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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have the rights.
  2. I can't tell, one could try the mod. if it's still in use and no issue exists an issue has to be created here -> https://github.com/0ADMods/terra_magna/issues
  3. Open the scenario editor via the game menu. In the entity panel place the wall gate. Dont forget to the set the player in the bottom pane. Place random units for both sides. Return to the main panel and press play. Try closing and opening the gate and see what happens.
  4. What did you try ? Could you submit a patch ?
  5. Does that make sense ? (Total newbie in the balancing world) I guess if we consider piercing is for arrows, maybe there should be another type of attack for spearmen ? Hack only seems right if they are halberdiers, which probably wasn't really a thing at the time.
  6. If we ever have #2577 the one thing I'd want is doors independent from the walls. Then we could make destructions variant for them too.
  7. The new Linux kernel is out with better support for raspberry https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/08/linux-4-18-kernel-release-features/amp
  8. Another attempt. This time with mixed grass. untitled1.png.zip
  9. Thanks for the report. I added it on the Todo list https://github.com/0ADMods/terra_magna/issues/48
  10. I believe you can batch resize files using gimp and cmd probably need DDS plugin tho. https://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Basic_Batch/
  11. True Need to find Someone. Not sure he's been around lately
  12. Integrating new civs -> Why not. However the main issue I have is keeping it playable withe main game which means keeping the licenses up to date, keeping the templates up to date because DE has more things namingly glory... And same for the technologies.
  13. I've found the best way to startle interest here is to provoke it so if that's something you are interested in feel free to go ahead.
  14. They are compressed. At least mine are and sometimes I recompress them myself to make them even smaller because the archiver doesn't likely use ultra compression. Modmod is not being packaged nor compressed and that should be fixed in the re release. @Itms I wonder if we should not recompress public.zip after install to reduce diskspace usage I know disks are big these days but it's not a reason to waste space.
  15. To make Delenda Est smaller I was wondering if there was a way you could use the mod as a dependency. This way you would only have to carry templates around and maybe some actors but at least the 3D model wouldn't need to be duplicated.
  16. Could you just translate the default sentences ? Someone else could do the recording but none of us can do the translation.
  17. Glad it worked. Hope you'll enjoy the game.
  18. Tis gonna be good. I have no idea on how the review process is gonna go though, I guess we'll see. It's been a while since we had someone on the sound department not working on music.
  19. Seems pretty official to me So just create a thread named ===[TASK]=== Whatever Sound I'll leave the organisation up to you. That reminds me that animals have a feeding animation, so we should at some point enable sounds for that too. Gah, so much things to do.
  20. Great news Keep us up to speed, and don't hesitate to post stuff in a relevant thread for everyone to hear, when you have something.
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