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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I'm not sure, but do they need masks? I can't open the zip atm.
  2. If the Han did not have repeating crossbows, then we can't have the tech. Without the repeater mechanism and magazine, a crossbow is not faster than a bow. It's easier to operate. Easier to train on, etc. That's why I wanted them to be trash units.
  3. I am thinking 2 seconds and then the training tech can reduce it to 1.5. Deal?
  4. I'd just keep acceleration for siege and ships, instant or nearly instance acceleration for regular soldiers. It's the super quick turn rates that look weird to me.
  5. Yes, a charge speed that happens automatically. Once the Spearman gets within 20 meters of the enemy soldier he goes into charge speed. I'd say maybe limit it to units tasked by the player?
  6. I think mechanics can win the day. I think melee infantry can still have a slower base speed, but they "sprint" over the last 20 meters to (unit) target.
  7. These things can be done. The millet fields might have to wait, because it needs more art. I can remove the Cavalry Crossbowman, no problem. Make the Chariot rider an archer instead of crossbowman. I already removed the Practice Range earlier this week, so no worries there. Remove the "Repeating Crossbows" tech. I always knew it was anachronistic. Perhaps a different special tech for the Forge? "Differential Quenching"? I would like to see some justification for a Champion Swordsman. Right now, the unit looks very cool. These are what we have right now:
  8. Can we rebalance some of the stats at some point? A 1.25 sec attack time and 4.5 pierce, 1.2 hack attack stats are needlessly complicated. I'd like to see these rounded up or down at some point and then comprehensively rebalanced. Just what I'd personally like to see eventually.
  9. There is already a Catafalque. And in fact, it already is named after Emperor Wu even.
  10. An interesting issue to tackle as well is that I think Pikes are meant to be the consummate meat shield. So, then it creates an interesting conundrum where we want Pikes to be meat shields but we don't want it to always devolve into that. Honestly, IMHO, the game needs more infantry slugging it out instead of making ranged units the decisive units.
  11. There's also the question of whether players would use it, if attacking and defeating the enemy's melee troops first is always the most effective move.
  12. Indeed, I am attempting to argue that crossbowmen should be unique units, unlike archers, slingers, or javelinists.
  13. The subject of which units the Han should start with is a debated one. It would be best if you tried out the Han in SVN first before voting. By "Starting units", I mean those free units you receive at the beginning of the match and which are also the same units you are able to train from the CC in Phase 1.
  14. Need these 2 head wraps for unit props for sure. They could be used in multiple civs.
  15. I honestly think the head scarfs should just be earth tones, with sleeves and tunics being player color. Just my opinion.
  16. I'll make a poll for starting phase 1 units. I'm now thinking Swordsman, Archer, Cavalry Archer. But others may have a better starting roster.
  17. Guys............................................... Han Rice Paddies are 60 wood and 30 build time. Reassess.
  18. @Stan` are you willing to investigate making 1 "long dress" female mesh for us? Essentially just use f_dresss.dae but UV map adjusted for a taller texture (we've discussed this before). No new modeling, only new uv mapping. f_dress_02.dae? Would be useful for this Carthaginian priestess and Kushite female heroes. (can delete a couple of the hero meshes, I believe)
  19. I agree with these changes to unit availability, because I know that training crossbowmen was easier than training archers, however, the balancing team wants archers in first stage for gameplay balance reasons. If I put swordsman in first stage, are you okay with crossbowmen in second stage?
  20. @AIEND We need a Chinese word for Chariot or War Chariot. I am making the unit now.
  21. We can consider giving rice fields to the Mauryas after a little more research perhaps next alpha. Millet does look different from wheat. Will have to investigate how to make a Millet Field look nice in the game. I don't think it was trying to play up a stereotype, but instead attempting to make something unique.
  22. Guys, there are several things that people are "used to" that are changed every alpha. Also, should we not improve or fix things just because people are used to them being broken or poor? I think in this case, the major issue is actually that the portraits are simply switched, rather than completely changed. Simply switching them as I did does indeed cause unnecessary confusion.
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