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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Indeed, I've never figured out how to use it. :/
  2. Nah, just make the Triarius trained at Elite rank, making them economically almost useless, but militarily strong, without losing their CS status. The Triarii weren't élite in the sense of being fantastic fighters, they were simply those soldiers in the oldest age-class and a level below the Equites in wealth.
  3. I've often considered removing heroes and replacing them with officers, generals, and standard bearers, each with different auras. That was before I went all-in on the Hero RPG element in DE. They could still make an appearance if we got hard battalions. Imagine upgrading your battalions with officers and noisemakers (Carnyx for Celts, Aulos for Greeks, Cornus for Romans, etc.), giving benefits.
  4. I could write the articles for ya! Just need the UI support though.
  5. Perhaps they can be a Phase IV upgrade for the Military Colony.
  6. I don't think the feature itself is super weird, only that there's no detail in-game about it.
  7. Historically, the current Skiritai are pretty problematic*. If you like the "fast champ swordsman" dynamic, it should go to a different civ. Possibly Iberian infantry Devotio can take that role from the Skiritai. Thoughts? *In reality, a typical Spartan army would probably have been: 40% Spartiates 50% Perioikoi 10% Skiritai That players often use masses of Skiritai and barely ever train any Spartiates kind of bothers me from an historical/game design POV. Spartiates need to be made more attractive to train and/or Skiritai restricted in some way. I only ever envisioned them as a small core of shock/raiding/flanking troops, hence the name "Commando."
  8. The blue was originally more "muted", but the whole point is to add more drama. Could try some other colors though. Someone good in blender could render a nice golden laurel wreath for that purpose. But the small icon here was meant to mirror the skull in the defeated mockup-both icons being the actual win and loss icons used in game. It's simply the action which triggers the win/lose event. I had it originally saying "You are Victorious" and "You are Defeated," but I reworded them to fit the icons in the middle. Honestly it could go either way! I have no strong opinion. It would be nice to have custom civ icons as I have the Macedonian Vergina Star in this mockup. Would mirror the custom civ minimap backgrounds, tying things together. Right. A new font sheet would need to be rendered for sure, or whatever you call it.
  9. I suggest: The map snaps to the coordinates of the winning action. Unfortunately, often times the winning action is off screen. The map view slowly rotates in place until a choice is made and one of the buttons clicked. A cheering sound accompany the music. All 3 buttons be the same width (probably dynamic width based on the longest string) The Defeat dialogue would be red glow instead of blue. Inverted colors for the text.
  10. Right, it's like the Machimoi pikemen, who are ethnically Egyptian, promoted to a Greek unit as you mentioned.
  11. I think he means that Extraordinarii were by definition not Roman, but instead Italian/Latin allies. Thanks! Yeah, basically it would just be a small core of Centurions. Can have a max number (easily done in the code; already possible), so that they don't simply replace regular champions. Perhaps max 5 and they give a small (non-stacking, so you spread them out) bonus to nearby troops, since Centurions are officers. If no aura, then maybe max 10. It would just be neat to be able to actively promote some of your units to something stronger, rather than having them passively do it for you. EDIT: in DE, I allow players to promote up to 2 Spartiates to Olympic Champions and Macedonian Hypaspists to Silver Shields (and Hetairoi to Somataphylakes). Helot Slaves can also be promoted to basic Hoplites after researching "Helot Emancipation." That would be a neat stat for the end screens. Perhaps an XP column. Not sure which tab it would go under.
  12. So, for Romans, I was thinking of making a patch to where you can promote the Elite Swordsman and the Elite Spearman to Centurion (4th) rank for a cost. Maybe limit it to a max of 10 or something. I'll fix the Centurion's sheath position. You guys are quite right to note that while the Romans wore theirs on the right, the Centurion wore theirs on the left, possibly for additional distinction.
  13. There are numerous ways a civ can be made unique. It doesn't have to be with citizen soldier roster composition. Also, the effort is not even about diversity, nor is this discussion.
  14. You use ranged units for their range. They can deal damage while not taking any damage, while melee units can't do that. Honestly, if players only use ranged units in specific situations or as a small contingent to back up their melee troops, then I am okay with that since that's how they were used in antiquity anyway.
  15. This will likely include adding some new units. For example, a Helot Slinger for Sparta. Some kind of slinger for the Romans (probably a merc Balearic Slinger). Moving around availability. Also, hard counter attack bonuses and penalties. Basically ignoring all of the current stats and roles in an effort to start fresh.
  16. My itinerary: 1. Actor improvements (almost done). 2. Mockup some win/defeat graphics. 3. Come up with a super patch that overhauls unit roles. 4. Watch as #3 is endlessly debated and picked apart.
  17. The first one might be z-fighting with model planes, but I had never seen it before with those shields. The 2nd one to me doesn't look like z-fighting though.
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