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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. @wowgetoffyourcellphone I heard you needed some of these, though I understand it may come a bit late edit: have some actor files too Kushite_pyramids.zip pyramid.xml pyramid_paintings.xml
  2. why remove such perfect simplicity. Also bools are about the messiest thing ive had the displeasure of dealing with
  3. Looks like Civ VI beat me to it fair warning: I am going to half stuff this exact model into the pyramids. Just the way it is
  4. @Sundiata I know the bronze age Egyptians used primitive machicolated balconies on their fortresses for plunging fire, and I'm operating under the assumption that the Kushites would have borrowed that. Any sources you have confirm this hypothesis o' mine?
  5. lol I should look at some of this stuff in person. Haven't been to the MFA in a while.
  6. I have spartans, kushites, ptolemies, construction sites to deal with first. I ought not distract myself any further
  7. I want to stress the point that gimp doesn't have a liquefy tool
  8. Down with the merger! For mod independence! FOR FREEDOM!
  9. Projectile speed is way too high, I dropped it way down to experiment and it made gameplay a lot more interesting, and units visually wont be shooting arrows through teammates. Givign an ability to use micro to dodge archer spam would help reduce 'ranged supremacy'
  10. Also, projectiles are assigned to the parent actor (archer in this case) and not the bow, I think it'll recognize prop_projectile from the prop actor. Lol it's been a while
  11. Not with the tools I'm familiar with. But what I said should work, the slings in vanilla use projectile prop bones
  12. lol @niektb he's saying hes in support of the merger
  13. The projectile prop can be nested into another prop, i.e. On the bow instead of the archer. Also when your model is changing animations you need to list the props going into each animation in the actor editor template, I'd take a look at how existing models do it
  14. Usually that's handled with a prop_projectile bone with a projectile-loaded variant. I generally use the actor editor program, so I don't quite know how to do it with the xml directly
  15. Construction should be similar to the carthaginians, its a stone/ mud brick wall with a plaster finish. its not particularly realistic since it usually showcases different parts of the building at different stages of construction. Greek temples' blocks are a little different, they have iron ties fastening together the stones, and the drum-by-drum construction of a column would be interesting to depict as well
  16. I should while I'm at it huh? Wont be simultaneous of course, different actor paths and all that
  17. Models are only overwritten if their replacements are pretty much an HQ replica. Most of these models i 'delete' could be found with a little effort. That is unless someone's been following me around with the content machete. If you're talking about the broch, the old broch is literally still in the actor file under a 0 chance variation, easy enough as typing a '1' in the actor file to get it back. You're going to have to color match the roof if you want it back in DE though
  18. I can put them on the roof if you like. the temple is already longer than the standard greek temple footprint, ive seen some images of braziers on the eaves of the pediment, though i dont know how accurate they are.
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