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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. LordGood

    Render Dump

    You really cant beat sunsets for screenshot staging lol. Orange light does the job of unifying a texture pack's color palette, but that's a given with nearly everything. When you do balance your pack I suggest you do so under neutral light and with local terrain textures(as you have here). Careful where your shingles curl over, especially on the temple. I think you can do something interesting with the temple akroteria too, triangles don't really do the rest of it justice, even if you just round them off. Early Persian assets had a similar jagged issue. Such sharp angles seem blatantly poly-conservative. even if its not intended. That's generally why you see me round off the corners of my plaster and rough stone buildings more than I ought to. I would also explore Lion's suggestion regarding pediment paintings or sculpture, obviously none of that would have survived the ages, so wouldn't be present in any historical reconstruction, but we have that kind of extended artistic license here. I say work with contemporaries and neighboring culture's contemporaries, if you cant find anything from the time, move backwards from the time period rather than forwards, being more old school tends to fit the classical scene better, especially considering the rural scene you picked. (tombs might hold some clues to wall decoration but I haven't looked into it, myself) I say the most important part is to have fun with it, you have a really interesting set ahead of you, and if your sources stray in one way or another just remember to keep the whole thing coherent, because like many of the architectural packs we've done for 0 AD before, it can really be done in any number of ways... but stick to one. From what I see here you don't have a problem with that at all. (also having one artist finish a whole pack makes the whole coherence thing a non-issue, different artists will have different visions of the end result (also explains my bad habit of plowing through architecture sets as quickly as I can)) still, that's a badass defense tower. I love me some towers. Just enough building to be fun.
  2. I do believe Pureon's trebuchet is not license compatible with 0 AD, a lovely model though
  3. CC and defense tower, took a turn for the 'military' for the defense tower and plan to do similar for their fortress (fortress should incorporate some tile roofs as well). Harkens back quite a bit though.
  4. LordGood

    Render Dump

    no no, texture making is a conglomerate of modelling/rendering photomanipulation and painting, and only then if no suitable textures can be found. Best case is to make dummy models for civic, rural, and military buildings, then edit the pack until it looks right
  5. LordGood

    Render Dump

    Don't worry too much about it, a lot of it's done post-render with a lot of tiny tweaks and tests.
  6. LordGood

    Render Dump

    baaah no point in being defeatest about it, Dacians are one of those contemporaries i was talking about. Only thing bothering me really with your Thracian set is the texture coherence or lack thereof
  7. LordGood

    Render Dump

    Archaic/geometric period temples I would assume
  8. LordGood

    Render Dump

    I would say be careful of secondary sources, and especially reserve trait copying to primary sources. Trouble here is that all the primary source material has likely rotted away, so other contemporary inference is likely your best bet.
  9. LordGood

    Render Dump

    Seems we're both right lion lol
  10. LordGood

    Render Dump

    What's interesting about the Greek Doric order is that its speculated there are a lot of holdovers from when temples were still made of wood. It's theorized the stone triglyphs and metopes are representations of the wooden beams holding up the roof, and the decorations between them. make of that what you will, there are a lot of ways to go about this, all of which very interesting.
  11. LordGood

    Render Dump

    You're thinking of the pediment lion, the tympanum typically goes over a doorway.
  12. I'd like to see those normals in action, perhaps stronger too. maybe a little spec mapping in there as well?
  13. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Those two bits of temple arent really meant to come apart, no interest in the back hall? it might fit your footprint better
  14. rural houses were planned for Thrace, werent they?
  15. I like the lack of gates, forces the player to be a bit more creative with defenses. You could manipulate the crap pathfinder to make exiting your fortifications easier than entering with smart wall placement
  16. lol in what world are crossbows a moderate counter to pikemen. I think the only stronger counter there is are handcannons
  17. barracks trained champions have longer train times, ergo needs a different template, same with women trained from houses and the CC
  18. I think the temple of Apedemak should train special units, like the Carthaginian temples with their sacred band. The temples of Amun served many purposes if I'm not mistaken, they can not only train a new champion unit/heroes but have some sort of civic or economic bonus? Similar to the Persian Apadana
  19. I've only seen archers wear the feather. In closer combat I know I'd like to have my head covered.
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