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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Potential look for him: https://jfoliveras.artstation.com/projects/nYW3Ko
  2. The problem is there are units D, E, F, and G, plus structures ABGWFHJYT, etc. Let's do this for Alpha 27.
  3. Would everything have been red? Even paving stones and arena seating?
  4. I mean you like hard counters. I like hard counters. Other people don't like hard counters even though they fix a lot of problems.
  5. All good thoughts from both of you. I have thought about "Sacrifice" as a concept in the mod, specifically for the Zapotecs/Mesoamerican civs. I've only now really thought about how to do it. @Alar1k gave me a hint by mentioning the upgrade feature. What I could do is allow you to 'Upgrade' individual slaves or animals to a 'Sacrifice' version of themselves that has a glory trickle of 1 second interval, but the new unit has a health drain that kills it before the 2nd second comes around, so it looks like you've gotten a burst of glory from killing the unit. Yes, I thought about modding the Temple to allow you to "barter" resources for Glory, but that's before I came up with the statue concept. I wish I could do this. Perhaps the base game could be patched to allow a flag to be included in the resource file that dictates "maximum" resource amounts. @Freagarach
  6. Agreed. What about "Innovative Engineering"? -10% cost and build time for siege weapons and arsenals.
  7. I am unsure. Perhaps balance it by looking how easy it is to gather food compared to metal or something like that. Or assume the Mack player will always go heavy mercs with a metal trickle. This may be a bad thing.
  8. Well, that was a flaw of the original bonus too, since it required the Market. Could be a trickle from the beginning (market not required) like the Ptolemies' food trickle. Gotta keep the bonuses at least somewhat historical. "Standardized Currency" makes sense, with a metal trickle, since King Philip reopened a lot of dormant mines during his reign and helped revive the Macedonian economy. We have to make a decision soon so it makes it in before commit freeze, which will come whenever the release blockers are all fixed.
  9. What if we replace the bonus with a small metal trickle from Markets? "Standardized Currency" would make sense in this case. Thoughts?
  10. Well, you have to have some kind of cool down or else you're inundated with notification sounds
  11. Let's just remove it for now and come up with something better (less exploitable) for A27 @Stan` @Freagarach @Silier @wraitii @bb_
  12. I was thinking a rather innocuous sound effect. Also, with a cooldown time between notifications it would be a nice little feature. A good example of it is in Age of Empire III when the enemy is first sighted by your Explorer.
  13. I think the bananas for tropic maps, date palms for desert maps, and berry bushes for temperate maps are pretty clear. The date palms in particular look supremely distinct from the other palm trees. Same for the bananas. The major problem is with the Fig and Apple trees. The Apple trees can be redesigned and remodeled for sure. And then the Fig, which looks too much like a strangler or baoabab, can just be removed completely. With the new minimap proably coming in A27 (crosses fingers; sacrifices to Athena), I think we can look into options for adding a berry bush icon or something because the minimap will be bigger (and dynamically scalable). No pressure, @Langbart
  14. My idea. Let's keep it simple, shall we? To differentiate the Epilektos from other champion spearmen, let's make them have -1 all armor types, but +10% speed, +20% attack range, and +10% attack. I can make a slightly longer hoplite spear for them and also resize a smaller aspis for them. I don't think a champion needs to necessarily look more armored than an elite citizen unit, especially since if they historically did not necessarily wear more armor. If you want to change the name, then I am open. In the old days we had to make it simple, and the "Ekdromos" didn't seem like a good fit for a champion, hence the genesis of the Epilektos (and the Marine) which combined the aspects of the Picked Hoplite and Iphicratean reforms.
  15. Elite Infantry Spearman on the left; Epilektos Champion Spearman on the right.
  16. Banana trees seem very obviously distinct as well. I will grant you the Fig and Apple trees though. Perhaps the Fig trees should be removed and the Apple trees remodeled.
  17. Then 60 seconds or so. The cool down could gradually get longer and longer until by minute 20 it no longer works. (all of this would be invisible to the player).
  18. Which fruit trees? There are different kinds. I think the fruiting Date Palm trees are very distinctive and are good, while the Apple trees could be improved greatly.
  19. Or there could be a 2 minute cool down between notifications. If no units within range for 2 minutes, then it resets and will play the notification the next time.
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