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  1. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths#Linux should be added to reflect game save location if you installed by using flatpak. I don' know exactly who or how it should be done but for linux mint the path is as follows: home/user/.var/app/com.play0ad.zeroad/data/0ad/saves I suspect other data files are there also. I see a cache, config and a data directory. No need for others to spend their time looking for this. If this is the wrong place for this I ask forgiveness and please move it to where it should be. I believe you can see if it was a flatpak by typing "flat pak list" and looking at the output.
  2. /home/user/.var/app/com.play0ad.zeroad/data/0ad/saves is apparently where they are saved. I haven't deleted them yet and check but I can see quite a few files that looks like them. Thanks for the tip about flatpak, I searched the web and found some one asking where did his files go on a different program. Might I suggest that this be added to the wiki, can I do it or does a more privileged person has needed. P.S> All the yellow bricks have been re purposed to smash windows during our peaceful demonstrations we have today. Unfortunately our government could not reach a agreementon how to repair the road. Some even suggested that it would be better to leave it the way it is now to cut down on emissions.
  3. I know that I used flatpak to install atom. Does flatpak give actual installs or just a list of possible installs? 0ad is in the "flatpak list" output . I believe linux mint software manager has flatpaks installs within it although it might have been the flatpak working packages I am thinking about. As far as the snap question any certain place to look? I looked in /var/lib/snapd/snaps but it only has directory named partial . Thanks by the way.
  4. Hate to say this but I don't remember for sure. 0ad is usually the first gameI install so normally it is from software manage If I knew the saved file name I just walk away and us find from root . (This computer has 60 tb hence the walking away
  5. Here my directory list( not under applications here either) Don't see it under /home/user/local/share either unless it is further down yet. So what am I missing? mj@gb:~$ ls -a ~/.local/share/ . mc .. nano applications nautilus cinnamon nemo codeblocks pep8-simul dirlist recently-used.xbel flatpak rhythmbox gegl-0.3 shotwell gsettings-data-convert Trash gstreamer-1.0 vlc gvfs-metadata webkitgtk icc xplayer // tree gives the following // mj@gb:~$ tree ~/.local/share/ /home/mj/.local/share/ ├── applications │ ├── mimeinfo.cache │ └── userapp-par2-VO3AVZ.desktop ├── cinnamon │ ├── applets │ ├── desklets │ ├── extensions │ └── search_providers ├── codeblocks │ ├── plugins │ ├── scripts │ └── templates │ └── wizard │ └── console ├── dirlist ├── flatpak │ ├── db │ └── repo │ ├── config │ ├── extensions │ ├── objects │ ├── refs │ │ ├── heads │ │ ├── mirrors │ │ └── remotes │ ├── state │ └── tmp │ └── cache ├── gegl-0.3 │ └── plug-ins ├── gsettings-data-convert ├── gstreamer-1.0 │ └── presets ├── gvfs-metadata │ ├── home │ ├── home-8574f168.log │ ├── root │ ├── root-0abfaec5.log │ ├── uuid-1bc6cf05-eb9a-4637-a9a9-5cb7dccb5fa5 │ ├── uuid-1bc6cf05-eb9a-4637-a9a9-5cb7dccb5fa5-2ad54a1b.log │ ├── uuid-57A9CA1365820752 │ ├── uuid-57A9CA1365820752-71e87c44.log │ ├── uuid-70a17b1d-781a-4d31-a670-ef93448e8eac │ ├── uuid-70a17b1d-781a-4d31-a670-ef93448e8eac-57f88d48.log │ ├── uuid-e99e639e-81b9-4699-9b18-734a3b269e19 │ ├── uuid-e99e639e-81b9-4699-9b18-734a3b269e19-e9308a77.log │ ├── uuid-f55ef5dc-27ac-4d06-9116-df9e70c0c8eb │ └── uuid-f55ef5dc-27ac-4d06-9116-df9e70c0c8eb-90215f04.log ├── icc │ └── edid-54ee5485709a5211960daee3f4c3e82a.icc ├── keyrings │ ├── login.keyring │ └── user.keystore ├── mc [error opening dir] ├── nano ├── nautilus │ └── scripts ├── nemo │ ├── actions │ └── scripts ├── pep8-simul │ └── QtWebEngine │ └── Default │ ├── GPUCache │ │ ├── data_0 │ │ ├── data_1 │ │ ├── data_2 │ │ ├── data_3 │ │ └── index │ └── Visited Links ├── recently-used.xbel ├── rhythmbox │ ├── playlists.xml │ ├── podcast-timestamp │ └── rhythmdb.xml ├── shotwell ├── Trash │ ├── files │ │ └── Music -> /mnt/20tb/__0__Music/ │ └── info │ └── Music.trashinfo ├── vlc │ └── ml.xspf ├── webkitgtk │ └── localstorage ├── xplayer └── xviewer-wallpaper.JPG
  6. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths#Linux Solved see end of posts says save path is located as follows For most data created during the game (replays, screenshots, savegames): ~/.local/share/0ad/ I do not seem to have this directory on my linux mint system Where else should I look? I'm trying to delete multiple game saves Thanks 21819 is the release number for 0ad
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