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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Let's see if he shows up. I hope he doesn't mind if I use the word "Mythos."
  2. I was thinking further into the idea of an Age of Mythology mod for 0 A.D. Such a mod would entail quite a bit of work, obviously, in the form of Myth Unit models, animations, and scripting God Powers. "Favor" as a resource would be pretty simple to implement (nearly identical to Delenda Est's "Glory" resource), and many of the regular human and hero units can be reskins of units already in the game. Choosing "Minor Gods" already has a proof of concept in Delenda Est's "Hero Selection" feature. All of that is true. But I was thinking further into the mythological aspect after playing the latest Hyrule Conquest release and hit upon having two types of civs in such mod: Human and Magical. Human civs are obvious, but the Magical civs would 100% be mythologically based. Amazons Centaurs Draugar Djin Dryads at al. Just brainstorming here.
  3. @vladislavbelov and @Freagarach might have information as well.
  4. Have you tried Delenda Est? What do you think about the Slaves implementation? A tech which unlocks War Elephants for the Romans would be cool. Train them at the Fortress with a match limit. Maybe 5 or 10? The Romans indeed used War Elephants about a half-dozen times (a couple times against their own in civil wars).
  5. This is actually super cool and would love to try a mod like this. The blocks could have flags (like the formation standards in A26), that also have the unit type on them like in R2TW. I grew up watching documentaries on PBS, History Channel, and BBC where they would often use blocks like this to detail battles. Many books do it too.
  6. A turreted unit on a wall just ungarrisons when the wall is destroyed. I personally think they should die. Depends what others want I guess.
  7. lol, depends. The poly count for the soldiers and props would be reduced by half and you'd probably not have many battalions, maybe 10. lol. Anyway, hypothetical is hypothetical.
  8. The only problem with that patch as-is, is that the catapult doesn't die when the ship does. lol IMHO, turreted units should die when the turret dies. That includes walls and any other structure we might add it to (fortress for example).
  9. Yeah, the building "details" are scaled to fit. Yeah, if you're reducing unit sizes by 50-75%, then you'd for sure need battalions. And not just 18-24 units per battalion like my proposal. 64+
  10. So, yes, this is nice. Heavy Warships can come with catapults already turreted. In my suggestion, these would be smaller than normal catapults to fit on "bireme" sized Quinqeremes. Garrisoning troops onboard can still add to arrow count if we want.
  11. There never can be consensus on anything. lol If anything, I'd go the opposite route and forget about "units on the deck" and turretable stuff (unless the ships comes automatically with a turreted catapult or it's some kind of upgrade). Manually placing stuff on the decks would be a pain for anything more than a half-dozen ships. If you just want small squadrons of ships for your naval combat, then I guess that's fine, but you still have the huge problem of the scale of the current ships. I think the engine should allow for manually turretable things, but the core game should streamline the ship combat and shrink the ships to around the current "bireme" size.
  12. Right, but their units are making mincemeat of your meat shield. And now since your meatshield is dead, their meatshield can walk right up and kill your archers.
  13. When you select a group of units, the UI chooses a "primary" unit to determine a few things, such as sounds. I think the primary unit in a selection is determined by "Entity uid". While this isn't ideal to say the least (IMHO, it should go by preferred class, so Hero->Champion->etc.), it's probably efficient. Unfortunately, in this case if the unit with a lowest uid in the selection doesn't have acknowledgement sounds then you won't hear anything.
  14. Question. Why would the player want their archers to ignore the enemy's meat shield? Whoever wins the meat shield fight usually wins the battle. It's something I've been meaning to ask.
  15. This one here is my biggest peeve. Any hero or unit with a training limit reached turns the queue off. Ideally, the queue should only queue up 1 instance of the hero, similar to techs.
  16. Thank you for parsing the issue. This is the solution I went with and it fixed the issue! @anony5496 This will be fixed in the next release.
  17. The Seleucid idea sounds like something out of a single-player campaign.
  18. Not a bad reference. The iron parts could be different colors/metals.
  19. Here's the section function placePlayersNomad(playerClass, constraints) { if (!isNomad()) return undefined; g_Map.log("Placing nomad starting units"); let distance = scaleByMapSize(60, 240); let constraint = new StaticConstraint(constraints); let numPlayers = getNumPlayers(); let playerIDs = shuffleArray(sortAllPlayers()); let playerPosition = []; for (let i = 0; i < numPlayers; ++i) { let objects = getStartingEntities(playerIDs[i]).filter(ents => ents.Template.startsWith("units/")).map( ents => new SimpleObject(ents.Template, ents.Count || 1, ents.Count || 1, 1, 3)); // Add treasure if too few resources for a civic center let ccCost = Engine.GetTemplate("structures/" + getCivCode(playerIDs[i]) + "/civil_centre").Cost.Resources; for (let resourceType in ccCost) { let treasureTemplate = g_NomadTreasureTemplates[resourceType]; let count = Math.max(0, Math.ceil( (ccCost[resourceType] - (g_MapSettings.StartingResources || 0)) / Engine.GetTemplate(treasureTemplate).Treasure.Resources[resourceType])); objects.push(new SimpleObject(treasureTemplate, count, count, 3, 5)); } // Try place these entities at a random location let group = new SimpleGroup(objects, true, playerClass); let success = false; for (let distanceFactor of [1, 1/2, 1/4, 0]) if (createObjectGroups(group, playerIDs[i], new AndConstraint([constraint, avoidClasses(playerClass, distance * distanceFactor)]), 1, 200, false).length) { success = true; playerPosition[i] = group.centerPosition; break; } if (!success) throw new Error("Could not place starting units for player " + playerIDs[i] + "!"); } return [playerIDs, playerPosition]; } Here is the line (471): let treasureTemplate = g_NomadTreasureTemplates[resourceType]; I tried bypassing treasure generation by setting the starting resources to 1000, but then I got an error for line 475: ERROR: JavaScript error: maps/random/rmgen-common/player.js line 475 Script value conversion check failed: v.isString() || v.isNumber() || v.isBoolean() (got type undefined) placePlayersNomad@maps/random/rmgen-common/player.js:475:12 @maps/random/mainland.js:192:18 ERROR: CMapGeneratorWorker::Run: Failed to load RMS 'maps/random/mainland.js' Line 475: Engine.GetTemplate(treasureTemplate).Treasure.Resources[resourceType])); Could the "problem" be that Delenda Est's treasures give more than 1 resource? A few months ago @Freagarach made it possible in the core game, so I ran with it. This could be an edge case not tested for?
  20. Looks like it's getting hung up on the treasure generation for some reason.
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