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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Those are french units I only retextured the trucks. The rest was made by the spring 1944 team. I plan to import other civs but I'm currently looking for a way to automate that.
  2. You should post that here https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1958
  3. Fair enough, I will try to make the script run on windows though.
  4. @Nescio re: 1042 I don't see anything particularly wrong with it, is it complete ? I guess elexis won't review any time soon, so I could do it. Sorry about that, it's not that big a deal though is it ?
  5. Well, the engine release are ESR, and they don't provide the latest https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/Releases Actually it's 52 and not 62
  6. There are a few things we'd like to have other than fixing the release blockers. Pathfinder Threading Network Server Threading Spidermonkey 62 Some gameplay features. Borg's mod somehow. Maybe something special
  7. Windows users get autobuild everyday, so everyone on windows can actually use svn without anything else than tortoise.
  8. Hello @NeoBuzantinos, Unfortunately, I do not have a release date for you. What I can only say "is when it's done". You can indeed try out A24 pretty easily if you are on windows. If you want help let me know. It's a dev version though, so expect bugs. On windows you can use Tortoise SVN. You can see that as some sort of auto-updater. Then you can follow the images here If you'd like an opportunity to discuss this with us or need help you can use https://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=0ad-dev to ask question. If you want to come meet us, some of use will be at FOSDEM in Bruxelles in February.
  9. You need to clone this https://github.com/0ADMods/pyrogenesis-1944
  10. Do you know how to use git? What OS are you on?
  11. what if you use load instead of event in the whole hierarchy @The Undying Nephalim
  12. Sure, Do you know how to edit xml files? If not do you want to learn?
  13. I would think the later, and yes, you can help https://www.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/
  14. That was the mod above did Glad you sorted it out, enjoy the game.
  15. @wowgetoffyourcellphone I have some new poplars from @Bigtiger that aren't committed yet, they will improve things a bit I'm just waiting cause there is a bug @vladislavbelov is investigating.
  16. Created a ticket in case someone wants to pick up the task https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/5642
  17. I guess it could be a gamesetup option for the tech to be autoresearched @nani?
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