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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. The first one might be z-fighting with model planes, but I had never seen it before with those shields. The 2nd one to me doesn't look like z-fighting though.
  2. I have a bunch of actor improvements I want to finish up and commit, then I'll make this my next task.
  3. These class restrictions are defined in template_player.xml, I believe (I currently don't have access to my laptop).
  4. My preference is this. - All factions get 1 warship. No more 3 separate warship classes. - The player can tech up their warships from light to medium to heavy. It's a teching progression. (Bireme to Trireme to Quinquireme) - Warships are about the size (footprint) of the current Biremes/Pentaconters. Each new level just makes the ship look beefier (Heavy upgrade makes them 10% longer too, but they would still be smaller than the current Triremes, even at max rank). - We abandon the "soldiers on deck" feature. They wouldn't look right anyway without massive unusable ships. - Remove BuildingAI. They now attack just like any other unit-one target at a time. Means you can now micro them. - Garrisoning soldiers on board adds health and speed to the warship. - Add a ramming feature at some point. Probably when/if secondary attacks are added to the game.
  5. Even something static would be an improvement as long as it is interesting and adds a bit of visual drama to the match end.
  6. I would like to do thing like this as well. It would take scripting beyond my current level of skill though. Greek civs could have a "Civic Festival" where the units parade around the Civic Center throwing palm leaves everywhere. The Athenians' version could be called "Panathenaic Festival." Roman civs a "Triumph." Celtic/Iberian/Germanic civs could have a "Harvest Festival" where they sing and dance around Farmsteads; generates Glory and Food. Mauryas a "Tantric Fertility Festival"? Generates Glory and boosts training times substantially. Kushites could have a "Royal Procession"? Carthaginians a choice between a festival to Ba'al (boosts soldiers) or a festival to Tanit (boosts citizens). Persians? Han Chinese? Noba can have a "Fertility Rite" where female citizens stomp around and male units cower in fear. This was a real thing. Scythians maybe their Shamans (healer class units) can dance around their Ovoo structures in a psychedelic trance while shrieking and beating their drums. Generates Glory and Stone. Xiongnu and Huns their cavalry can ride around in a big circle, generating Glory and XP (and lots of noise and dust).
  7. Perhaps: <SharedLosTech tokens=""> unlock_shared_los arthashastra </SharedLosTech> lol dunno. @Freagarach? My guess is there can be only 1 tech able to toggle SharedLos.
  8. I feel like this should work. You placed this in the technologies/civbonuses folder? I tried it locally in DE and it didn't work for me either. Possibly something where <SharedLosTech> in template_player overrules the tech.
  9. http://web.archive.org/web/20100104060801im_/http://wildfiregames.com/0ad/album_image.php?pic_id=6311 http://web.archive.org/web/20041227211244im_/http://www.wildfiregames.com/0ad/album_image.php?pic_id=6363 http://web.archive.org/web/20070815024111im_/http://wildfiregames.com/0ad/album_image.php?pic_id=6308 http://web.archive.org/web/20070701145222im_/http://wildfiregames.com/0ad/album_image.php?pic_id=10771 http://web.archive.org/web/20070722092455im_/http://wildfiregames.com/0ad/album_image.php?pic_id=10527
  10. Well, the tech doesn't have to apply to the artillery towers. The tech can apply or not apply to whatever we want. It's not an issue.
  11. Yes they do apply, since what you'd probably do is make the defense tower the parent with a mixin that adds the "artillery" stats.
  12. We don't use robed models for the men either, at least those that gather wood or stone, etc. The best we can probably do for the women is make a couple of new body textures based on your references (they are good references, thank you) and use the standard "dress" mesh for the female citizen. I'm thinking though it would be cool to make an "Empress Dowager" unit for Atlas - a female unit that does wear the large robes - who perhaps has similar auras to DE's Gorgo and Cleopatra auras (boots nearby male heroes, boosts civilian unit health, etc.). Need a new "f_robe.dae" mesh for it. @Stan`
  13. I'd prefer the Upgrade feature be used instead of adding another buildable structure. Makes it more interesting to me. I use the feature extensively in DE.
  14. Well, yes. It would look silly for someone in huge robes to be mining gold. The real problem is that the game assigns an economic role to women characters that is not historically accurate. A man mining gold isn't going to wear large robes, even though there are men in his culture who wear large robes on a regular basis. This texture could be made very easily though! @wackyserious
  15. Unfortunately, women shuffling around in long robes won't really work for mining stone and chopping trees. For DE though, there is a hat already in the game that I can use, so at least that can be accurate.
  16. Yeah, they'd research Cartography at some point, but the point would be that you could position your Spy into your ally's base before turning on them. Things like that. So, if you catch an ally's Spy in your base, you might get a little suspicious. Drama.
  17. It would also add a bit of intrigue if Spies worked the same against allies as well. Meaning, they don't see them as your Spy either, but as one of their own. It could be a Hero Class unit, meaning you can only have 1 active at any time and you'd see its portrait up at the top with heroes and catafalques.
  18. Thank you for offering more 0 A.D. content!
  19. I wonder how efficient it is. Is it a constant check or only on state change.
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