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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Hey Est-ce que tu as installé des mods?
  2. Stan`

    NSIS error.

    It seems to be working here https://jenkins.wildfiregames.com/blue/organizations/jenkins/macOS-all-bundles/detail/macOS-all-bundles/27/pipeline/
  3. Mmh do you have mods ? Did you get an update from Apple?
  4. Stan`

    NSIS error.

    I believe @wraitii got it to work we might need some more tweaks.
  5. Can you try to pinpoint when it happens exactly?
  6. Hey, disable TLS in the game options, lobby tab.
  7. Did you plug an external headset / put your computer on sleep ?
  8. I'm disappointed No reference to DE? Come on Is there a patch for that? Yeah I meant the latter. Using the phenotype feature one can make the units alternate between male and female actors.
  9. Would you consider uploading a patch for that? Let me know if you need assistance.
  10. There is also Boudicca, Cleopatra, Amanirenas as heroes. I'd be interested in a cosmetic change for some civs though. @Nescio @borg- @badosu @Genava55 @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded Do you know which civs could use both male and female as citizens ? With the Phenotype feature it should be easy to do. Not sure how to make the citizen aura a bit more fitting
  11. Hi @Tawn I'd be very interested in debugging this issue further. What OS are you on ? Do you by any chance have a disabled sound card?
  12. Keep up the good work. I can give you some feedback if you want
  13. Archive might improve loading time on HDDs. The reason we pack stuff mostly is for size and because XML , DAE PNG are cached to XMB PSA/PMD DDS else the game has to do it on the fly which can be slow.
  14. Hey there try disabling GLSl and postprocessing in the game options
  15. Stan`

    NSIS error.

    The error is strange... but you should wait before we update to spidermonkey
  16. Yes, python2 is used only for the build process.
  17. @xTrEeMx Oh it seems you got the wrong zip... this one should be better.
  18. Hello Je ne suis pas sûr mais je pense que tu as une version de retard. Pour ce qui est du réseau il y a plusieurs raisons pour lesquelles ca peut ne pas marcher. 1. Ton FAI (Free, Orange etc) n'est pas compatible avec STUN 2. L'hôte n'utilise pas STUN mais n'a pas ouvert ses ports Essaie en 4G pour voir peut être.
  19. What OS are you on? See https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions
  20. You can just edit template_unit now
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