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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Mmh looks like it did not create the file. What happens if you press suppress instead of continue?
  2. One could make a dummy AI too, but this might be harder;
  3. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3286 The Skirmish change needs building to work. The RMS one should work out of the box.
  4. In case you'd want to be still able to capture other potential bases I guess.
  5. You might need a custom one have a look at how regicide is implemented
  6. Try playing with lower population caps.
  7. So did you manage to make it work? Do you have a link ? Another solution would be to use Linux as their drivers are better
  8. That it's not considering 0 A.D. a virus. Can you upload the crashlog.dmp again?
  9. It just makes it so one mission is needed to be won for the other to be unlocked.
  10. @user1 IIRC one needs to use another connection e.g. 4G on his phone. Not sure why though.
  11. What antivirus do you use ? Sometimes they mark 0 A.D. as spyware. You could add an exception
  12. I meant did you change the install location (network drives are not supported) Also do you have an antivirus software ?
  13. Have you tried to download drivers for intel directly? Their drivers are known to be very buggy on Windows...
  14. Mmh it seems your game runs using the fixed function instead of Shader. Maybe you will have more luck by adding renderpath=shader to your user.cfg file Not sure performance will be acceptable though :/
  15. STACK_TEXT: 004ff28c 00d6ee1a 00860da8 0de7d348 0bc1b14b pyrogenesis!CShaderProgram::Uniform+0x11 004ff360 00d2b3b4 0754d9cc 0bc1b1eb 0754d980 pyrogenesis!OverlayRenderer::RenderForegroundOverlays+0x3ca 004ff3c0 00d2a6e3 00000000 0bc1b49b 00000000 pyrogenesis!CRenderer::RenderSubmissions+0x694 004ff6b0 00d1dd5a 073b8a28 0dc3c7f8 00cd1730 pyrogenesis!CRenderer::RenderScene+0x7c3 004ff6bc 00cd1730 0bc1b5bb 00000000 00000001 pyrogenesis!CGameView::Render+0x3a 004ff790 00bc6ed7 0bc1b5e7 00000000 35ff0381 pyrogenesis!Render+0x150 004ff7cc 00bc96c8 0bc1b9ff 00000000 00000001 pyrogenesis!Frame+0x2e7 004ffbd4 00bcb403 00000001 00b70008 004ffbf4 pyrogenesis!RunGameOrAtlas+0x14c8 004ffbe4 00bc1035 00000001 00b70008 004ffc10 pyrogenesis!SDL_main+0x13 004ffbf4 00bc10c4 00000001 00b70008 00b70008 pyrogenesis!main_utf8+0x15 004ffc10 00e7ab61 00000001 00838190 0085e320 pyrogenesis!wmain+0x84 004ffc50 00e2e02f 0bc1beaf 00e2e750 00e2e750 pyrogenesis!__tmainCRTStartup+0xfd 004ffc84 75f9fa29 0024e000 75f9fa10 004ffcf0 pyrogenesis!CallStartupWithinTryBlock+0x3f 004ffc94 775a75f4 0024e000 7c5fea3a 00000000 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x19 004ffcf0 775a75c4 ffffffff 775c7332 00000000 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x2f 004ffd00 00000000 00e2e750 0024e000 00000000 ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b @vladislavbelov
  16. Check your antivirus software. The logs didn't show anything out of the ordinary sadly... EDIT: Try disabling GLSL and postprocessing in the game options.
  17. According to the Intel documentation your GPU should support those GL extensions. Could you upload your system_info.txt and crashlog.dmp? They should be somewhere in AppData
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