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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. No, it does not. I also recommend you delete any materials your mesh has prior to exporting, because it ignores them as well. (And having more than one will crash the game). Ok so for normals you need to bake the normal map. The Y channel of the normal map needs to be inverted because blender uses OpenGL normals see wiki:NormalMaps If you want to make use of the heightmap you can add it to the alpha channel of the normal map. See wiki:ParallaxNormalMaps Indeed you need a custom uvmap for AO The spec map works as follow: - Color defines the specular color (eg a yellow specular will reflect light like it's yellow) - Intensity (eg. dark vs white) The brighter the shinier You should be able to get away with a tweaked B&W normal map Combined maps are just one texture, the game cannot however extract the other maps from that one. It's just the texture you can see in blender, it has no other information. It's sometimes useful when you want to bake reflections on the texture. Yes the game can work like this. However it is recommended to use textures atlases, for the more textures you have to load the slower.
  2. Ranged attacks yeah. Morph dunno what that is. For the rest you need to try I suppose.
  3. When you export models they get triangulated. Most games do not understand n-gons. To go back to quads select the mesh and press ALT+J. You now use a lot of polygons for the door. Since it's very unlikely it will open it is a bit of a waste and those details should probably be in the textures / normal maps. The model looks good though. Also keep in mind that foundations need to extend into the ground else you'll get flying buildings.
  4. Sure look for the plane template or the bird ones
  5. Do not worry, I will not laugh. I may frown however. You can optimize this The trick is to separate those pieces, and use limited dissolve to clean the rest up. Support beams have useless bottom faces Also bevels are nice, but be careful about polycount. Same for the door and the bottom window but you should check all the wooden beams Using what I said above you should be able to clean up the roof Bonus. After cleaning everything up, you can add some props, maybe some climbing plant on of the side. It's a 3D game, so make sure to make all sides interesting
  6. Can you compress it and upload it here? Make sure to pack textures into the blend file.
  7. Be careful about textures.com. For opengameart if non CC0 make sure it has a commercial license, and also that if their are authors to keep their names somewhere; Do you wish to have feedback on your 3DModel?
  8. @nifa that's a very good point probably why it stayed that way. @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded true it would be nice to have a color blind mode
  9. Not that non decaying trees replaced by stumps might have a performance impact @vladislavbelov might know more.
  10. Right, one could be disabled too . eg yellow when enabled grey when disabled, and red when enabled grey when disabled
  11. Actually, would be nice to only have one icon instead, Having two is confusing. It was because one used to be able to have multiple alarm levels.
  12. Yeah so the problem it fixed originally is somewhat reversed from what I understand (e.g. towers with the same range as units, will be able to shoot farther than said units).
  13. Shouldn't we differentiate gaia units from player units?
  14. They have by @wraitiibecause it broke enemy unit detection EDIT: https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP24776
  15. Strange I used your template not sure why it didn't work
  16. I used the brown background for conistency with the other icons It might look better I can try later.
  17. Flickering was also in a A23 it's not a new bug.
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