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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. You could also add an exception for 0 A.D. in kapersky
  2. They are in the player.xml file
  3. I thought he was building A23B ? So that would be 38. And installing the rest is pointless because it's no longer in repos.
  4. Try disabling GLSL in the game options
  5. Depends on your Operating System (OS). See wiki:GameDataPaths (NB: you might need to refresh it multiple time to access the page as we are experiencing server issues). EDIT: Also note those files are overwritten at every game launch.
  6. Anything in the mainlog.html / interestinglog.html?
  7. Mmh so yeah should work. Can you try setting a working player for everyciv ? Might also be that some of your civs are missing some default skirmish entities.
  8. I think that for some reason it tries to load a deleted civ. How did you disable them?
  9. Do you get any errors? Did you disable default civs?
  10. Ah yeah the instructions have been updated since then. You need to install nspr for A23 You will need to patch the game to be able to play with your CPU though.
  11. @vladislavbelov did something like it at FOSDEM last year. (The shader, not the code)
  12. It's better yes. Try to add more variety with earth pathways and / or roads. Also try to play around with the elevation tool to make things less flat
  13. You have to wait for @user1 only he can.
  14. I don't think so. Just wait for the translations to be pulled.
  15. Or update the documentation Not sure about detecting ai and player settings.
  16. Yeah Also forest floor textures and river bank ones Not currently at least. Best thing is to use default rotation in atlas.
  17. IIRC that function uses the current directory as reference. So for Random maps it's fine, cause the folders are in mod/maps/random, but for skirmishes it isn't.
  18. If it's not fixed by using ^ then it would be nice for you to share the logs
  19. Well to fit it in that square, you need to split the model's faces and separate them, so that everything fits. The process is called UV Unwrapping. Another solution would be to bake the texture on a different UV texture, but it's a bit tricky to explain here. (As in writing the tutorial might take some time I do not have right now)
  20. The rev can be the same, but if he didn't rebuild, or got a more recent autobuild, then it won't work. (The Github version doesn't have the autobuilt pyrogenesis.exe)
  21. He was talking to me in a PM as well. I believe he hit the GCC7 crash, as he is using an older Ubuntu version. I'm waiting for his answer.
  22. Hi, And welcome to the forums! Nice to have more mapmakers around. I would suggest for you to use more texture variation in your map to try to kill the repetitive grass pattern Also you might want to alternate between tree groves and paths
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