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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. I'm sorry for not keeping up with you on replying, work has been kicking my butt lol you're headed in a good direction. One small thing I would ask of you is to make the main building's texture plaster rather than cut stone to fit in better with the rest of the faction architecture. I'm stretching my lunch break lol, let me know if you have anything specific you want critiqued and I'll get back to you when I get back home. Looking good, keep it up!
  2. Use shift clicks to orient your troop formations, shift click behind where you want your formation and click forward where you want it to stand and face.
  3. with 5 troops garrisoned, every 30 seconds it shoots a building-targeting decal projectile at an absurdly slow speed. However, this projectile has a range of 90 meters and does 500 crush damage. Like all siege, it's impervious to arrows. It only has 300 health, isn't capturable, and only does 100 damage to other siege tunnels. (Dissuading overuse of counter-tunneling, but still making it a viable tactic)
  4. theyre going to need new sounds though, the whoosh and clank really doesn't work for it
  5. Proof of concept, very slow, but nothing shortie of a sortie is going to get rid of them, since they out range traditional siege. (Can't attack it though) And yes, decals can be used as projectiles.
  6. Helmets generally have interior suspension or padding, though his does look a bit tall. Open mouths throw off facial proportions a lot.
  7. Tell you guys what, I'll put two hastati in, they'll be on separate layers and oscillate, so far I have 3 layers, Sky, land, and the first hastatus. The hastatus oscillates almost completely off the screen, so the bg will be exposed fairly quickly. If y'all feel the same way next svn I can easily take them out again.
  8. It does interrupt the sweep of the composition, I was thinking to echo it with a larger hastatus closer to the larger side of the wall
  9. What if I put more hastati in the foreground?
  10. I guess not lol, everyone must be busy. I got you. Let me know if you need these in .png format. I assume you use Photoshop, so .dds shouldn't be too big of an issue. I'm looking forward to the next iteration! hele_prop_1.dds hele_siege.dds hele_struct.dds hele_struct_1.dds hele_struct_2.dds hele_struct_b.dds
  11. I hope so, going to need some historian help however, the ptolemies actually DO have 2 champs, they're the only ones with a champion warship. It's a useless champion warship currently, but the juggernaut is technically a champion. Doesn't even have a model yet, actually.
  12. If you go up to the development tab you'll find the art asset repository. Find the Greek structural and prop texture files, download and use those for UV mapping. Using the same textures throughout an architectural set helps keep it coherent. An animated worker would be nice too. You seem to be getting caught up on details early, though everyone has a different way of working I know. Make sure your architecture is realized and ordered correctly as you move into finish. Also be sure to keep the meshes that use different texture files separate objects. 0 AD can only assign 1 texture file to each mesh in game, but we can make an object use multiple meshes. Overall this looks really nice so far, that purple awning looks a little too "rich" for a siege workshop, some of the Hellenes textures should have awning textures for you to use. With the textures we have already, you shouldn't need to paint any, especially not for the Greeks, haha. Can someone on the forums actually grab the Hellenes structural, siege, and prop textures for Ketu?
  13. Siege weapons have 100% pierce armor in the new alpha, which works out pretty well, siege weapons are also difficult to capture as it is, tbh I'd rather siege be destroyed easily than be difficult to capture. As it is a pack of infantry units will be trying to capture a ballista and not succeeding in the slightest, when the much more direct 'stab it until it dies' approach would have saved several of your own buildings. I was honestly never did like capturing being the primary method of attack when available. That got off topic, tl;dr I'd rather tunnels not have capture points.
  14. I've been thinking, tunnelers would add some much needed ranged siege to Civs that don't have any. I was thinking tunnel entrances could be built by citizen soldiers, and only when garrisoned fully (10 troops?), it would produce a slow, low, and powerful building-targeting projectile, perhaps with its own ground decal and particle effect. They'd have the same 100 health and 100%pierce armor as siege as well. They'd cost a lot of wood and take a long time to build. This is just brainstorming on my part, let me know what you think.
  15. Now, this one's fresh. Hastati in foreground to come.
  16. Welcome, Ketu! Our art lead Enrique might be better at guiding you through some tasks we need to be completed. Right now I'm taking odd jobs and replacing some old models. We have several small tasks in the art tasking thread, but it seems like you would like to showcase your creativity. The idea was put forth that the Macedonians could use a workshop, from which siege weapons could be trained. If you walk us through your working process from sketch to finish we could help you with what you need to know. be warned, the team and community can be a bit hard to understand sometimes, and some opinions may make you feel frustrated. if you want to start off on the smaller tasks, that's fine too. We'll be looking forward to seeing what you're capable of. cheers
  17. I think Enrique was going to have a go at the civic center and replace all of the columns on the Seleucid columned buildings, but we haven't heard from him in a while.
  18. Pff of course they do! what, am I gonna leave out the walls? silly
  19. Can't work much during the hurricane lol. That sounds like fun though. Its nice to hop between Civs again. This upgradeable entity fervor is going to last me a while haha
  20. I miss the enormous old ones already. None of them had so much as parallax either. Behold! Carthage's, uh, TRIPLE walls! I broke all of the gate animations as o exported them, somehow. Now I got to make them all over againnn
  21. More so my day of not explaining things clearly, haha
  22. Oh I dunno. If someone's having fun city-building and spraying citizen soldiers, siege weapons and champions are going to ruin his fun. feudal age fights were fun because of the massive fights that would win little ground, and the counters were very bare bones i think it would be just as, if not more fun in 0ad. Village phase defenses are rare and unnecessary considering how quickly you'd want to push through it.
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