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Another similar idea that could give the game more flexibility on certain factions would be to include certain references to specific tribes. I'm thinking in particular of the Gauls: we could take advantage of the assembly building to include technologies linked to various tribes emblematic of their history, and other tribes with interesting characteristics. The Arverni, Aedui and Belgians, for example, are emblematic peoples, with interesting historical figures and different characteristics. But there are also lesser-known tribes who were mentioned by the Romans and Greeks and took part in historic events. It would be conceivable to form coalitions in the assembly battalion, in order to gain certain attributes specific to certain tribes. Acquire new bonuses or new units. For example, the Treveri were known as the best horsemen in Gaul, or the Veneti had the best fleet of all Gallic tribes. We could move the assembly building (Remogantion) to the second phase. Then make certain units dependent on the choices the player makes in creating his coalition. Adding a tribe to your coalition should have a certain starting cost, but with a doubling of the cost for each additional tribe you add to the coalition. For example, 100F/100W/100M for the first tribe, 200F/200W/200M for the second, 400F/400W/400M for the third, and so on. - Aquitanians would unlock the recruitment of Soliduroi (champion swordsmen) and give a bonus of hit points to heroes (to represent bodyguards). - The Treveri would give several cavalry bonuses to represent their reputation as the best cavalry in Gaul. - The Lemovices would give bonuses in metal extraction to represent the numerous gold mines they exploited. - The Veneti would give bonuses to all ships, including fishing boats and merchant ships. - The Boii would give bonuses to infantry to represent the warriors who fought in Italy and used pilum similar to the Romans. - Alpine peoples would unlock the recruitment of axe-wielding warriors and naked fanatics. etc. This is just a series of examples that I can extend and explain in detail the historical and archaeological points.4 points
It is currently: top 1 - Borg- / Valih top 2 - Vinme top 3 - Stockfish top 4 - FeldFeld top 5 - SaidRdz For me the surprise is SaidRdz, is really playing at a good level, the others are usually always the same within the top 5. There have been no new players at the last years, to enter the top 5, not even close.3 points
Use order one unit instead. (alt by default) Imagine u have 4 farms to be built and you have 20 women. 1. Select your 20 women and right click on the first farm to be built. 2. Alt(order one unit)+click 5 times to the next farm 3. Repeat this to the other two farms yet to be built. This way your women will go 5 by 5 to build the targeted farm instead of go the 20 women build the 4 farms before start gathering food from them2 points
1 point
All barbarian civilization, and greeks. Anyway all units are the same with diferent skins in this game, so this is about fashion.1 point
1 point
Welcome back Borg, I haven't seen you nor Vali nor Feld recently in the lobby. Please play with us more often ! p.s. don't underestimate Meister_Augustus, he is very OP and improving rapidly. You should 1v1 him.1 point
It's not a full campaign mode. It lacks a lot of hallmarks of a classic campaign mode too. It was only a side project for one of the devs. "Competitive" doesn't mean SP. Most MP games aren't "competitive." There just isn't anything to suggest the long-term SP audience is larger than the MP audience. I don't know how long you've been playing. But the AI for 0AD is really dumb. It literally doesn't know how to use all the buildings. It attacks the closest/building and then follows it until it kills it. There are literally videos online where players exploit how dumb AI is to win 1v7 while only making women. That isn't an AI that can retain many long-term SPs because once you get decent at the game it very quickly becomes too easy and boring. You, again, have absolutely zero basis for this. There are literally hundreds of thousands of downloads/installs. Yet the observable user count doesn't go up. That means most users only for an extremely short period of time. So short that most users cannot possibly learn all the features that exist. I do not understand how you can possibly think adding more features will retain more users when the typical user hasn't discovered most of what already exists. To them there are no "old features." Everyone wants a game where it's mechanics work together.1 point
No se como siga este proyecto y aunque soy una persona con desconocimiento soñé el desarrollo de juegos o modificaciones, me encantaría ayudar a que este nos vuelva a la luz, poder jugar un RTS como lo es 0 ad ambientado en la edad del bronce; es casi un sueño para mi, a quien le sea pertinente me gustaría ayudar tanto como pueda a que este mod tenga nueva vida, cada ciertos meses vuelvo a checar a ver si por obra divina se ha relanzado este maravilloso proyecto1 point
It is an assumption that 0AD being an RTS game has more casual games.because all RTS have higher casual audiences than competitive ones. The only difference is that 0 AD doesn't have any content geared toward that audience. In most RTS the AI are not very smart.The complexity is given by the map and the resources in addition to being an asymmetric challenge. I highly doubt it, gamers always want new things to test. Obviously performance and quality in controlling units and play helps a lot. That's why new installments are expected, with new civs in Age of Empires. People want the same old stuff but with new features...But at the same time people want a classic burger than a new mushroom bacon cheeseburger... You get it? I mean, it's not just the novelty itself, but also how all these mechanics work together. Although here the conversation started talking about cheats online. I don't know why people aren't honest about something that brings you nothing but fun.1 point
Personnally I prefer a full crew (I know that while for towers this makes sense, for fields, the efficiency degrades the more workers are on a field). But this is not about providing for best efficiency but to assign workers automatically to populate a building or field.1 point
So here I have a 4v4 game that I had some time ago and it was nice, hope you like it And also a 1v1 that I had some time ago and it was also fun.1 point
The game is great, and super fun to play. Probably one of the best free RTS games, with plenty of potential to top even Age of Empires in a few years. But I think that the absolute highest priority should be optimizing the game. Let's face it, there's plenty to optimize, but I know that optimization coding isn't fun. I would suggest at least replacing JavaScript with Lua or something better before the final release, if at all possible. And maybe rewrite the AI routines in another, faster language. The AI should really be part of the core engine.1 point
1 point
I have the impression that Atrik might be a bit annoyed by the discussions in other threads about creating a cheat mod. I suggest calling this feature AIMBOT (AIM Box Optimized Targeting), which might (not really) help avoiding such claims for this feature.1 point
I'm just talking about what the user base most likely looks like. When you have hundred of thousands of new installs/downloads and virtually no observable user growth then you have a retention problem. That is obvious. With how many downloads/installs we have, I think it is pretty likely that most new players play the game for an extremely short period of time (because it is too difficult--learning curve that a better tutorial could help with) or never play it at all (because there isn't a campaign mode--more on that later). It's often said that the SP community is larger. But there is virtually no evidence to support that. The inverse is largely true too. It's been said many times, but the SP experience needs to improve if we want the user base to grow. Some of those SPs will then convert to MP, which will cause the MP base to grow too. I think a better AI and campaign mode are the obvious ways to improve the SP experience. A dumb AI means that most players will eventually get bored by the game because it is too easy. I don't think I need to explain why a campaign mode is needed. One thing that is almost certain is that the retention problem will not be fixed by new features. New players are much more likely to be initially overwhelmed than wanting for a new spy functionality (or whatever).1 point
I'm one of the non-MP players I don't like serious competition and putting in effort just to win. I prefer something lighthearted and beautiful I could amuse myself with as a relaxing activity, for which 0AD is one of my favorite choices. If I would ever play multiplayer, it would be with someone I'm quite familiar with so I could spend some quality time with them. In my opinion this game has much greater potential and I believe it is possible to develop it in ways that support all kinds of players, not just those who play multiplayer regularly. For example, attention could also be given to campaigns, innovative different game types and ways to experience life and politics of the ancient world, like what @wowgetoffyourcellphone has done with Delenda Est. That's why I believe 0AD has the potential to become something greater than classic RTS games by integrating new and unique concepts into the gameplay. I'm sure the vast majority of players would be very excited to experience something like that, and you could let multiplayers have their cake too (sans cheating, of course)1 point
1 point
It isn’t clear how many SPs there are or how long they play for. We do know that there are (at least) like 2K total players a day (split between SP and MP). But it isn’t clear how many of those players downloaded the game that day and are testing it out vs. how many of those players have been playing for multiple months. No matter how you look at it, though, there is a huge retention problem if there are 300K downloads and we only observe a steady 2K players or so (i.e., no real growth in user count). It also means that some portion of that 2K player count is probably a stream new users that come play for a short time before they leave and are replaced by another new user that will only play for a short time. We also see this constant stream of new players in the forums where a new user comes along makes a few posts for a week or two and then disappears (sometimes forever) Personally, I suspect there are about an equal number of long-term SP and MP users, which reflects what we see on the forum.1 point
Hey Deicide4u, I guess I share the passion or the game with you, I really love 0 A.D. As far as I understand the timeframe around this non-existing year 0, it doesn't cover the time after AD 500. Have a look at the FAQ How about more factions? where you might find a link to Millenium A.D. covering the AD 500–1000 timeframe. E.g. Bulgarian king Simeon I. (AD 864-927) would fit in it as well. I really want to encourage you to use the search function, where I or example found a similar request from last fall.1 point
Updated to Version 0.5.5 When planning the base, buildings will be placed closer together. To reduce unnecessary movement of workers, Houses will be built near Storehouses.1 point
1 point
Review it thorougly in all its aspects, art(actors and meshes), gameplay, historical accuracy etc Civ are notoriously error full1 point
Still hopeing to find more people to play around with the mod. I know everyone is still excited (rightfully so) about A27. But I'm starting to incorporate units/buildings that are in the templates ie Han Xbow Cav, Range, Persian kardakes_skirmisher, but aren't in the game yet. Maybe they will be worked in later and you can get a sneak peak1 point
I want to revive this project but without people helping me I get discouraged easily. I'm obsessed with Babylon, Assyria and Aram. It sounds like a time of action, myths and heroes.1 point