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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Made it bigger it's hard to see though.
  2. Yeah the rng and rnc files were not updated @vladislavbelov should fix it soon
  3. @Nescio @wowgetoffyourcellphone thoughts?
  4. Also we might want to go a different route like what's done for the han_china mod
  5. Player.prototype.Deserialize = function(state) { for (let prop in state) this[prop] = state[prop]; }; You need to add this to your player.js file
  6. PNG is losless but doesn't support saving layers, which make the extracting process a bit tedious. Also I find the phase icons a bit blurry, not sure whether that was intended by @wowgetoffyourcellphone Well that could be part of the testing, yes. Anyway in the end you have to turn them into non vectorial images. (The game doesn't load SVG)
  7. Unless you make stretch it vertically, it will never be square. I don't think we have them anywhere sadly. (In a losless format)
  8. It's hard to keep track of everything DE does so if someone wants an actor to be updated from there just let me know the name of the actor and the reason EA's is incorrect
  9. Isn't the new hotkey editor enough?
  10. I realise I never uploaded them. fonts.svglogos.svg @Nescio It might be easier for you to fix the kerning as I'm not sure how close you want the letters to be. Then I can use those for D3404
  11. Okay, so that rules out my two first hypothesis. Make sure you don't have some extra unversioned files lying around. Sometimes files stay in the repo.
  12. I'm fond of the idea and I'm really happy @badosu went for it but I'm not really fond of the visuals (it looks like a debug /cheating console to me) Also can it be turned off ?
  13. Pyromod is normally associated to the game. So if you dpuble click it should install automatically (Association will be fixed on Mac in the next version) @wraitii you might want to look at this mod
  14. 1) You're experiencing texture caching. In the development version most textures are PNG's and must be converted to DDS (S3TC) DXT1-DXT5. We do it on the fly for convenience and to make it easier test changes (All the textures are hotloaded) 2) You can build farms But yeah hunting is a bit harder. Is there something planned @Nescio @Freagarach @wraitii (I mean other than the turrets patch where cavalry will be able to attack move)
  15. @borg- @ValihrAnt @Feldfeld @ffffffff thoughts?
  16. Can you take a screenshot? You might need to run update workspaces.bat again?
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