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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. DISCLAIMER: Some of the information below maybe outdated or incorrect as some maintainers have not yet had the time to update the packages. If you can’t wait and don’t want to use the snap or the flatpack, you’ll need to compile from source. See https://play0ad.com/download/source/ Basically the Ubuntu developper maintaining the PPA hasn't been able/had time to make it compile following the ubuntu guidelines so it's severly outdated.
  2. Sounds good, more hands won't hurt! You can drop by IRC if you want to chat with us directly, or you can ask your questions here if you prefer
  3. Yes you have to share your map, as it's a security concern to be able to download maps from the internet.
  4. Right sorry about that, we have a lot of spam attacks, and this is to prevent them from doing too much damage. It should work now Yeah scenarios have those restrictions, you move it to skirmish to lift it. If you still want to be restrictive you need to edit the XML file of the map location depends on your OS https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths <![CDATA[ { "CircularMap": true, "Description": "In the deep Sahara Desert of Africa lies an area of rocky outcrops and small oases. \n\nLarge stone quarries can be found in the cliffs, while wood and animal resources can be found near the oases dotting the landscape. Nearby fruiting Date Palms give an nice initial burst of food.", "Keywords": [ "new" ], "Name": "Saharan Oases (4)", "PlayerData": [ {}, {}, {}, {} ], "Preview": "saharan_oases_4p.png", "VictoryConditions": [ "conquest" ] } ]]> And add "Ceasefire":15, Like so: <![CDATA[ { "CircularMap": true, "Description": "In the deep Sahara Desert of Africa lies an area of rocky outcrops and small oases. \n\nLarge stone quarries can be found in the cliffs, while wood and animal resources can be found near the oases dotting the landscape. Nearby fruiting Date Palms give an nice initial burst of food.", "Keywords": [ "new" ], "Name": "Saharan Oases (4)", "PlayerData": [ {}, {}, {}, {} ], "Preview": "saharan_oases_4p.png", "Ceasefire":15, "VictoryConditions": [ "conquest" ] } ]]>
  5. There is no such option it's only configurable in gamesetup. I'm not sure you can force it either in the map XML What security check?
  6. If you make a lowpoly version of it (Google retopology), you can use Xnormals to bake the curvature map, and use it on top of one of the new fancy stone textures to generate erosion on the sides.
  7. Refs https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3250#change-AihuwZYwJCEm
  8. Scenario maps are supposed to be elaborated more, sometimes with triggers and objectives. Skirmish Maps are just the rest of maps that are not random What's wrong with the trigger map ?
  9. I'm not sure we can restrict the Z axis. I think we use A 2D pathfinder
  10. It would and I believe those were WIP workarounds, no code was ever released for that reason.
  11. It's always better to use everything. At least you should make sure that the exe matches your repo versions
  12. The persian and Kushite voices were recorded on a Phone, while the latin and greek recorded in a studio. There is no text to speech nor free work although those voices are CC BY SA.
  13. @gameboy this is not a new bug. It's been there for a while. Vladislav might fix it someday but he is currently working on some other things with a higher priority.
  14. Map upgrade done. Now I need someone's help to identify: all the skirmish/scenario/random maps that are subpar, all the assets that are so bad they shouldn't be used So that we can make a mod out of it
  15. IIRC 0 A.D. doesn't play nice with network drive. One way would be to move the whole my documents folder to that network drive but that sounds risky. There is also no way to make the game download what's missing so you'll have to copy the file manually. You could create a script that syncs both folder with the network drive using synctoy or similar.
  16. Yep. It allows you to go up to a bit less than 4 GB. (Still a 32 bit app)
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