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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. Did I give you guys the buildings for this civ?
  2. lol I think you misunderstand what I mean- have all ethnicities be represented in slavery equally if you want slavery implemented. Don't give them different stats. actually do what you want, I'm just saying ten cuidado
  3. The reasoning doesn't matter, you would be placing values on ethnicities instead of slaves as a whole. Any changes by biome should be visual and left at that. I'm not one for censoring, but I will warn you this could definitely stir up trouble. Especially from an American perspective
  4. I don't think I have to spell out the controversy surrounding giving different slave ethnicities different stats. You'd best level the playing field.
  5. You would be dropping several thousand out of the treasury, possibly tens at that level of finish.
  6. I would very much like to see you figure this out, tower mounted siege sounds awesome. I made an attempt with the unicorns in Ponies Ascendant but it never got off the ground.
  7. i always wondered why those existed and now I know and that's real cool
  8. In what world is attacking down from a horse more easily done with a sword than a spear? I imagine the sword would be a backup in pretty much all cases. If our armor calculations were done like most games a dedicated 'shock' troop would find itself much more useful for breaking through a high armor threshold, but not as its handled now.
  9. jeez well, that's a fair amount of work should totally add all of the original AoE buildings too. archery ranges siege workshops champion academys wee
  10. I use my drawing tablet and a gambeson sleeve. Comfy as can be
  11. I think you either need a specmap or you need to get rid of the specular material to get rid of that purple
  12. Of course, everything here is under cc-by-sa. I'm glad they're well received!
  13. They are short, but I'm short too. Didn't people used to be shorter back when? I dunno. Tech icons maybe? I'm not doing unit icons again, it'd be weird to only have a couple of them. Also they might get awful if they get scaled down to 1282
  14. I have a habit of going way too dark with my shading and color multiply layers, then hitting my painting with like 3 lighting layers. Suprise suprise, that washes out skin tone lol I'm partial to lion-man, the classical Meriotic superhero, but temple guardsman's got more than enough bronze
  15. Like the sandwich Sundiata did post a few in the overreaching kushite's thread, if you can find them. Theyre legit mace heads, cant get any more historically accurate than that
  16. My only thought is that they'd look badass. I dont play enough comp 0AD to get a sense of the 'power rankings' more than 'this is annoying to fight'. Lots of different civs have to choose what units can be trained, (by lots i mean 2 but i like the sound of it) Carthaginians can have a full mercenary roster, and seleucids have their champion divergence. Perhaps the kushites could have both. Unless there was some super divergence where you had to choose between a full roster of mercenary troops or your temple champions which would be quite choice let me tell you I still love the axeman>swordsman idea
  17. @Sundiata Would it be unreasonable if I were to give Apedemak's faithful epsilon axes?
  18. Why do i try to paint battle scenes. They're the worst figured i'd dump what i had here maybe I'll finish it i dunno
  19. That trebuchet served its purpose, but its a bit roughly modelled and enormous. Alexander here looks to have put more effort into his than I put in mine already, and at a size better suited to 0 AD as well I dont even have ponies manning mine :c
  20. Why yes, i will be listening to this on loop for the next week I still love the original, even the clunky impassable farms and 2x2 towers made space management a real satisfying part of base building when done right. And dealing with the mirror towers during the siege of Syracuse campaign mission? hah, nostalgia
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