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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. only problem with enrique's current egyptian sculptures is that the model is missing its head and shoulders under the headdress, which would make it a huge pain to rebuild and add the appropriate kushite headdress updated wonder KushWonder.zip
  2. EZ I think Enrique might be Justus' best bet when it comes to cult statues, last statue I made was one of Enrique's unit models spray painted gold lol. Thanks!
  3. Why take artistic licenses where its unnecessary? I can understand if you don't have the full picture and need to make a leap of faith between historical sources. Even so, keeping hold of things that can be inferred from surrounding contemporary sources and the environment will keep you on the right track generally. Romanticism and exoticism will eventually lead to the "Hollywood problem" we try to avoid here lol though we could have half naked spartans and zombie ninja persian immortals
  4. no problem at all, I did the same with the carthaginian wonder lol. gives it a bit more 'wonder mass' needs it, considering how big the temple of amun is
  5. Let me see what i can come up with, a full portico looks weird, but that might just be due to the stubbiness of the columns, but Egyptian columns are also notoriously... sausagey
  6. Columns are too far apart on the plan, well, except for right there where i connected them
  7. @Sundiata Do you think the columns in front of temple 300 at Musawwarat as sufra would be covered by a lintel? they seem a bit far apart for typical Egyptian-style architecture to brave the span.
  8. It can actually be a nice little incubation chamber for full fledged civs. If only we worked like this the whole time we wouldn't be half-releasing civs between alphas. My only issue with that is that the hype is finished before the civ is lol. Seleucids took years to finish
  9. Oh no no, fully official mod. I do believe this will be the first 3D reconstruction of this particular part of Musawwarat es Sufra. I guess the pressure is on
  10. It may be my ego speaking but i really like how these guys are turning out. The Egyptians everyone wanted but we couldn't deliver lol. I would like to push these guys for vanilla, they're too close and the broader 0 A.D. audience would love this.
  11. Anything dissuading the use of Egyptian clerestory windows? I've been wanting to use them for the longest time, I find them architecturally intriguing
  12. and it still rivals the temple of edfu lol oh well god see how much faster that was? dang markets
  13. lol just a word of warning, temple of amun is going to be cut at the 3rd and 1st pylon gate because its getting waay too long
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