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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. If you want to be more efficient, You need to learn / I need to teach you how to make patches. Because usually what goes on the forums stays on the forums, as long as there is no patch. Then when it's on Phab, you can get borg- FeldFeld Valhirant and other devs to validate your patches
  2. Zip .exe and .pdb file and yes. In this case it's the custom debug code that's 16 years old that's not really working properly. This error can mean anything. Only with all the files can I give the correct callstack. Don't worry about it
  3. Can you zip pyrogenesis.pdb and pyrogenesis.exe ? Would save me some time Thanks.
  4. I find garbage a bit extreme but I think maps could go into the mod by @coworotel
  5. Yeah the discussion with them was not productive. Basically every youtube has to make a report to them saying it's a valid game... They didn't seem to be able to help' @mysticjim
  6. There isn't. You can edit the map.
  7. Do you ask a plumber to fix your electricity? Well assuming people that will fix the MP lobby are the same that work on art and sound is the same thing. There is a huge variety of jobs in the game industry. Also this game is open source and you're also free to host your own lobby where you can rule as you see fit. from Discord, it's not complete but it gave @mysticjim an idea
  8. You can move on with the other civs Ideally you'd need to include the changes on the git repo.
  9. Well your screenshot is completely unreadable. You know you can drag an drop that file in a comment here, right?
  10. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths
  11. It's better if they are but it's not mandatory. Reviewing means you attest that a word or a sentence is 100% correct and matches with the other translations. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Localization As you can see at the bottom there are dedicated pages for each language where you can add more rules. I can create a German page if you want.
  12. Can you upload the interestinglog.html?
  13. Not gonna help, something is wrong in the template. I asked about atlas because I get that error sometimes, but in your case it's different.
  14. You need to install and compile wxwidgets. Which is why I suggested you use the DLL instead. See also: ⚙ D3211 Add a script to download compile and install wxwidgets (wildfiregames.com)
  15. My bad then It's probably a bug with the gui code there. aristeia/gui at master · 0ADMods/aristeia · GitHub
  16. Actually 0 A.D. was supposed to be the name of the franchise (e.g. Age of Empires) The game you play is called Empires Ascendant, and the Suebi, Imperial Romans, Parthians ex were supposed to be Empires Besieged.
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