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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Yeah cause they have that peltast shield with a wave in the middle .
  2. Should be easy to fix by changing the shield orientation slightly I suppose.
  3. Actually no. I implemented that feature for @wowgetoffyourcellphone All you have to do is define points on the fortress template. No art required.
  4. You can run the game with -writableRoot to write into the install folder rather than the appdata one.
  5. If you have played the last bundled you've tested pathfinder threadings. But yeah there are a few other things we might thread or make use the new threadpool. I'm not sure we batch paths although maybe when you use formations.
  6. Looks like @wowgetoffyourcellphone's bugfeature exploited :/
  7. I'm working with him to fix the lusitanians first. The models are not game ready...
  8. We're working on better text rendering, so maybe it can fixed in the future. It didn't make it in A25.
  9. I didn't you did some cause the one we hear in the game were made by @Itms
  10. I think it's a good start! Dunno if mercenaries would have had better armor.
  11. So they would be forcing us to migrate XD That would be great, it's so broken on windows by default you have to use git bash for it to even work...
  12. No it's only meant for debugging.
  13. Currently the engine doesn't support affecting the pathfinder (or anything else) with terrain textures. I think the pathfinder consider the grid to be uniform, as in it would ignore units being slower on mud if that was implemented.
  14. The former There are some heads and body textures I beleive in the mod
  15. Thanks for all the work so far @Yekaterina It would be better if you could create placeholder actors instead of using athenians and macedonian ones This way the mod is a bit more standalone. The actor format can be a bit tricky, but once you get it it's easy to change unit skins heads and props without doing any 3D. Let me know if you need help doing that.
  16. Maybe it will be possible to restrict it using the new placement obstructors introduced in A25.
  17. Stan`

    Game Crash

    Yeah, you need to patch it, or wait for tomorrow.
  18. Stan`

    Game Crash

    What revision are you on? This bug was fixed this morning in SVN;
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