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@seeh It's good you were able to troubleshoot the problem.2 points
All of my work... destroyed. Kind of looks like Empires Apart, honestly.2 points
There's 2 things that comes on my mind to keep CAV as it should remain to be : a rushing unit and not a darn spam unit -> remove their ability to capture ( debatable ) --> Limit their pop cap to 15%-20% of total pop (undebatable , it must be) People gonna say, yes but cav cost 50 food more .. i would answer that since you lose your cav at very slower rate than infantery, they cost on the field, less.1 point
tested locally vs AI. yes seems a problem i all games. must be something with my moods probably. maybe the buttons only not visible ahh. yes that was the problem. today i was testing the starGui - Version 7 and switched the order of the mods if boonGui is not the last mod the buttons are not vissible. if starGui7 is not the last mod then the beepIdle is not possible to toggle. so i switched back to starGui Version 4 as last mod and now anything is working like expected again.1 point
I've always thought cav were a little too strong this alpha. I've thought the two most problematic aspects of cav are: (1) Their ability to capture barracks super fast because this allows a very small and fast group to counterattack and eliminate an enemies' production abilities. This can easily be fixed by lowering their capture attack, which increased from 2 in a23 to 2.5 in a25; and (2) Their strength relative to inf. A simple nerf to any of their attack/health stats (i.e., dmg, health, and/or armor values). I don't think this should be a big nerf, but they do feel slightly too strong. Alternatively, they could become more expensive, which would make them more difficult to spam. I think a cost nerf is less preferred because that will impact early game more. I'm not a fan of the changing pop cost because that doesn't change their underlying strength, which is the real problem, and only limits the number of units that you can make of them, which mostly limits their production only when players are at max pop. I'm also just not a fan of limiting what units players can build, so a hard cap (i.e., 15% of total pop) is less favorable--I think we should just adjust the underlying stats and lets players make what they want.1 point
We are literally on the top of every list, so theres that too. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/0AD_The_Vision. That is as close one can get to unravel the meaning of the name. Changing it now would be changing the status quo of two decades.1 point
1 point
I will look into it. Seems like you have many friends! Trees with food will be pink.1 point
1 point
Version 7 released: StarGUI7.zip Smooth ground for temperate and Rhineland Purple trees It's starting to look like an alien world; I am planning to continue as a separate mod as this is looking less and less like the Earth in 0AD and more like some distant planet featured in Star Trek the Animated Series.1 point
I implemented his lobby layout as well as the extra functions. It's almost identical to God's eye except the colours.1 point
Yeah it's the name of the franchise. 0 A.D. is not real time period. There is -1 B.C. and 1 A.D.1 point
Well that's how age of empires naming works Age of Empires: Age of Kings Age of Mythology: The titans. Don't see anything wrong with that. In our case it's 0 A.D: Empires Ascendant 0 A.D: Empires Besieged 0 A.D: Retirement Home It will but currently no artists working on it. I know of a private mod about Parthia but it hasn't been released.1 point
Might be the connection to the host being unstable, or an error on the client side. If your ISP doesn't give you a stable connection via fibre optics or if you share a cable with many other people, you will drop at times. It happens to me at times and players often resort to witch-trialing suspect ddosers even though it is SKY (British ISP) who is giving me poor quality ADSL cables. Woodpecker might have lost connection because a salmon chomped some of the trans-Atlantic cables connecting him to other players.1 point
All features from hair enhanced are included. The newest version is 25.0.6, not 25.0.41 point
personal emotion? I am not the one lashing out with "stupid" or using cuss words on every sentence and writing long unhinged paragraphs. It is true I should have gotten more screenshots to convince people who might read this. Otherwise it is just you ranting to people who are tired of your antics, which is the reason you got kicked in the first place. You did not get kicked because SaidRdz wasn't dancing, you got kicked because the host, the players, and the spectators were tired of your hysteria.1 point
Sure, but for gameplay purposes, it's best that your catapult isn't stuck firing at an already-destroyed building, just because it's out of vision range.1 point
Buenos dĂas o tardes; -Con ayuda de @Lopess , estamos desarrollando a la facciĂłn Moche/Mochica. DescripciĂłn de facciĂłn; -Los Moches o Mochicas (150 a.C-800 d.C) fueron una poderosa cultura sucesora de ChavĂn, dividida en "Norte" y "Sur" al igual que el antiguo Egipto , estuvo compuesta por diferentes ciudades semi independientes y dirigida por una Ă©lite de sacerdotes y fieros guerreros. Fueron hábiles agricultores que convirtieron los desiertos y valles de la costa norte de PerĂş en tierra fĂ©rtil, además de conseguir grandes avances en cerámica ,orfebrerĂa , y navales , con el uso de la , huaco retratos , la Tumbaga y los caballitos de totora respectivamente. Tras su apogeo (100-650 d.C) colapsaron debido a desastres naturales. -Edificios "comunes"; (18); "Español"-----------------------------------"Muchik" 1.Centro cĂvico;---------------------------(...) 2.casas;-----------------------------------(An) 3.AlmacĂ©n;--------------------------------(...) 4.AlquerĂa;---------------------------------(...) 5.Huerto;-----------------------------------(...) 6.Corral;------------------------------------(...) 7.Puerto;------------------------------------(...) 8.Cuartel;----------------------------------(...) 9.HerrerĂa;---------------------------------(...) 10.Templo;---------------------------------(Mayaec Ann) 11.Mercado;--------------------------------(...) 12.Torre de avanzada;---------------------(...) 13.Torre de defensa ;----------------------(...) 14.Torre defensa pequeña;----------------(...) 15.Fortaleza;-------------------------------(Tarr) 16.Empalizada;-----------------------------(...) 17.Muralla;---------------------------------(...) 18.Maravilla( Gran Tumba );---------------(Xllangir) 19.GalerĂa de Tiro;------------------------(...) EXTRA-(Puerta de muralla);----------------------(...) EXTRA-(torre de muralla);------------------------(...) Ausencia de ; 1.Establo. 2.Taller de asedio. -Edificios especiales o culturales; 20-Embajada Andina;-------------------------(...) 21-Pirámide.;----------------------------------(...) 22-Palacio.;-----------------------------------(...) 23-Aldea Mochica.;---------------------------(...) 24-AcrĂłpolis.;--------------------------------(...) Total de edificios; 24. (Aspecto ; En desarrollo) -Unidades; (26) Español;--------------------------------------------------(Muchik) -infanterĂa leve; (4). (centro urbano y cuartel) 1. Hondero;---------------------------------------------(...Yana) 2.Guerrero con porra de estrella;------------------------(...Yana) (cuarteles) 1. Hondero;---------------------------------------------(...Yana) 2.Guerrero con porra de estrella;-----------------------(...Yana) 3.Lancero;----------------------------------------------( ...Yana) 4.estĂłlica(con venablos);-------------------------------(... Yana) -infantaria pesada; (3). (Aldea mochica) 5. Guerrero con boleadoras (arojadizas de 3 bolas);--------------(...) 6.Guerrero con pica (sarisa o lanza larga ) ;----------------------(...) 7. Guerrero con maza (boleradora no arrojadiza ) ;---------------(...) -infanterĂa campeona;(3) (palacio) 8. Guerrero con hacha de cobre ;-------------------------------(...) 9. Caballero(gran porra mango largo y metal) ;------------------(Fixilca) 10. Guerrero con disco(metálico y arrojadizo) ;------------------(...) -infanterĂa auxiliar(5) (Âż"Embajada Andina"?) 11.Auxiliar Recuay;----------------------------------------------------(...) 12.Arqueo Auxiliar Cajamarca;----------------------------------------(...) 13.Auxiliar VicĂşs;------------------------------------------------------(...) 14.Auxiliar Topará;----------------------------------------------------(...) 15.Auxiliar Huarpa;---------------------------------------------------(...) -Unidades civis; (4). (casas/centro urbano) 16. Mujer;-----------------------------------------------(Mecherraec) (mercado) 17. Comerciante;-----------------------------------------(...) (Templo) 18. Sacerdote/sacerdotisa;------------------------------(Pillac) (centro urbano/aldea moche/casas/barracas) 19.Corredor;--------------------------------------------(tzhae Caem) -unidades asedio; (1). (herrerĂa) 20.Ariete;------------------------------------------------(...) -unidades marĂtimas; (3). (puerto) 21. Canoa de Pesca; --------------------------------(...) 22. Canoa de Guerra; ------------------------------( ...) 23. Canoa Mercante; -------------------------------(...) -HĂ©roes; (3). (Fortaleza) 24. Soberano(porra moche);------------------------------(Cie-quich) 25. Sumo Sacerdote;------------------------------------------(...) 26. General(alabarda);-----------------------------------------(Alaec) Iconos para las unidades; 1. Hondero;---------------------------------------------(...Yana) 2.Guerrero con porra de estrella;-----------------------(...Yana) 3.Lancero;----------------------------------------------( ...Yana) 4.estĂłlica(con venablos);-------------------------------(... Yana) 5. Guerrero con boleadoras (arojadizas de 3 bolas);-------------------------(...) 6.Guerrero con pica (sarisa o lanza larga ) ;----------------------(...) 7. Guerrero con maza (boleradora no arrojadiza) ;----(...) 8. Guerrero con hacha de cobre ;-------------------------------(...) 9. Caballero(gran porra mango largo y metal) ;------------------(Fixilca) 10. Guerrero con disco(metálico y arrojadizo) ;------------------(...) 11.Auxiliar Recuay;----------------------------------------------------(...) x 12.Arqueo Auxiliar Cajamarca;----------------------------------------(...) x 13.Auxiliar VicĂşs;------------------------------------------------------(...) x 14.Auxiliar Topará;----------------------------------------------------(...) x 15.Auxiliar Huarpa;---------------------------------------------------(...) x 16. Mujer;-----------------------------------------------(Mecherraec) 17. Comerciante;-----------------------------------------(...) 18. Sacerdote/sacerdotisa;------------------------------(Pillac) 19.Corredor;--------------------------------------------(tzhae Caem) 20.Ariete;------------------------------------------------(...) 21. Canoa de Pesca; --------------------------------(...) 22. Canoa de Guerra; ------------------------------( ...) 23. Canoa Mercante; -------------------------------(...) 24. Soberano(porra moche);---------------------(Cie-quich) 25. Sumo Sacerdote;------------------------------------------(...) 26. General(alabarda);-----------------------------------------(Alaec) Bonificaciones; -Bonus de facciĂłn; 1) "Momias Andinas" ;(Las habilidades de los HĂ©roes mochicas seguirán vigentes 5 minutos más despĂşes de su muerte.) 2)"Sembrar en el desierto";(Al inicio de las partidas , cada centro urbano aparece acompañado de 4 huertos).Como pasa con las murallas de los Ăberos. -Bonus de equipo; 1) "Pintura de guerra";(Permite cada Âż ... 20min...? que los enemigos no puedan distinguir el color de facciĂłn de tus unidades o de tus aliados durante un 1mintuo).Pero hay que activarla o tus aliados y cuesta 500 de comida. 2) "Tumbaga";(Las tecnologĂas de la herrerĂa son un 10% más baratas). TecnologĂas especiales; 1) "Altos hornos";(las tecnologĂas de la herrerĂa se desarrollan un 80% más rápido ,pero son un 10% más caras) 2)"Esclavos militares"(Cada vez que reclutas por grupos de 5 Unidades Militares Terrestres , +1 gratis ,)Solo hay que ir a ajustes y cambiar la reclutaciĂłn de prupos de 4 y poner 5.Pero no lo permite con sacerdotes , unidades navales , mujeres etc... solo militares. 3)"Esquilar Alpacas"(permite criar Alpacas en los corrales y las alpacas tienen un precio en comida pero en vez de dar comida , dan metal .Los aldeanos tras esquilar al animal , para conseguir el metal , deben acudir al mercado o al Centro CĂvico.) Los guanacos serĂan el segundo animal del corral y su precio es de comida y produce comida. 4)"Caballitos de totora" (los navĂos cuestan un 50% menos) 5)"EstĂłlica" o Atlatel andino (los guerrilleros aumentan su Rango de VisiĂłn un 50% y su Alcance de Ataque en un 30%). 6)"Ejercitos de Mazos" (Todas las unidades de infanterĂa leve en fase 3 que selecciones despuĂ©s de desarrollar esta tecnologĂa, podrás cambiar su arma por un Mazo Corto y con ellos ganas +10 de ataque y +5 de salud para esa unidad). -Puse pocas unidades con mazo y esta era el arma principal de los mochicas ,con esta tecnologĂa , la usaran de vez en cuando. 7)"El poder del Mazo"(Las unidades de "Caballero Mochica" con mazo largo y la infanterĂa ligera en fase 3 con mazo corto , si esa tecnologĂa se ha desarrollado ya , ganan +15 de ataque y +10 de defensa , pero son un -5% más lentos) -Los moches se prolongaron durante siglos gracias a su dominio del desierto pero permanecieron como una Potencia Regional gracias a sus ejercitos , que usaban principalmente Mazos , con los que sometieron a varios vecinos y mantuvieron a raya a otros. 8)"Influencia Andina"(Los "Auxiliares Andinos" y las "Embajadas Andinas" son un 20% más baratos) 9)"Tumi" o Espada ceremonial (Los/as sacerdotes/isas y el Sumo sacerdote pueden portar la espada Tumi y aumentan su ataque en +50% más de ataque) SĂmbolo de facciĂłn; ÂżQuĂ© opinan? Disculpen las molestias*1 point
New updates: 1. Included enhanced host mod by @go2die 2. Included features of God's Eye from @rossenburg 3. Replaced arctic map with light pink ground, so that it hurts eyes less. 4. Complete theme makeover 5. Removed some details on the ground to reduce rendering lag.1 point
It worked, thank you! Here's the current progress if you all are wondering what's new.1 point
1 point
It depends on the type of ship. At the beginning of the game, after you build a Dock, you only have access to fishing ships. Unfortunately, fishing ships cannot transport troops, probably due to physics and/or citizen rights to not be forced to quarter troops. So, you need to LEVEL UP to Town Phase in order to UNLOCK the more advanced ships. Most ships besides fishing ships and fire ships, and fish 'n chips, allow transport of troops. Then, yes, garrison troops in the ships in order to transport them by following the steps that seeh described above. So just open fire when you hit the (destination) shore, and hoist that rag. (I learned that trade from Piggy Knowles.) But first, select the ship and ungarrison the troops by holding shift and clicking on their pictures at the lower center of the screen. Alternatively, select the ship and press U on the keyboard to ungarrison all units.1 point
1 point
> Anything lower than 200 isnt really fun We are comparing 0AD to AOE where there is much less units and I don't think AOE is boring. Off course to make 0AD fun with less units I guess we would need another changes. > It depends. The classical approach is to reach the pop limit, get most blacksmith upgrades and to attack then with a huge force. Mixing in some siege might be helpful but is not totally necessary This sounds just terrible and boring. Would it not be more interesting to be able to harm opponent with 5-10 units like in AOE, which you can micro and do some tricks to win fight? Like cavarly dance or whatever name is in 0AD...1 point
1 point
Alright, time to bring out the salt. Absurd statement. All of those complaints are possibly contradictory. If anything the fact that there is always one unit that's OP, but it's not the same unit, proves that we do do balance changes. Formations & naval combat aren't a feature of competitor RTS games either, so why pretend it should be here. 'Expected polish'? Did you somehow pay for 0 A.D.? Look, this can be rephrased pretty easily as 'People come to the forums, dunk on the team with their brilliant ideas that are definitely gonna fix everything, then whine months later when their miraculous solution™ hasn't been adopted when in reality they have done 0 effective work for the project'. We don't need you. No one cares about you. You're just some random human complaining on the internet right now. Your contributions to the project are nil. You don't have a phabricator account, you've never posted on Trac, you've never actually contributed anything beyond forum posts, which have obviously not succeeded at doing anything or you wouldn't be complaining right now. You've been here for 4 years. If nothing has changed, perhaps you should look inwards: your current efforts are insufficient to help move forward 0 A.D., and playing a self-aggrandising card to the dev team achieves nothing (though you did get a good rant out of me, I do love these). Your first post in the forums was "What can I do to help?". My answer is simple. Start actually helping, or GTFO. Wish I could enshrine that sentence.1 point
Moving to GitHub does nothing to bring in more patches imo. See openage and related projects. STK isn't faring much better either. Active Devs here might just exceed them to be honest. You can't make contributions unless you already know the project. In which case, are we relying on the GitHub home page featuring the repo? Discovery through GitHub is pretty bad unless you're actively looking for something. The only real benefit is that the web interface is easier to work with. A self hosted gitlab would be significantly better than GitHub for that. GitHub for the sake of more visibility would be a disappointing endeavour. You are supposed to direct people to a GitHub, not the other way around. Definitely do need git though. Most people here already use the mirror. There was also a time when it was just Philip, so all things considered, not the worst time to be visiting these parts.1 point
@Crynux you know there is a mod downloader using the mod.io platform directly integrated into the game, right? The public folder is a mod in itself, and you can dowload a few more through the game interface, install them by drag and drop or file association using the .pyromod extension. I believe that's the point here, why let them host it when we can host it ourselves (I'd rather not cause it's extra work for me, but I understand where they are coming from) I might be wrong but I don't think Beyond All Reason, Supertux, Supertux Kart, Wyrmsum and Warzone 2100 got a huge boost from it. Moving to git can't hurt if done properly though. I'd like to put emphasis on the amount of work vs the velocity of what remains of the team. balancing is like 5% of the work of the project. You have sysadmin work done by me @implodedok @user1 @Dunedan you have art that's done by me and @wackyserious you've got sound done by @Samulis and @OmriLahav you've got the simulation work done by @wraitii @bb_ and @Freagarach you've got random map work done by @maroder and @smiley you have other maps to maintain, writing the announcement, doing the trailers, answering the community, being at events, you've got the AI which is done by now retired @Silier and by hopefully @JCWasmx86 in the future. You've got the reinforcement learning interface done by @irishninja You also get all the graphic features improvements, fixes and cleanups, and maybe sometime soon Vulkan support done by @vladislavbelov then you have to update maintain fix, patch all the libraries on BSD, macOS, Windows and all the crazy amount of Linux flavour, when they get deprecated or lost to make sure you can still run the game which goes will all the work on the lowlevel part of the engine. You've got the tests to ensure we're breaking everything, you've got mod technical support which I try to do with @Lopess @The Undying Nephalim @wowgetoffyourcellphone etc. Probably forgot to mention Networking with getting the game to work on most configurations all the Devops scripts to automate building, all the python script for various tasks such as updating mods checking for dependencies getting Translations, all the work done in all those languages and the code behind it. And making sure they don't crash the game when they are wrong. When I say there are many full time jobs, I'm not kidding. And some of us only have one hour per week Which can be spent catching up, writing long posts or actually working on the game. So sure for certain people it's just a fun toy. But for others it's much more than this. It's an opportunity, to learn to do better, to give back, to provide fun. Some linuxes are still stuck with A23, we do not and cannot control the release cycles there. Adding more people simply doesn't cut it. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks's_law We've got 28 balancing advisors, do you feel balancing has made much progress compared to A25 and A24 and A23 ?1 point
@Sevda had a good concrete-suggestion on another thread: Make it easier to play mods by automatically syncing with the host when joining a modded multiplayer game. Their post implies a host-client simulation architecture that I assume would require completely redesigning the net code (so that is unlikely to happen), but could not the same effect be achieved by just having the players' clients automatically download and install the mod files from the host? (Subject to all parties' affirmative consent obviously.) For very large mods like DE this installation method would take a long time, but for small balance changes it ought to be pretty snappy. From a casual user's perspective this would make playing modded multiplayer content more like having custom map rules. It would allow more people to very easily experiment with new gameplay innovations, without effectively forking the project into two separate versions with the attendant doubling of the code-maintenance workload, as discussed previously. Maybe there are some valid cybersecurity arguments why one would not want to support a feature like that, but this might be a case this requires soberly considering a tradeoff. 0AD is niche entertainment software with an active user base of a few thousands maybe, it's not exactly a prime target for black hats to exploit. Maybe at worst someone with a grudge might think use this nefariously against specific objects of their ire. On the other side of the scale, I think the discussion on this and other threads demonstrate a pervasive consensus that this project is stuck in a creative crisis... Badly stuck. There are too many objectors coming out of the woodwork any time someone suggests serious design or organizational reforms that might let 0AD get un-mired from its dubiously balanced, half-finished state. The only other option you have is to start removing barriers to independent creatives to realize their own visions of the game's future, and then hope that a new consensus organically coalesces around one of these offerings so that it can become the new roadmap for 0AD:EA proper. link to the other thread:1 point
I propose a solution to this problem: separate multiplayer mode and singleplayer mode. We can allow 2 main mods instead of 1: 0ad-relaxed and 0ad-hardcore. For people who want to enjoy relaxed games, good graphics and new features, they can activate the 0ad-relaxed mod. This should also be the default option as it is friendly to newcomers. Within this, the developers can add whatever cool features they want and no-one will ever complain! The developers should commit all of their new features to this mod. This will prevent lobby players who complain about balancing issues from hindering the development of the game. For hardcore lobby players who want stagnant features for balance, they should activate 0ad-hardcore mod, which focuses much more on balancing at the cost of new features and art. Within this, I would recommend implementing Feldmap, vividcolours and autociv by default (I cannot play without these nowadays). We can even have different pathfinders and AIs within this! Changes should not be made to 0ad-hardcore unless there is a concensus across the competitive playerbase. This would also eliminate the problem of inexperienced players ruining TGs: they are unlikely to know how to activate mods nor would they actively try to, so there is a natural filter for hosts. By the time someone is willing to activate the mod and use it regularly, they are likely qualified for TGs. The two mods should be updated separately each alpha. Furthermore, we can make mods to fix imbalances and convince other players to install our mods. Again, this removes inexperienced players from pro games without hurting their feelings. @Stan` Does my idea sound reasonable? After playing this game for 2 years as both AI player and lobby player, I think splitting the 2 groups is the easiest solution. It is certainly acheivable from a technical point of view.1 point
I think the game is more balanced than it was on A23 (or A24, don't recall), so I'd say it has been a local success. Yes, that is what I am saying we cannot do. There is no 'manager' in charge here. The simplest way to move change forward is therefore 'fait accompli'. Make a mod that basically the whole lobby uses, and it'll be straightforward to argue that it should be replace the 0 A.D. public mod. --- Specifically, combined with the above, a single vote to choose the 'mod' for the next alpha might be workable. --- I think that's rather unfair/incorrect. There has never been more development on the graphics side, and I substantially upgraded the pathfinding in these late alphas, not to mention the threading. It's just not something that's very visible to players, but as a game engine 0 A.D. has made strides.1 point
Thanks @Stan` I uploaded another mod, created by a friend of mine. This one enables cartography but only if the option is set during game set-up. https://0ad.mod.io/cartographymode1 point
I didn't notice that the ticket was already closed by @elexis so.. nevermind I uploaded the Vision Sharing mod posted by @MeteoritoAlpha to mod.io (https://0ad.mod.io/vision-sharing-enabled) How long does the approval process typically take for a mod to become available?1 point
I added my two cents to the ticket1 point
Thanks for all the attention and help, but i've managed to make a small modification just for one single file (unlock_shared_los.json) so the cartography is already researched from the start of the match, the mod its attached down below, fell free to change and tweak it as you want or maybe even add it as a option in the match menu. Its all up to you guys. Again, thanks for all the messages and ideas. Vision_Sharing.zip1 point
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most of them give ideas and not a single effort to prove anything. it's good not to be on that list. this is not a democracy. democracies fail, the masses, lacking vision, end up in demagogy and without direction. we live in times where people are toxic for the simple fact that they spoil generations of spoiled children because they are selfish. (I include myself because I grew up in this era of social networking and social welfare). but hard times are coming...that will create strong men. when it passes away, it will pass away. it happens with companies, with nations and empires. also with great civilizations that came to decadence. sincerely i don't know what to expect, things are not eternal. to frighten with deaths of projects is not relevant or a valid argument. (we still have a good time, like all men who create things and dream). it's just a hobby. very nice by the way, you have to be realistic, it wasn't meant to go that far. projects with budgets don't go that far. I have known this team since 2011, nothing is set in stone but we are just a reflection of the society we live in, I don't expect everyone to be strong if their leaders are a reflection of their society. this project was created in 2002 approximately, the way of thinking from society was more grateful and less consumerist, there was more loyalty to the ideals. now all that rules is to consume, to share and to discard... when it is no longer new...when it is no longer so, it dies and goes out of trend.0 points