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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Thread unlocked for comment. Will definitely need some good ideas for a lot of these heroes on Page 1.
  2. Lusitanian Heroes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punicus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucenus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesarus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tautalus https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Viriathus
  3. As long as there are good references. Though, there is some chatter that there are too many texture variants already, harming actor recognition (and graphics memory). Some more hero textures would certainly be welcome though, I'm sure.
  4. Dominate Romans ("Late" Imperials/"Early" Byzantines) https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Constantine_the_Great https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Theodosius_I https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Flavius_Aetius https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Belisarius https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Justinian_I
  5. Zapotec Heroes Note: Every Aura, Bonus, and Tech are subject to change and to critique. Please give suggestions for balance or ideas for better bonuses. Battle Priest "Ba’ate’e K’iin" Actors: Incomplete Templates: Incomplete Aura 1: "Terrifying Presence" Type: Range Nearby Enemy Soldiers -20% attack rate and -15% speed Bonus 1: "High Priest" Type: Self The Battle Priest can heal nearby Soldiers at a fast rate Tech: "Ritual Warfare" Phase: Town Researcher: Temple All Soldiers gain 20 glory loot for every enemy killed in battle Upgrade: Mount Battle Priest rides his litter when upgraded, and can train bodyguards in this state Rain Lord "Chizino Yejo" Actors: Incomplete Templates: Incomplete Aura 1: "" Type: Bonus 1: "" Type: Tech: "Water Management" Phase: Town Researcher: Civic Center Corn Fields and Farmsteads +200% health, Slaves +25% corn gather rate Upgrade: Blood Frenzy Rain Lord goes into a blood frenzy when he is upgraded Night King "Chi’ino Gol" Actors: Incomplete Templates: Incomplete Aura 1: "" Type: Bonus 1: "" Type: Tech: "" Phase: Researcher: Upgrade: Blood Frenzy Night King goes into a blood frenzy when he is upgraded Lord Jaguar "Gayo’ Betzao" Actors: Incomplete Templates: Incomplete Aura 1: "Monte Albán Expansion" Type: Range All nearby Soldiers +25% capture attack Aura 2: "Hegemonic Tribute" Type: Global Tribute from Allies bonused by 10% as long as he lives Tech: "" Phase: Researcher: Upgrade: Blood Frenzy Lord Jaguar goes into a blood frenzy when he is upgraded =========================================================================== Need lots of help with these guys.
  6. Theban Heroes Note: Every Aura, Bonus, and Tech are subject to change and to critique. Please give suggestions for balance or ideas for better bonuses. Epaminondas of Thebes Actors: Incomplete Templates: Incomplete Aura 1: "Oblique Order" Type: Formation All Hoplite Units +25% attack and +25% speed within his formation Aura 2: "Alliance Builder" Type: Global Allied buildings +25% faster construction during his lifetime Tech: "" Phase: Researcher: Upgrade: Horse Epaminondas rides his horse Zephyros when upgraded General Gorgidas Actors: Incomplete Templates: Incomplete Aura 1: "Theban Strength" Type: Range All nearby Soldiers and Civilian units +20% health Aura 2: "Hieros Lochos" Type: Global Sacred Band champions -50% train time while he lives Tech: "" Phase: Researcher: Upgrade: Battle Frenzy Leonidas goes into a frenzied attack mode when upgraded Pelopidas the Boeotarch Actors: Incomplete Templates: Incomplete Bonus 1: "Generosity" Type: Self/Resource Trickle A trickle of 100 coin per minute while he lives. His coin cost is also reduced to 0 Aura 1: "Generalship" Type: Global All soldiers and military buildings +10% health while he lives Tech: "Boeotarch" Phase: City Research Structure: Civic Center Pelopidas +25% health Mount: Horse Pelopidas rides his horse Phlaegon when upgraded =========================================================================== Looking for ideas for a 4th Theban hero. Pindar? (a stretch)
  7. Suebian German Heroes Note: Every Aura, Bonus, and Tech are subject to change and to critique. Please give suggestions for balance or ideas for better bonuses. Ariovistus "King of the Suebi" Actors: Incomplete Templates: Incomplete Aura 1: "" Type: Bonus 1: "" Type: Tech: "" Phase: Research Structure: Mount: Horse Ariovistus rides his War Horse Ursula when upgraded Arminius "Prince of the Cherusci" Actors: Incomplete Templates: Incomplete Aura 1: "" Type: Bonus 1: "" Type: Tech: "" Phase: Research Structure: Mount: Horse Arminius rides his War Horse Thusnelda when upgraded Ballomar "Terror of the Romans" Actors: Incomplete Templates: Incomplete Aura 1: "" Type: Bonus 1: "" Type: Tech: "" Phase: Research Structure: Mount: Horse Ballomar rides his War Horse Sweboz when upgraded Maroboduus "The Great Raven" Actors: Incomplete Templates: Incomplete Aura 1: "" Type: Bonus 1: "" Type: Tech: "" Phase: Research Structure: Mount: Horse Maroboduus rides his War Horse Gariswold when upgraded =========================================================================== Need lots of help with these guys.
  8. Spartan Heroes Note: Every Aura, Bonus, and Tech are subject to change and to critique. Please give suggestions for balance or ideas for better bonuses. Leonidas I of Sparta Actors: Complete Templates: Complete Aura 1: "Last Stand" Type: Range Nearby Hoplites +50% health Bonus 1: "Agoge Training" Type: Self Leonidas +20% more attack than other hoplite heroes Tech: "Royal Marriage" Phase: Town Researcher: Leonidas Unlock the hero Gorgo Upgrade: Battle Frenzy Leonidas goes into a frenzied attack mode when upgraded Queen Gorgo Actors: Complete Templates: Complete Aura 1: "Ritualized Exercise" Type: Range Nearby Female Citizens +50% health Aura 2: "Homefront" Type: Global Civic Centers +25% loyalty for as long as Gorgo lives General Brasidas Actors: Complete Templates: Complete Aura 1: "Helot Emancipation" Type: Range Nearby Helot Skirmishers and Helot Slingers +20% attack and +1 all armor types Bonus 1: "Tactical Mind" Type: Self Brasidas +20% more speed than other infantry heroes Tech: "Brasidians" Phase: City Research Structure: Archery Range Unlock the ability of Helot units to upgrade to basic hoplites Mount: Horse Brasidas rides his horse Alastor when upgraded Admiral Lysander Actors: Complete Templates: Complete Aura 1: "Surprise Attacks" Type: Global All Units +10% speed during his lifetime Aura 2: "Navarchos" Type: Range Warships +20% attack when near his ship Tech: "Persian Patronage" Phase: City Research Structure: Civic Center Spartan Warships -50% build time Mount: Horse Lysander rides his horse Harpagos when upgraded King Cleomenes III Actors: Complete Templates: Complete Bonus 1: "Resistance" Type: Self Cleomenes 3x the health of other infantry heroes Bonus 2: "Military Reforms" Type: Unlock Spartan Phalangites and City Walls unlocked when Cleomenes is chosen Tech: "Sarissa" Phase: City Research Structure: Forge Spartan Phalangites +20% attack, but -10% movement speeds Mount: Horse Cleomenes rides his horse Euros when upgraded
  9. Yes. I did that with DE's version of the files to save tons of space. han_uniform_e_05_spec.png is particularly hilarious.
  10. It's so easy to verify this, I'm shocked that neither of you bothered to look into it. This is the mixin: han_china\simulation\templates\mixins\civ\han.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity> <Builder merge=""> <Entities datatype="tokens"> structures/{civ}/imperial_court structures/{civ}/imperial_ministry structures/{civ}/great_tower structures/{civ}/laozigate -structures/wallset_palisade structures/{civ}/wallset_earth </Entities> </Builder> <Identity> <Civ>han</Civ> </Identity> </Entity> It was a way to add the other structures to their build list with less duplication. I did not make this mixin. I bypass all of that in DE with 1 simple master build list (I have no idea why the main game doesn't do this, but *shrug*).
  11. Seleucid Heroes Note: Every Aura, Bonus, and Tech are subject to change and to critique. Please give suggestions for balance or ideas for better bonuses. Seleucus I "the Victor" Actors: Incomplete Templates: Complete Aura 1: "Zooiarchos" Type: Range War Elephants +20% attack and speed within range of him Bonus 1: "Founder of Cities" Type: Unlock Constructing Civic Centers unlocked as long as he lives Tech: "Marriage Alliance" Phase: Empire Research Structure: Civic Center Unlocks a one-time purchase of 20 Indian War Elephants, a wedding gift from India Mount: Elephant Seleucus rides his Armored War Elephant when upgraded Antiochus III "the Great" Actors: Complete Templates: Complete Aura 1: "Ilarchès" Type: Range Nearby Cavalry +20% health and +10% speed Aura 2: "Restoring the Empire" Type: Global Military Colonies and Civic Centers +50% loyalty while Antiochus lives Tech: "Kataphraktoi" Phase: City Research Structure: Forge Melee Cavalry +2 all armor types Mount: Horse Antiochus III rides his War Horse Apollo when upgraded Antiochus IV "the Glorious" Actors: Complete Templates: Complete Aura 1: "Bringer of Victory" Type: Range All nearby capturable enemy buildings and siege engines -25% capture points Bonus 1: "Hellenization" Type: Unlock The Greek Theater building is unlocked, which grants territorial bonuses when constructed Tech: "Daphne Parade" Phase: City Research Structure: Fortress Champions -50% train time Mount: Horse Antiochus IV rides his War Horse Laodice when upgraded 4th Seleucid Hero Actors: Templates: Aura 1: "" Type: Aura 2: "" Type: Tech: "" Phase: Research Structure: Mount: Horse =========================================================================== Looking for ideas for a 4th Seleucid hero.
  12. I imagine in the years following a conquest there would be some sort of inflation as the old moneyed interests are liquidated. A period when that happens and before reconsolidation into the new economic power structure.
  13. @ 500 A.C. on the left there's the source for that guy's helmet:
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