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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. I don't know about that. Originally that guy was on land before I tried repairing, then boarding, then repairing again. (Later in that game a ship spat out two elite soldiers to an invalid spot on land where they were stuck without a chance to get them off it...)
  2. Yeah, there's definitely something off. I guess something in their "AI" keeps them untouchable until something is to their satisfaction; what I find especially bewildering is that it's not consistent with interaction overall, since - as stated - my unit can enter it. I believe this problem was introduced somewhere along the way. Don't think repairing them was that @#$%le in earlier versions, ships even moved towards units ordered to repair.
  3. Did I ever mention that our ships are annoying AF ? Why can't my dude repair it? What's his friggin problem? He's rubbing right against that MF. He can enter it but not repair it ???
  4. Are you aware of the hotkeys that modify the selection and ordering around the units? Like holding "i" to select only idle units, [ctrl] to de-select from that group, [shift] to give a number of orders to be done consecutively, [ctrl]+[number]/[number] to form/select groups...
  5. I think the text of the information screen for the Chaoting ("Build in...") should be replaced with the text from the mouse-over ("Enable..."). Edit: The cost also.
  6. I don't get it. Cost of unspent res? Steeper eco score curve (if it is the case) is better than a higher ROI of units? But I won't lose any sleep if I go to bed dumb (without further explanation).
  7. Or you can watch a mobile game play itself. I use gift from the gods if I just want to check something, but with instant advancement, building, production and ~unlimited resources there's not much left what makes an RTS match, no?
  8. Why tho? Deviate from the usual rules to make it more annoying and less rewarding? (As if anything involving ships isn't already annoying by itself.)
  9. It also allows batches (you can dial their size up and down with the mouse wheel), but people have done the numbers and I believe the time/work ratio is only beneficial when the batch size is >17 or something.
  10. The information for the Han minister says they have 1 pop count, however I noticed that my pop count at start is one higher than I have units; so I'm pretty sure they still count for two.
  11. I'm at Elephantine and majorly displeased that I can't capture Gaia towers. I assume it's a bug and not a feature? Other Gaia buildings (temple, pyramid) are capturable as usual. savegame-0884.0adsave
  12. Uhm, yeah, pretty sure that was the reason; one or two dogs clinging on to your armor and chewing on it would already hinder your movement significantly.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_of_Edfu
  14. Yeah, I also would like some more stats. I put some effort into leveling up units, so personally I would like a number regarding that.
  15. Thought this might be helpful for those of you working on their first own linothorax.
  16. It was full of/only obscenities. What did you expect? I expected it to be deleted.
  17. @ShadowOfHassen As in real life I'm all for blindly following the government in everything! And as they were a Macedonian dynasty... But seriously, all their buildings are Hellenic; I doubt every house in Egypt was remodeled/rebuilt to look Greek at that time, still we go with it. I'm not particularly against an Egyptian temple but I'm fine with just keeping the Greek suite.
  18. Mi @Micronics, welcome to the forums. Generally it is good to follow the instructions in the error message when reporting an error: go to https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths and attach the logs (you can just zip the folder). The error says "Insufficient access rights to open file"; normally I'd suggest to disable your antivir for a test and then set exceptions. However I see you're running a VM and I don't have any experience with that. I don't know if you can allow it to access the files on your HDD or if you need to install it inside the VM. HTH
  19. I don't know, but from I read stuff is kept in the files because it would be a pity to throw it away and someone might do something with it. I think for the encyclopedia only buildings you can encounter/build yourself are relevant.
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