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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Well it uses JS and it's much easier to do it there. Just like it was for victory conditions It's not impossible but it's tricky
  2. In the past it did affect fullscreen mode as well. It doesn't work with the current type of fullscreen but it might in the future so we kept it. E.G it might work again with https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4106 There might be a check for user: out of memory. as for the existing civs it's a bit harder since they can change with mods, so you'd have to look for all possible civs before.
  3. Sprites are xml objects that reference textures, or part of textures. There are a few files called sprites.xml listing such images in the gui folder. poleis was another civ that might have been planned in the past, thebans too, although they are in DE now. hellenes was the civ emblem used for all greek civs before they were splitted. Initially your tech changes would affect your buildings and the heroes you'd get. Mauryas are another civ.
  4. We don't accept pull requests at this time, so you'll have to upload it to Phabricator like a normal patch.
  5. Yes the syntax is wrong it's actually C:\Dev\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\system\pyrogenesis.exe" -xres=1024 -yres=768 -quickstart -autostart="random/aegean_sea" -autostart-civ=1:rome
  6. Eg you tell archers to block a mountain path with a wall of arrows.
  7. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/ui/session/portraits/emblems Not that I know of.
  8. It's possible. They were actually removed in A25 by @wraitii See the discussion here https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP25789
  9. It's a bit tricky because it depends on the map's supported biomes.
  10. No that's correct, I don't have the visuals yet It was to give a base to @wowgetoffyourcellphone
  11. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4271
  12. Hyrule Conquest has it, so it is definitely possible.
  13. I didn't invest much time in it because of the initial removal of the rice field from the feature list but maybe I could manage to fit the puddles shape better with rice.
  14. They could if we use the turret feature for gates. I believe they need to be patched for that though. If gates are turrets units could be restricted to be only able to attack the turret and not the wall. Although since walls are not really used in competitive games it could render elephants useless.
  15. You mean https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1971?
  16. According to @maroder and @vladislavbelov some of the parameters do not work / are ignored. Not sure which ones and why. Maybe with specular and stuff it's work. Would look weird on low graphics I suppose.
  17. Depends on the texture. But transparency isn't good on low end hardware.
  18. You can play with the settings there https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/materials/player_water.xml We might need a special copy of this file as there are 12 other files using that material.
  19. What are you playing on? Desktop PC or Laptop PC. If it's a laptop can you force the dedicated GPU for the game ? See https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/help/article/switching-to-your-pcs-dedicated-gpu-amd/000081033 And https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MR5IIFlkTtY Off Topic: (We need a wiki page like this ^ )
  20. It uses whatever the map settings are on the version you used. We don't support different types of water. Another solution is to use the ones on this page. A third solution is to replace the animated water texture by a flat texture with transparency. It will probably look bad and cost some performance though.
  21. @Genava55 Indeed it's hard to keep track of everything. My biggest problems with civ design when it comes to art has always been the lack of cohesion of information. 60 threads of pictures everywhere with random discussion happening in the middle of them. I think @Sundiata managed to get it organised the best for the Kushites probably because there have been little other voices talking about it. Of course there are the civ wiki pages but those only describe units accurately most of the time. I think it could be beneficial to have an organised place to all of this, publicly editable but with reviews so people could make suggestions without it being a complete mess. They have to be removed from the han_china mod on Github before they are even included in the game.
  22. The base functionnality is in the game. It has several limitations however.
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