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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @Anaxandridas ho Skandiates I committed the greek name and gave credit to the "The European Castalia Society" trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/23244
  2. Sure or create another thread
  3. I don't think he has the choice due to how the minimap is currently rendered and hardcoded in cpp. There is a patch to be able to remove the square by @vladislavbelov not sure what is the status with it It's possible but we don't have the features to with it.
  4. It's just set in a futuristic timeframe So there could totally be planets with livable environnements
  5. Yeah. Actually removing the directory removes all the files. The problem with removing all resources is you also break all the trees and animals which means you can't reuse old maps :/
  6. I started adding buildings matching the starcraft ones to see how it goes. All my footprints are wrong since all starcraft buildings are for an unknown reason all shifted 45degrees... Currently civ center cube is 5x5 dunno if it should be 4x4 Couldn't find a way to remove all resources to keep only two, so for now only wood and food are used. Still need a proper vcs replacement, and a name for that. Couldn't find a way to add building dependencies. Supply depot still has territory while it shouldn't Still no civ.json Help is welcome
  7. I think Nescio is a practical man that likes practical things (No offense meant) Having player dependant cmpVisual sounds complicated :/
  8. Hello @Binko welcome to the forums. To answer your question those maps were removed because they had copyright, and having them would have caused legal trouble for us. If you want to download them, you can extract them from a previous release on https://releases.wildfiregames.com
  9. Just for the record: the feature has been committed yesterday. Sure maybe @Freagarach could add a status bar for that oo.
  10. I'd like that as well and I have some nice references but I almost convinced Alexandermb to work on animals @Nescio: the progress bar icon on the top right corner.
  11. Currently it's only for researching for trainees I'd have to write another patch... Wouldn't the storehouses look weird without props when not researching?
  12. You already have it on the screen ? In every actor file
  13. Any idea on what could be done for other buildings? Blacksmith was the easiest (hence the example) but the other I have no idea :/
  14. To use it one needs to add a new group to the actor file. <group> <variant frequency="1" name="Idle"/> <variant frequency="0" name="researching"> <props> ... extra researching props </props> </variant> </group>
  15. @tuk0z Thanks for investing time into looking into those memory issues I'm wondering if we could pinpoint the commit that fixed the issue for you. Also what do you mean the gametime overlay doesn't work?
  16. Glad you figured it out. If you find the offending one, can you upload it here?
  17. What if you play with the options in the top right corner?
  18. @Nescio If the following doesn't work then that's a bug. Usually though it's artists that define projectiles, not gameplay, so it makes sense that it is by default in actor files. Line 68 - 74 of binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Attack.js "<Projectile>" + "<Speed>50.0</Speed>" + "<Spread>2.5</Spread>" + "<ActorName>props/units/weapons/rock_flaming.xml</ActorName>" + "<ImpactActorName>props/units/weapons/rock_explosion.xml</ImpactActorName>" + "<ImpactAnimationLifetime>0.1</ImpactAnimationLifetime>" + "</Projectile>" + l 164-166 "<element name='ActorName' a:help='actor of the projectile animation.'>" + "<text/>" + "</element>" +
  19. You can already do that I believe for both the impact and the projectile.
  20. @Nescio Both of your concerns are valid hence why1) it's not.limited to blacksmith 2) it's not enabled by default
  21. @LordGood Definitely save those showcase for a beautiful demo map <3
  22. @gameboy we need to decide first if that's revealing too much information about the player or if it's a valid reward for scouting.
  23. Well it needs D1958 and night support. Though one could argue you could use the moon light
  24. @LordGood From fireflies to actual fire
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