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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. Yes, or if it was at least a possibility to order the repair (for example by pressing CTRL).
  2. I had the feeling that a lot of featured maps were designed before someone(s) decided to make the ships ~10x bigger for 'realism'; that, combined with their earlier stupidness, made me really hate them.
  3. Is the two-gender-citizen-mod already too woke for you?
  4. And I also wasn't able to save a game (=>crash). Deleting the fake save file I clumsily tried to manufacture seems to have solved these issues. If someone gave me a more detailed instruction to merge replays than 'do it manually' I might try it again.
  5. What I got from my extensive research (=quick look around the internet), I don't know if a change in stats would be appropriate. For example wikipedia states that dromedaries are prized for being able to outrun horses in the desert; so as long as we don't have terrain differentiation, the speed disadvantage for camels might be a bit one-sided. Also I don't know if size/weight would justify different health values. I saw that Total War Rome has melee cav for the Blemmye faction. So how about making camels CS and giving the Blemmye camp melee cav?
  6. Turns out I can't figure it out ad hoc. One example I found might be a border case: My women were lured from 1 to 2 and kept chopping in that area although 3 was nearer to their original storehouse and right beside another storehouse. I remember a more annoying example from that game, but it seems I broke the save by opening it a couple of times; or so it seemed, actually the game now crashes with a similar error message every time I want to open the open saved game dialog: I would look out for examples, but since my laptop is in the process of dying I might not play too much in the near future. I don't think so; they're clearly trying to get off the site but are (sometimes) too dumb to actually manage it. Although admittedly the last example I'm thinking of it was a large building and the units in question had a moving order which seemed to throw them in an unsolvable confusion.
  7. @FreagarachHow do I merge replays? I needn't go back further than my last played game.
  8. It sounds true for a25. I've had problems garrisoning eles, maybe it was because of a corner. Can't judge on the Athenian dock or the MP issues, but units blocking a construction site and gatherers making terrible decisions on where to go are definitely majorly annoying in a25.
  9. I always hated it. Just let the merchant do his business; instead when I scouted sth with my warship I had to send the commercial nutshell after it. Which is especially annoying when you have hostile ships & fortifications around. But I hated ships anyway and often wouldn't play naval maps because of that. Now ships are less stupid & annoying, but naval maps don't seem to come up with random random maps & default filter.
  10. I anticipated a reply like this. It's simply not how treasures work anywhere else in the game. Cav and women for example can pick up endless amounts of treasures (eg 'Canyon', eight treasures); so this pseudo-realistic argument against warships being able to collect doesn't convince at all.
  11. I would have to research the land units part; but why can't warships collect treasures?
  12. AFAIK shipwreck treasures can only be collected by merchant ships? I was too stupid to figure that out on my own, so maybe that could be included in the tip? Or changed of course; I don't get why you can't collect the treasure if you can reach the wreck with any unit...
  13. When a selected target didn't get hit I attributed it to spread.
  14. 'Cause humans are too stupid to get it from the first experience?
  15. Hey @Lion.Kanzen, you couldn't fit in a phrase against socialism in your post?
  16. Yeah, I also don't think it's necessary to thin out rosters.
  17. So, I read around a bit. My impression is that Visha Kanyas absolutely were no battlefield units, so I think the name should be changed; in the thread @Yekaterinalinked @Pottersuggested the name 'Raksha Kanya' instead, which I guess would be fine. From the sources I looked at it seems like maur didn't regularly use female warriors and that the Maiden Guards were only on palace duty; but I guess if we're lucky and our historians keep quiet we can keep those bad*ss chicks.
  18. For anyone especially interested in the 0AD/sexist thing: it starts at 10:42. IMHO not worth the watch. ('No, 0ad is not sexist, men are fighters & builders while women are not into tech and they're nursers & caretakers.')
  19. I never got a reply regarding the silhouettes being unreliable. @Stan` savegame-5270.0adsave
  20. 'Turret mechanic for ranged cavalry units' What does that mean?
  21. What? Declare all Delenda Estians terrorists? ;P Since I had massive stability problems with previous alphas I didn't feel like experimenting, I might check out mods like DE in a25.
  22. While you're at it, do the same for the quotes you don't condone; some of them make me go 'What?'. But seriously, I don't think that'd be necessary; and as mentioned before we technically already have slaves in the game.
  23. @wowgetoffyourcellphoneLet's hear it anyway, I'm all for radicalism!
  24. I think it's possible to merge the replay files for one game, but I never did it. Suggestions: - reconsider the availability of Cretan merc archers only at dock/trireme (Athenians); I'd love to have archers, but there's not a single puddle on the map (like a lot of MP maps) - reconsider potentially useless team bonuses (ele bonus for non-ele civ, naval bonus on land maps...)
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