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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Perhaps, but only for the first time an enemy enters that outpost's vision range.
  2. He will be Thebes' 4th hero. Thanks for that!
  3. Hmm, this didn't used to be the case, but you're right, I've noticed this too for quite some time now. In a previous alpha opening these counters would shift the tech queue downward to make room.
  4. Yes, the game currently lacks panache with its notifications and UI elements.
  5. Correct. The game calls this feature a "turret" in the code. A template propped to another template.
  6. Keep going with it. More players add more lanes?
  7. Currently, champions are about 2 ranks above an elite citizen soldier. So, Champion Cav Spearmen will still remain uber even if Cataphracts have a slightly different role, cost, and stats. Cataphracts being different doesn't change those others from being what they always have been. They weren't overly effective, but they were used. Might as well make them interesting. I suggested they act like suicide units, which is pretty much how they were used.
  8. That would be a needed feature for Cav Archers and Ele Archers for sure. I feel like a chariot archer should be able to turn around though if he wanted to.
  9. Acceleration would really be a lot better if the formation behavior was addressed. It's also not a bad feature for warships and rams, etc. Looks good for those.
  10. Chariots could be built from the Arsenal, where mechanical siege weapons are built. Trample: Yes. Chariots, Elephants, and Cataphracts could get trample effect. Chariots could be a suicide unit in that regard. Could maybe have a death splash damage. Population: Agreed. Chariots can be 2 pop. Slow Acceleration: Agreed. Cost: 200 Food, 200 Wood? I would suggest Javelineers could have a +50% attack bonus vs. Chariots, as javelin-throwing light troops were often employed to defeat them. All of this, plus my "rider hopping" feature (see video) could make them really unique.
  11. They are different developers, bruv. @vladislavbelov submits new performance patches regularly, while @Freagarach's interests and talents lie in features.
  12. The main problem with acceleration is the formation behavior. People like to click-task a lot. apm, boi! But this causes a problem in formations where the acceleration is reset for every right-click, making the formation seem super slow and extremely sluggish, the whole formation then getting slaughtered due to induced hesitation from clicking. This doesn't happen with individual units as much. I suspect this may be another alpha where formations are not used because of weird behavior like this. Sad, because of the cool new formation banners. I now suggest we remove all acceleration for this alpha until it can be rebalanced and its behavior in formations patched. @Stan` @Silier @Freagarach @wraitii
  13. Can I suggest using the newer terrain textures?
  14. Right, the archer/javelineer in the car is a turret. I think too, chariots can act like in this video here, where when the chariot dies, the rider hops off and can continue fighting (though has a slow health drain and will eventually die on his own):
  15. Perhaps we can reduce the acceleration of cavalry to near instant, but keep the current acceleration for Cataphracts. So, here's what I say so far(can be amended): Champion Cavalry Cataphract stats: Cost 150+50 food = 200 80 wood 100+50 metal = 150 25 seconds (no change) 1 pop (no change) Attack Damage (no change; would add a higher charge bonus if/when the game has charging) 8 hack 6 pierce Range 4+2 = 6 (longer spears) Bonus 1.5x vs. Cavalry (reduced by .25x) Repeat Time 1.25 seconds (no change) Damage Per Second (dps) 6.4 hack (no change) 4.8 pierce (no change) Bonus dps 9.6 hack 7.2 pierce Health 240 hp (no change; extra armor instead) Resistance 8+2 = 10 hack (can last longer in a melee); I suggest 1 additional armor tech in the forge for Cataphract civs to add 1 more to this (perhaps with a tradeoff of additional cost or less speed). 7+1 = 8 pierce 20 crush (no change) WalkSpeed 18 - 1 = 17 Remove most acceleration from other cavalry, give Cataphracts some small additional acceleration and slightly greater turn time
  16. For A27, I'd like to make mixins for the Cataphract and Chariot classes of units. Mixins are essentially like "trait" files that can add to or amend stats to different templates. So, I can create a "Cataphract" mixin that changes the Champion Cavalry Spearman templates for specific civs whose champion cav are technically cataphracts, not just your standard cavalry spearman (similar to how pikemen aren't just uber spearmen). So, what we have to determine is what makes a Cataphract different from a standard champion spear cavalry unit. Same goes for Chariots vs. Cavalry Archers/Javelineers. First, the Cataphract civs: Han Chinese Persians Seleucids Standard Champion Cavalry Spearman stats: Cost 150 food 80 wood 100 metal 25 seconds 1 pop Attack Damage 8 hack 6 pierce Range 4 Bonus 1.75x vs. Cavalry Repeat Time 1.25 seconds Damage Per Second (dps) 6.4 hack 4.8 pierce Bonus dps 11.2 hack 8.4 pierce Health 240 hp Resistance 8 hack 7 pierce 20 crush WalkSpeed 18 What can we do to make the Cataphract stand out from this? Additional armor, altered cost, attack stats, walk speed, etc. are all on the table.
  17. Tell us how you really feel. Don't hold back.
  18. Github works with svn only. Also, there are a lot of broken things right now
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