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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. That said I do like how pikes handle as what actually feels like 'heavy infantry'
  2. Historically for civilizations without massive siege engines, slingers were the siege engines. I remember reading somewhere the Gauls would stone their opponents off their walls before sapping them, besides, it would be nice to have low tier siege weapons to grade out the harsh jump between town phase siege warfare and the inevitable city phase siege-and-champ blitz
  3. well, they DO have sentry towers, they just cant build them.
  4. The ability to outrange defenses has been the crux of AOE siege since the original. Not because it does a particularly large amount of damage but rather forces the besieged to take action instead of hiding behind his walls. This is part of the reason I hate rams so much because taking appropriate action isnt so important as having the right units at the right time, and still taking heavy building losses regardless. I also disagree with the siege catapult damage buff because it has the exact same effect. at the end of the day I'd rather employ strategy than brute force, which is really what my current beef with siege boils down to
  5. You need a texture pack first,otherwise modeling becomes horribly inefficient. And, like I said, I'm not promising anything, though shieldwolfs reply to that does hold some truth
  6. I used to have a very nice book on military architecture, from what I recall Egyptian fortresses generally had evidence being the recipients of massive sapping attacks given the mud brick did not hold up too well against hand tools and determined attackers, i forget the details but i think i remember one of which nearly had an entire wall torn down by hand
  7. I've been working with less developing the Zapotecs. I think there's plenty of information here for an architectural set. I wont promise anything though
  8. Oh hey I forgot I made that lol
  9. lol i was waiting for someone to point that out whoopsies
  10. I think capturing needs to be a secondary attack as well. When several enemy catapults are tearing down your buildings and your citizen soldiers can't get over the rediculous cp regen then they'll just let these catapults roll over an entire city, necessitating micro as you have to control click each catapult to save yourself. Also, not quite related, but rams still aren't fun to play with or against.
  11. The new unit meshes don't do that, so nothing to worry about ;p
  12. I know maya seafaring was done in massive canoes made of the trunks of large trees. The mod is mostly done, just a few details need to be touched on, like naval capacity of any mesoamerican civ, since it needs to be there for balance, even if not strictly accurate
  13. Also to show off niek's emblem @niektb I think the red fits quite nicely
  14. Thanks lets get things back on topic then look! Cactuseses!
  15. Wat All spearmen with the exception of pikes are one handed spearmen? (I'd love to see cavalry lancers use both hands, and a lance of decent length btw)
  16. Empires apart haha dang, that would work reasonably well too
  17. Nahh screw it, rise of the south would work thematically.
  18. Nice, I recall player color being a big problem with iber_struct
  19. Well, I was thinking we could have separate mods for different cardinal directions. For example the kushites and Aksum could be lumped into a rise of the ... Wait. Noo, that wouldn't work, rise of the south has different implications here well shoot
  20. Nah, pretty much just what you'd expect, haha
  21. Psh, niek, you think I wouldn't have already thought of that? You forgot the new soundtracks too ;p
  22. I'm noticing all of your song are quite linear without breaks introductions, or conclusions. Just a slow crescendo. It does sound very nice but the nature of how music cycles in the game, transitions between old and new tracks are going to be particularly jarring. I'd recommend slower tracks as well to better fit the mood of existing ones. I do some composing in musescore myself from time to time with the default MIDI ;p these tracks are very nice standalone
  23. I put testudo animations in my swordsman animation sheet, or just the two.
  24. Isnt the Greek trireme animated though? From my understanding, you cant put AO maps on animated actors
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