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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. The reason A25 is faster is not because of this. It's because of pathfinder threading and graphics optimizations. The threading absorbs the pathfinder lag spikes in the late game and instead dispatches them on all your cores. Mp turns are reduced to 200 ms which means the game don't take half a second to process commands but instead a fifth like it's always been the case in SP. The DDOs issue might have been reduced by the lack of players however we made it much harder to get an IP without joining a match in A24. Maybe the script kiddie was only on the lobby server and did not join individual matches. Currently, no. Unless you use linux or mac.
  2. What's really disheartening is that all the focus as been put on MP gameplay and the MP people ended up hating it.I'm still very surprised there isn't a A23 stats mod.
  3. There is a ticket by @Langbart IIRC. Okay, I'll consider it then. For the tips it's pretty straightforward to add. Most of those I know including some of the youtubers actually don't get on the forums because they find it clikey not inclusive and sometimes toxic. Sure not but if it's people you never saw on the lobby they might have played some other ways. Some people miss the mods in A24 which were what was probably attracting them too. So yeah it's really probable we can't keep people around. Because of lag and maybe balancing. I hope A25 will be good enough to keep people around until A26.
  4. Do you think we should have a "Did you know? there is a mp lobby" social media posts
  5. I've split the thread. It makes little sense now that half the posts are just dots but at least it no longer pollutes the kushite thread. @Mentuhotep please continue the discussion in a civil manner here or don't.
  6. It's very possible that people avoid the lobby (because 1) it can be toxic 2) Kids under 13 are not allowed there without parental approval (COPPA) 3) the lobby is hard to find in the ui for some people 4) They prefer playing in Lan with friends. It has to be anonymous so it's complex legally.
  7. Feel free to complement the wiki if you have some time https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Technology_Templates This might help too https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/TechModifications
  8. http://releases.wildfiregames.com/stats.php?type=year&date=2020-01-01 https://mobile.twitter.com/play0ad/status/1367918331827789832
  9. It's not a mechanic it's a side effect of formations.
  10. Well given the current lobby activity and the fact we had 300k downloads on mac and windows last year and linux users are 50% (so 600k in total) of our user base I suppose they aren't playing MP. Well there was, and you got A24, and now we opened it more.
  11. So far only remaining is replay filter (not blocking )and translations, (blocking)
  12. Count as a feature, but maybe for A26
  13. Goal wasn't to nerf but to nuke entirely. And as such we kind of reintroduced it.
  14. The multiplier in A23 was not existent. SP player want bugger turn rates and actually welcomed the change while MP players want it gone. The reason it's there to prevent dancing. Since it's been lowered again by @wraitii i suppose dancing was somewhat restored which IMHO is a big regression.
  15. Does the game crash in gamesetup by any chance ?
  16. What were the animations made in?
  17. All the best @av93 Sorry you don't feel the gameplay has evolved enough.
  18. I will consider your proposal. It's not what I have in mind right now though. Most of the RBs have fixes that are waiting to be committed by their respective owners which are sometimes not active. My plan is to commit them ASAP and to release a RC3. Wait for some testers to make sure it's not broken still. Then publish the announcement and the trailer. Moving the deadline and lifting restrictions could be done but it has implications for translations and stability and the people that are currently active now are not the ones that would work in balancing. So pushing the release two months from now with no proof that anything of value would be done seems a bit dangerous to me.
  19. We also made it harder for them to get IPs which might explain why. That's not good? Yeah @wraitii said this new bug/feature couldn't be fixed I don't understand.
  20. Yeah that's an issue with your 3D export settings what 3D software do you use ?
  21. It seems you might not be the only one https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflinux/comments/i12zak/left_control_key_not_working_on_ubuntu_2004/
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