW I like how ships can navigate around each other now to attack the same target. (Didn't have a fleet on a24, can't tell how new that behavior is.)
  19. Gee, maybe I don't pay enough attention to the details of construction sites. @NullusYou're not one of those proverbial people watching the grass grow or the paint dry, are you?
  20. @Stan`Oh, ok. @mineu33I forgot to at least link to the wiki: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/WikiStart#Formapmakers:
  21. Selber moin, did you actually mean '24' in the title? Alpha 25 is coming out soon, so it probably won't be worth the effort to port anything to a24 anymore.
  22. @CeresI guess it's a resolution issue? Maybe the buttons could get pushed up if the box threatens to overlap them?
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