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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. The problem is even though borg launched an initiative, he was given no actual power (or didn't take it). There needs to be 1 person who says, okay, we've reached a decent consensus on this or that issue and then decide to lock it in with a specific value, then move on to the next thing. Once all issues are "locked in," a patch is created and put onto Phab. The patch is tested for bugs and holistic balance. Tweaks are agreed upon. Patch updated and tested again. Then when final approval is reached, committed by someone on the team who isn't afraid to commit balance patches.
  2. AFAIK, "feature freeze" doesn't mean balance. If anything it seems like that's when balancing would be easiest, when all the features are frozen.
  3. New ones are base. I'm just wondering why delete the "uniform" group of textures? I thought they were pretty good too. Any ideas for a texture for Han Xin?
  4. I may make the time to review all the projectiles in the game and make some adjustments to the actors or models to make them easier to see.
  5. It looks really nice. Just wish it used the new terrains.
  6. I'll address some general points: 1. The name: I only named them "Practice Range" because that's what they were already called in trunk. I'd prefer to call them "Archery Range," which sounds better to me (I am aware that some civs don't have archers; the name still sounds better). 2. The purpose in my mind of having different types of training buildings is for differentiation along those types. To have instances where archers can be trained by the CC, Barracks, and Archery Range ruins the differentiating aspect of what is trying to be achieved here. I hate hate hate dilution. Focusing ranged infantry onto the Archery Range and melee infantry onto the Barracks is differentiation along type or class of units and the focus of this diff. Hopefully this is a convincing argument. The Deccan Tribal Levy could be a merc, or we could just make it a trash unit that doesn't promote above basic rank (my preference, since it is a simple levy unit rather than a battle hardened mercenary). The Persians could get both units. The Hill Tribesman and the Mercenary Hoplite. Tribesman could be available in Town, while Mercenary Hoplite goes to City. Or just give them one. Seleucids have a good range of Champion options already. Best to keep it as a merc unit. As far as being OP or not, most additional units would just have standard stats, unless, like the Deccan Tribal Levy, we want to do something special with it like make it a trash unit by design. The Gastraphetes I would give to Carthage, Seleucia, and Egypt as well, but give them a small training limit, like 5 or 10. But that's a different discussion.
  7. I just named it a two handed jian in the actor. "Zhan ma dao" more appropriate?
  8. Ah thank you. Will look into it. May be useful for Dacian Falxmen as well! Push some of this stuff bruh! Looks good!
  9. Romans: Practice Range Skirmisher NEW: Balearic Slinger (merc) or Roman Slinger ("Funditore") Mauryas: Practice Range Archer NEW: Deccan Tribal Levy (javelineer) Persians: Barracks Sparabara Spearman NEW: Hill Tribesman (merc axeman) or Mercenary Greek Hoplite Seleucids: Practice Range Arab Skirmisher NEW: Thureophoros Heavy Skirmisher (merc) Spartans: Practice Range Helot Skirmisher NEW: Helot Slinger
  10. Every civ has more everything than others. The problem still remains in A25b, where barracks of one civ train more units than the barracks of another civ. Same goes for Stables. What would the point be then?
  11. I agree, or very specific historical situations or, err, "scenarios." A lot of the scenarios right now are rather arbitrarily designed (at the time we didn't have skirmish maps). But they need well-thought out and well-designed. Right now, attention is elsewhere, but it's best to not bog down the game with too many mediocre and deprecated options.
  12. I'm pretty much down with removing all of the scenario maps, except for a few. I made about 95% of them back in the day and have since converted the best ones to skirmish maps. Haven't touched the scenario maps in years and they're about to be deprecated by biome/terrain texture changes.
  13. Indeed. I think if your territory swallows up a building of the enemy's, then that enemy structure should slowly convert to your side. That happens now already. That, plus units can capture buildings that have gone Gaia. And that's the extent of it.
  14. I have all kinds of ideas when it comes to organizing random maps and how they should work, but there are a few key members who disagree (or who will likely disagree), so a simple "cleanup" is probably all that can be done for now.
  15. Funny thing is, if the game had never implemented capturing, no one would be the wiser. If capturing were implemented in 2022 instead of 2014(?), then would it look and act like it does now? Or would it have been implemented differently?
  16. It looks pretty cool and as long as there's a record of it, then it gets my vote for inclusion. The "two-handed sword" animations in the game aren't very good though, I'm afraid, but someone could come along and improve them.
  17. The guy in your images as a two-handed bladed weapon. If that is accurate, then we could get that into the game for the champs-only. Looks a lot like the Rhomphaia already in the game.
  18. Those are nice indeed. We really need to improve on their helmets and also try to find more head gear references.
  19. DE keeps capturing for CCs, but attack against most everything else. See if that works for you.
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