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0 A.D. Department Leader
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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. Alright, few things I've noticed so far; you want the origin point to be at the feet and you want the t-pose skeleton to be assigned to the mesh, also the skeleton armature should be named, that will be your skeleton identifier. If all of your skeletons are named 'armature' the engine cant pick out your specific skeleton file. You seem to have also accidentally included the sun and camera in your charging animation file, this violates the 'multiple objects' rule on importing stuff into pyrogenesis. On export you just want to select the mesh and skeleton and check the 'export selection only' box, or make sure those are the only two things in the scene also you DO have a blank material attached. pyrogenesis cant load materials that way so that will also fail the import the T-pose origin being in the middle wont necessarily fail the import, your knight will just be halfway stuck in the ground lol
  2. Have your skeleton file for the hyrule knight?
  3. The engine can't support multiple objects, loose polygons, materials, or AO maps on animated meshes. Also the only animations supported by the engine seem to be location and rotation modifiers attached to the skeleton. Also the animated skeleton NEEDS to have a model attached for the animation to load for some odd reason made new animated meshes myself, super annoying I know
  4. getting your skeleton generator will be a big step in modding this game, even my gate and pony models. One of the most annoying aspects of creating animated props is manually writing skeletons in. I'm thinking we could see some really nice flags, for one
  5. Ptolemies already have mercenary swordsmen and spearmen, mahouts shouldn't be much more than a prop switch
  6. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Could you drop those color corrected ptolemaic textures in the thread?
  7. @Sundiata Square CC fits the footprint quite nicely, actually. Hopefully its lacks the defensive features to out it as a 'fortress'. I plan on using a whole lotta rough stone for that building anyway.
  8. glad we didn't go the stab-fire route/ though to be honest, it would be a lot easier than what I proposed
  9. Archaic architecture is a tad extreme, the border between archaic and early classical will still have those heavy solid doric columns but less... sausagey...
  10. Unless you can find us some examples otherwise. I'm not sure I'm understanding you entirely. Do you mean you want to exclude all mention pagan temples and religion because they're not compatible with Abrahamic faiths? Because if that's the case, absolutely not.
  11. I was thinking the Spartan's architecture could stray closer to early classical and use a warmer color stone
  12. I remember reading that Thebes did have an old cyclopean citadel. Not literally built by cyclops, just the style of masonry popular in the bronze age consisting of those massive rough stones
  13. That is a Roman temple, careful with those pseudoperipteral columns, they are a dead giveaway of Roman architecture, rather than Greek
  14. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser#art_source https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser#ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/meshes
  15. The short answer is no for vanilla 0 A.D., Empires Ascendant. The modding community is quite strong though, which is what the previous comments are eluding to.
  16. I never did play with the Chinese textures, were there any prominent candidates for a Han wonder?
  17. Perhaps you ought to wait for the Han's completion first, That would prevent a messy union that requires more maintenance than is necessary.
  18. Apparently you've never seen me play! hahaha
  19. We don't have the capability for one unit to have two attacks. I experimented with friendly fire in Ponies Ascendant, it only solidified infantry into a stand-by support role, though it did encourage smarter placement of ranged units, especially slingers. Slingers couldnt hit the broad side of a barn.
  20. We already have a ball court, no entity, just the actor
  21. While danny's idea does sound interesting, that's going to take a back-breaking amount of artwork for all of those building variations. A good first step I would think to take would be splitting the barracks into three buildings, which of course brings us closer to an AOE clone, but allows for that decision making that makes for interesting strategies.
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