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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. I think so, yes. I mostly stopped having 0 A.D. on pause, usually exiting it completely if I go afk a bit or wanna watch some vids. I completely stopped having it on pause when I put my computer into sleeping mode, because apparently the game doesn't like to be on hold and crashes then too. I'm on Win 8.1, in case it matters. Edit: Looked a bit at system 'events' (right word?)
  2. @stanislas69 Pause via menu or kb and then alt+tab.
  3. When I put 0 A.D. on pause it's pretty much guaranteed to crash (no crash logging). Anyone knows why? I don't know whether pyrogenisis.exe just doesn't like the 'run time' or if there's anything happening during pause.
  4. I'm used to have minority opinions, so no prob. Which ofc doesn't stop me from sharing them. @(-_-) Having healers in healing range appears to be an outlandish minority approach. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. I'm afraid I fail to get the point. I assume y'all know how to un-select certain units from a selection; so if I wouldn't want my healers at a target, I simply wouldn't tell them to go there. Me, I want my units to do what I tell them, including the healers when I tell my army to attack sth (for the reasons I stated above). I'm usually not too happy with 'decisions' my units make, and I don't want my healers to make their decisions like 'hanging back' or RATM'ing me here.
  6. Yes. Firstly, if I tell them to move somewhere, I want all healers to go all the way to that location. Currently a lot of healers go a lot of the way, but quite frequently they all just stay where they are (if part of a selection), or a few will stay back or stop walking somewhere on the way. Unlike you I want my healers to move up to the target with the rest of the selection; if I didn't want that I'd not tell them to do that. If, for example, I want to capture a CC, I want these 'support' units to actually support my soldiers and heal them while they're at it. (Which also decreases the length of a 'healing session' after such an attack, which I feel can be quite lengthy even though I typically roll with ten healers.) True, the healers might be shot at, but I do it in turtle speed anyway so I can micro healing if necessary. Currently I just try to discipline them by repeating orders, which - thanks to ctlr groups - isn't that much of a pain. I don't know if maybe their behavior according to their stances should also be adjusted, I didn't feel like 'aggressive' or 'defensive' had the effect I anticipated. (So 'stand ground' it is for me/them.)
  7. Thanks. I think I have an idea what you mean. If everything is re-calculated in replays, can't that lead to inconsistencies? Like a unit surviving an attack during the game, while in the replay it might die because in that calculation it took more damage?
  8. I see. Now I'm wondering to what degree that decision is due to principle and how much to pragmatism...
  9. I don't know what bug that would be. And I'm too dumb uninformed to understand your second sentence. Does the AI play a role in replays? I would expect a replay to do just that, replaying what was recorded, and that no 'decision making' would be necessary for that. Besides that I sometimes don't even have a replay of my last game, maybe that would explain at least a part of what I consider 'rubbish replays'...?
  10. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Hm. Don't think I had much of that. What I'm encountering quite frequently though is a few units thinking my orders weren't meant for them, although they were part of my drag selection or a ctlr group; healers not going where they were told are a classic, but I also had other units staying back for whatever reason... And I guess you meant that you don't have citizen-soldiers in DE? (Sorry, haven't checked it out (yet).) In a regular (vanilla) game I don't feel I'm in a position 'to dump the citizen-soldier thing'...
  11. @stanislas69 Thanks. And yes, I'm getting 'some' hours out of it. And my wall rant was totally on the constructive side, wasn't it? Ships are ridiculously humongous anyway. And I frequently get annoyed by obstruction boxes (I believe that's what they're called). Like when I want my unit(s) to go near a (large) building, and then I have to try different perspectives/zooms to try to hit the floor with my cursor/click somewhere close; ofc things get worse when there's trees there. So, on a constructive note, I wished there was mouse action modifier that would force the click to go to the ground and ignore structures etc.
  12. @Lion.Kanzen Thanks for your answer. I'm aware it's an alpha. I just took the 'feedback' part of this sub-forum's title as an invitation to give, well, my feedback. Without trying to blame anyone for anything or making demands. And if this thread gets some views and maybe someone remembers some ~issue when it's convenient...
  13. I think walls in-game are a pain, too. I often find it hard to tell with the terrain if I really close the passage. Or at some angles the wall will 'red-out', showing me that I can't build it and I have no clue what's wrong with that angle; or starting point, or whatever's the friggin problem. It's also 'great' when I didn't actually block the passage and then try to find some solution that's somehow connecting to the existing wall and on valid terrain. Or the 'fun times' when some part of the wall has been shot out by an enemy and I try to build something connecting, sometimes having to try to re-do the same exact angling and stretching of that fathertrucker. Them walls can really make me grumpy, so I usually save and - if not already at it - slow down to 'turtle' before I build one. Not exactly what I'd call 'comfortable'.
  14. @thankforpie That might be one of the reasons why ranged units are more popular. I haven't tried ctrl+q'ing yet; when I let them roam free they'll usually split up and attack several targets. Depending on the situation/numbers I might prefer my units to concentrate dmg or spread it; not always happy with what the AI chooses...
  15. I believe in every civ the (citizen) melee cav has more pierce armor than the (citizen) ranged cav; so you might wanna use them against skirmishers and archers.
  16. @Adeimantos I think only a few small things were changed since release. Actually I'm experiencing less lag than in the past. (How I struggled to target moving enemies at 5fps...)
  17. I can't help it: I got a 'problem' with her eyes. I feel like her right pupil/iris is a bit too much to the left (everything from our pov). And while the lower part of the left iris is nearly round, the right iris is cut off much more at the bottom; is that all how it should be?
  18. Can you do a search for 'crashlog' locally on your computer?
  19. Hi @bhiza, I'm neither a mod nor Spanish speaking, but do you have a crashlog (crashlog.txt/crashlog.dmp) in your 0AD folders?
  20. What wild animals would you attack with such a scout? Squirrels? When I want to clean out wild canines & felines I take four ranged cav, that's just enough so they don't get injured. I wouldn't want to attack anything or anyone with low numbers of even weaker units. So personally I think it's fine that we get one free cav as scout in the beginning. It would take some serious buffs (speed, armor, LOS) to make such a scout appealing to me...
  21. I believe it's a Zelda-mod: I want to see that zoo!
  22. @(-_-) Yeah, I was just typing something along those lines myself. I assume melee units were used so much because they were advantageous, if they're not used that much in the game then I guess they're not that advantageous. I wouldn't be happy if I was forced to use melee units if I don't want to. Also I don't know what a cap per phase would accomplish for the game.
  23. Just a few quick suggestions/wishes, if I may: - When saving a game, include the play speed in the save; - mark houses just like every other building when there's someone inside; - make it possible to ~fold-out unit lists in buildings, so the health of the individual units is visible (or maybe add a 'release fully healed units' button?); - re-add the perk info to the hero icon on mouse-over; - bring back the number of units working on a building.
  24. So far I'm in favor of Xšayaṛša, or Xinognu if that civ makes it into the game. And shouldn't the name of the game itself be changed to 0 C.E.?
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