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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Using the logos here, I made a few variants of the Wildfire Games logo in SVG version. For all the three examples above, I assume it's best to use the logo only, and use real text, as it will look better than any pixelated version of text. I am against using a real character for the logo, as it removes the artistic liberties taken when designing it. wildfire_games_logo_only.svg wildfire_games_logo_text_bottom.svg wildfire_games_logo_text_left.svg wildfire_games_logo_text_left_two_lines.svg
  2. One has to be careful with the license of the heightmaps.
  3. @Mina 0 A.D. won't be part of thr GSOC this year either. I am sorry. Would you still like to make some contributions to the AI?
  4. I actually plan to use Wesnoth's lore in 0 A.D. But I need help to design everything as I simply don't have enough time.
  5. Ponies Ascendant and Hyrule Conquest not fantasy enough for ya? I'm working (slowly) on https://www.moddb.com/mods/dwarfs There was also a mythology mod @Rolf Dew was working on
  6. About texturing you could reuse the current game texture until you make something better
  7. There is likely a very high resolution here, and I'll try to make a SVG soonish.
  8. I guess you could make a patch
  9. That's because the logo in Phabricator is not completely an image. The text part is actual text which is why it looks so sharp. The forums' however is a png, and the ingame logo must be something like 128x256. The GUI needs change to accommodate a bigger resolution, or the engine to support SVG. For the forum and trac though I guess I could provide a SVG version. Should be pretty easy to obtain with inkscape. EDIT: Depending on what you have on your computer the font changes in Phab: body { font: 13px 'Segoe UI','Segoe UI Emoji','Segoe UI Symbol','Lato','Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 13px; }
  10. Hey @DeadTom Thanks for keeping up with it! If you have any question about the folder structure you can ask in this thread. If you need a more interactive explanation you can drop by IRC or ask me on Discord. As general rule for modelling in this kind of environment keep the number of polygons as low as possible and work a lot more with the textures. There are some general recommendations here and there. For non humans maybe you should look at our animal blendfiles, or ask @LordGood how he did it with Ponies Ascendant. Animations can be a bit tricky for beginners to get in the game and there a few steps to follow. You can find a basic tutorial on how to get things in the game here. Hope it helps. Have a nice day too, let me know if I can help.
  11. Yeah. I actually am not sure. I got only that far
  12. Did you use mozilla build starting from a 32bit msvc command prompt.
  13. @Andrettin Spidermonkey is used by the Pyrogenesis engine to understand the Javascript code we use for map generation gui and simulation and AI. Usually it would be done in LUA but the founders chose Js instead.
  14. Indeed. I have not successfully managed to build Spidermonkey myself sadly. There are instructions on how to do so here though: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildingWindowsDependencies
  15. PeerTube is a bit different in the sense that it's FLOSS software so it's allowed. Not here though I moved the the thread. We should indeed try to mirror videos on that platform with @Sundiata and/or @BrynnOfCastlegate
  16. Could you try to get a stack trace? Also how many AIs were there. If there are too many you might have simply ran out of RAM.
  17. To make it work with VS2017 one has probably to rebuild all the libs for it (the lib. In the libraries folder) (Might also not work with SpiderMonkey) why do you ask? It could be tried without though since there hasn't been a big change of ABI. I personally use VS2019 with the VS2015 toolset. I also tried meson build but so far have failed to get a working windows build with ninja. It reportedly work with linux though. Would that be something you'd like to look into?
  18. Hello @kangz You have two options. Either download a fixed bundle from Here Or in the game options in the lobby tab disable TLS. Sorry for the inconvenience...
  19. Yes it's a general issue of the game. The speed of the game is conditionned in multiplayer by the slowest computer in the bunch. The game is a CPU intensive task which is mostly mono threaded ( As in not able to use more than one CPU core) Since in MP all the clients compute the game the AIs and whatnot on their own they have to sync regularly so the slowest computer defines the pace. Also in MP "turns" are slower than in SP (200ms per turn vs 500ms) I believe I answred most of it in the above post. There is some work being done to improve things for A24 mainly threading the pathfinder and the networking and @vladislavbelov is working on making the renderer a bit faster. (The renderer is also a bottleneck) Welcome to the forums @2fftr
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