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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Possibly. But they do have 2 hard counters. Every civ has at least a javelineer or sword cav.
  2. Also thinking about population costs. I was thinking something like: Support Units 1 pop Infantry 2 pop Cavalry 3 pop Elephants, Rams, Chariots 4 pop Catapults, Siege Towers 5 pop Small House 100 wood +10 pop cap Large House 150 wood +15 pop cap
  3. Take the Cavalry Spearman and add the Chariot mixin. It's what mixins are for, to mix and match traits with different classes of units.
  4. IMHO, clubs/axes would be the same class as Swordsmen, but with a bonus vs. Structures It would be Cavalry Spearman + Camel Mixin Right, I need suggestions here. They could just double up archers like how pikemen double up spearmen. So, essentially archers plus some tweaks, as pikemen are spearmen plus tweaks. Seems difficult to sneak them in as a completely separate role, but I'm open to alternatives.
  5. Here's my suggested unit balancing/countering paradigm revamp Terminology: Line Unit The base unit for this type (Melee Infantry, Ranged Infantry, Cavalry) Will counter one of the other types in a simple rock-paper-scissors Counter Unit This unit counters other units of its own type. Specialized Unit Breaks the counter methodology in some specialized way. Infantry Spear Line Unit Attack: Medium Armor: Medium Speed: Medium Bonus vs. Cavalry Countered by: Infantry Sword, Infantry Archer Infantry Pike Line Unit Attack: Medium Armor: Medium Speed: Medium Bonus vs. Cavalry "Snare" status effect which very briefly reduces the speed of hit enemy units Countered by: Infantry Sword, Infantry Archer Infantry Sword Counter Unit Attack: High Armor: Low Speed: High Bonus vs. Melee Infantry Countered by: Infantry Archer, Infantry Sword Infantry Archer Line Unit Attack: Medium Armor: Medium Speed: Medium Bonus vs. Infantry Infantry Slinger Counter Unit Attack: Medium Armor: Low Speed: High Bonus vs. Ranged Infantry Countered by: Cavalry Spear Infantry Javelineer Specialized Unit Attack: High Armor: Low Speed: Medium Bonus vs. Ranged Cavalry (incl. Chariots) and War Elephants Countered by: Cavalry Spear Cavalry Spearman Line Unit Attack: Medium Armor: Medium Speed: Medium Bonus vs. Ranged Infantry Countered by: Infantry Spear, Infantry Pike, Cavalry Sword Cavalry Swordsman Counter Unit Attack: Medium Armor: Medium Speed: High Bonus vs. Cavalry Countered by: Infantry Spear, Infantry Pike, Cavalry Sword Cavalry Archer Specialized Unit Attack: Medium Armor: Low Speed: High No bonus, but has a "kiting" effect which frustrates melee units Countered by: Infantry Javelineer, Cavalry Swordsman Cavalry Javelineer Specialized Unit Attack: Medium Armor: Low Speed: High Bonus vs. Support Units (Female Citizens, Traders, Healers) Countered by: Infantry Javelineer, Cavalry Swordsman War Elephant Specialized Unit Attack: High Armor: High Speed: Medium-Low Bonus vs. Cavalry, Gates Splash Hack damage Countered by: Infantry Javelineer, Bolt Shooter "Fear" aura Chariot Mixin for Cavalry Adds +100% health +75% resource cost, +1 pop cost, -10% speed Greater accuracy for the Bowman/Javelineer Bowman/Javelineer can independently target nearby enemies Trample Damage aura Cataphract Mixin for Cavalry Adds +2 hack and +2 pierce armor +50% metal cost, -10% speed Extra attack range, since they use the longer cavalry lance Trample Damage aura Camel Mixin for Cavalry +10% health -10% speed "Stench" aura vs. Horse Cavalry (Reduces Horse Cavalry effectiveness) Axe/Mace Mixin for Sword units +25% metal cost Small Bonus vs. Structures Champions +25% health +25% attack +50% cost Heroes +500% health +200% attack +400% cost Specialized Auras Catapult Buildable in the field by soldiers after constructing an Arsenal, build limit 5 per Arsenal Capturable Attack: High Armor: Medium Speed: Low Bonus vs. Structures, extra bonus vs. Fortress Countered by: Melee Units, Bolt Shooter Battering Ram Trained at the Arsenal; Buildable by soldiers in the field after researching a tech Not Capturable Attack: High Armor: High Speed: Low Bonus vs. Structures, extra bonus vs. Walls and Gates Countered by: Melee Units, Bolt Shooter Bolt Shooter Counter Unit Trained at the Arsenal Capturable Attack: Medium Armor: Low Speed: Low Bonus vs. Siege Engines, Good against Infantry due to having Pierce attack Countered by: Melee Cavalry, other Bolt Shooters Siege Tower Buildable in the field by soldiers after constructing an Arsenal, build limit 1 per Arsenal Not Capturable Attack: Medium Armor: High Speed: Low Capture Bonus vs. Structures, increases for each unit Garrisoned Countered by: Melee Units, Bolt Shooter
  6. Slingers having Crush damage has always been super sus to me. Sling stones are not siege weapons. There's just this odd hate for attack bonuses, so attack types get messed with to try to add something interesting. Clubs, etc. just give them a bonus vs. buildings or something. Giving them a crush attack now applies it against everything they attack.
  7. Meh, hard disagree. "Hack" is essentially a metaphor for melee combat. It's used this way for every unit except spearmen and it throws things off. :/ I don't think there needs to be a 4th attack type for siege. Crush works fine for this already. It just needs to be consistently applied.
  8. Right. Can one be designated as a "default" or "generic" one as a fallback if there is no civ-specific one? I'm thinking for mods here (not specifically DE, but others).
  9. Yeah, I was trying for something "flashy" with some emotive colors. If we could have animations or sfx a nice flash/glowing effect would be cool too, but static it is for now. Alright! Is the civ-specificity difficult to add? Separate then.
  10. You could first be given a screen like this: And one of the buttons would be "Quick Summary", which shows the flags like what you have: The flag colors could even match the player colors or the "winning" team could have blue flags and the "losing" team red flags, same colors as in my graphics.
  11. @maroder https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4598 \art\textures\ui\session\icons\endgame\bg_victory_mace.png \art\textures\ui\session\icons\endgame\bg_defeat_mace.png Can be: bg_victory_athen bg_victory_brit ... bg_defeat_athen bg_defeat_brit ... Or whatever format you'd want for the files. I can work with @Lion.Kanzen to make an appropriate design for each civ, which can mirror the designs we use for the civ-specific minimap textures. I can bake the skull and laurel into the textures, or they can be called as separate objects in the code. Up to you.
  12. https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/blob/master/art/textures/ui/session/portraits/technologies/column_doric.psd breeding_herd.psd
  13. The 0 A.D. community does indeed seem deeply divided by this issue. In my view though at least with "super hard" counters you can ensure every unit type is good for something. Back in my AOE2 clan days I was a maniac with the Briton Longbows. lol
  14. Possible Forge techs TOWN Goldsmithing (Special Tech) - Traders +25% trade profit per trip Pair 01a Akinakes (all melee units attack) vs. Fletching (all ranged units and buildings) Pair 02a Linen Armor (all units Hack Armor) vs. Wicker Shields (all units Hack Armor) CITY Pair 01b Iron Hatchets (Axe units Melee Attack) vs. Composite Bows (Bow units Range) Pair 02b Scale Armor (all units Hack Armor) vs. Clad Shields (all units Pierce Armor) Pair 03a Peytral (Cavalry Hack armor) vs. Chamfrons (Cavalry Pierce armor) Single 1a Cavalry Lances (Spear Cavalry melee attack) EMPIRE Single 03b Cataphract Horse Armor - Champion and Hero Cavalry +2 hack and crush armor Single 1b Cavalry Pikes (Spear Cavalry melee attack; extra hack range; small splash radius)
  15. Is this with A25 version or the Github (Development) version with A26? I think @Freagarach and I noticed a bug with the mod where the mod file didn't match up with the mod folder name or something like that, which didn't allow connection, but I'm not sure about desync.
  16. These are all fantastico my friend!
  17. Hmm I'll have to check. I don't remember seeing them. The shields are nice too. Perhaps Carthage can have Libyan Skirmishers.
  18. For Delenda Est? Yes. For Empires Ascendant? Probably would be deemed "too slow."
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