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  1. With regards to wall I'd like gates to be turrets and only damageable by rams. Then you'd be able to repair restore the gate once it's been damaged knocked down.
    4 points
  2. Are diverting the focus of the topic... Pls stay focused on finding solutions and bringing new ideas
    3 points
  3. I'll use this as an example against overly complicated warships too. Do you want to have to load up garrisons in each and every ship in order to make it useful? If so, then for apm's sake you'd only be able to play with a very small number of ships. If you keep them simpler, each ships requires fewer apm, and you can have a larger number of ships (fleets instead of a small squadron). Same thing with making siege more complicated. If you add complexity in one area, then you probably need to remove complexity somehow. In this case, limiting you to like 1 or 2 rams. I can see a gameplay where Walls become more useful and interesting and then the attacker building 1 or 2 rams that they have to stock with troops and skillfully use to knock down the enemy walls effectively can be fun. But the game's not there yet, and it's not clear whether most players would like that (I would, but that's beside the point: I'm not most players).
    3 points
  4. I suggest to add another option for team games: "auto-share" It means that every team has team resources, players dont have their own resources anymore if they are in a team. If a player gets a resource, this will be added to the team resources. If a player spends a resource, it needs to taken from the team resources, as the player doesn't have his own resources anymore. Example: 4v4 with low resources (300). So each team starts with 1200 resources of each kind. Some players might be quicker and queue up a huge batch immediately so there will be less resources for the others than usual, but this is just how it works. Could be fun. The fun would be that you dont need to send resources to teammates and you dont need to ask them for resources. Just spend and gather resources, and maybe leave some of the resources for your teammates ; ) First of all this would be problematic with diplomacy mode, so I suggest to first of all make the options incompatible (the game is either diplomacy or auto-share or none of them.) It could be also realized by a mod in order to be realized more early, but mods are very problematic for multiplayer if they change the gameplay (which leads to incompability with the main game)
    2 points
  5. Seems possible. Maybe on his best behavior. Or on proper medication. Ofc you can discuss whatever you like, Islam, crocodiles, dandelions... But for me the main point is that Fringson is spamming vitriol and hate in the lobby, I don't think it should have place in the lobby and thus Fringson should be sanctioned.
    2 points
  6. I think he means updated versions. Some of them are updated to better versions, but some, like Alexander's helmet, still needs updated. Alexander's current helmet model and texture is from many years ago and is quite low-detail compared to the newer helmets.
    2 points
  7. It's nice to see my fist used in so many techs Maybe I should make more of those.
    2 points
  8. Agree. I would just want to make sure that the capture resistance is high enough that rams aren't easily captured. It's silly that a ram can resist 100 skirms when no other enemy units are around. But I wouldn't want to make rams so vulnerable that a group of skirms under fire from enemy units can capture an advancing ram. It would really nerf rams.
    2 points
  9. When I initiated the thread that was the suggestion. That was to introduce capturing rams also (with other gameplay use cases). But i think with current mechanism in place, we can apply similar capturing mechanism that was there in a23 to all sieges. So, skirmish can capture the Rams also rather then attacking for 1 min to destroy it. Should be fun.
    2 points
  10. I think conversations are going on everywhere without the objective to "Suggest interesting changes for siege". Given the input from 0ad community (Which most of us can agree) following can be done. Leave catas and bolts as it is. No need for adding and removing unit complexities. Ram pop should be reduced from 3 to 2. Its attack will remian the same but speed and interval will reduce to 2/3rd. If you garrsion 1 unit, it's attack speed & movement willl be same as present. If you fully garrsion 20% bonus of attack, movement & attack speed. (If you don't have siege upgrade and wants to take down a building where tons of troops are garrsioned smart way to do it.) For siege towers: We already have a couple of points about, siege towers units can be attacked (but they will have high armor bonus while garrsioned), siege towers can capture buildings, and so on. In can be discussed on other thread as well. @chrstgtrI think with this, it's not a forced micro but a reason to interact. Here you can either play without garrsion which is fine or with garrsion. In general, game should have machanics to give you a reason to treat a different unit differently rather then all of them with different armor and attacks. For ships @wowgetoffyourcellphone. We have separate thread but to add few points, we can use similar mechanics as above to reduce pop taken, default arrow and speed for empty ships and give bonus to garriosned ones. Always welcome for suggestions.
    2 points
  11. I’m unmoved. Everything you said (with the exception of siege costing 0 pop), can be achieved with the alternative that @real_tabasco_sauce and I provided where siege basically remains the same but extra strength/speed is conferred upon garrisoning. Making units that are inherently useless unless you engage in micro sounds annoying and not fun. Some things you mentioned, like popping out of garrisoned siege, is already possible with zero changes and it only hasn’t happened yet because you haven’t tried to do it Your general point about SP vs. MP also makes no sense. No one complained about balance. People just said it sounds annoying and pointed out how it could be. In fact, this was suggested by someone who plays MP. Lastly, the notion that SP preferences should prevail because there are “more” SPs is baseless. Yeah, there have been like 10M downloads of 0AD. And yeah, you only see 1K of those online regularly. That doesn’t mean that there are 9.999M SPs. The number of SPs is almost certainly no where to close to that. The only people that you know actually play SP are those that you see post online. For all you know, save for the couple dozen SPs that post on the forums regularly, the game has uninstalled by 9.999M people
    2 points
  12. One thing I have noticed that 0.A.D doesn't have much presense in any content space or social media space. This is one of the reason we have such a smaller player base. Even die hard RTS fans never heard of this game. There are few things that can done to increase 0.A.D. presense and hence increase player base. Uploading match videos on Youtube: We have very limited Youtube channel who used to upload gameplay video with commentry (0ad newbie rush, Valihrant, Tom oad etc). These channels are highly inactive. hence follwojng things can be done. Just create a gmail like 0adusername.0ad@gmail.com, and create youtube channel. Top players like @borg- should create a Youtube channel and upload their gameplay videos. With or without commertry. Other frquent players can also create a youtube channel and start uploading game play videos. Player who are good at gamplay commeting can take replys from other players and uplaod on their youtube channel. Asking people to try 0ad on RTS youtube channel: There are many RTS youtube channels, where youtubers post their content and they have many followers and viewers. Followong things can be done. During live youtube stream if any, if you are watching the stream. Post the 0ad trailer and download link and request players to try this out. Commeting on newly uploaded RTS content to try out 0ad. If you follow any channal then put a request on their channel in comment to try out. There are many gamers who try new games, if you can acceoss such gamers, tag 0ad. Promoting during live streams: You can do the same youtube promotion on any other live streams if you watching one or follwing one. Promoting on gaming disucssion websites, only related to RTS threads: Many websites such as quora has many questions where people ask games they can try or RTS they can try, if you come accross such Q&A, you can tag 0ad and ask them to try. The 0.A.D community can only expend if all existing player base who likes the game are willing to take share 0ad. This requires only small effort from our side. @Stan` Can we add these sharing messages in lobby? @borg-, @Lion.Kanzen, @ValihrAnt, Do you guys wants to add anything?
    1 point
  13. Current boat fighting i think can be improved a lot. Right now it works same as siege tower in water. 2 features which I think are feasible can be added. Option 1: Visible garrsion: It should be visible how many units are there on boat: Some one has already developed this mod of visible garrsion. Attackable units: Units should be attackable. This is work same as walls. The unit can attack other in unit in their range that means boats with archers will have higher range compared to skirmish. The defualt boat firing range will reamin as it is. Unit position: Since max 10 units can add arrow to the boat. 5 units will be 1 side of the boat while 5 will be other side of the boat rest in center. Only side units can attack or can be attacked. Unit Shuffling: In case units on side (attaking unit dies) then unit in center unit (no attacking unit) will occupy his space. This way all units in the boat are useful unlike present where 30 units in the boat are same as 10 on water. Option2: Treat the boat area as a normal surface where garrsioned units are standing and they will attack anything in range and can be attacked. To attack the boat player has to mention sepcifically just like walls. Advanced options Reduce pop taken to 1. First 2 unit will add to boat speed. Speed logic will be current speed*x/3, where x<=2 , and is the number of units garriosned in the boat. Rest units will add to attack. So, we will have less player roaming aroung with empty boat with fast speed. This will make archers as an interetsing units on water as range will important role. The unit damage and boat speed can be balanced accordigly. @borg- you must have had this idea before :p? @Lion.Kanzen interesting enough?
    1 point
  14. Best thing you can do is to stop idolizing (famous) people. Gandhi slept with little girls and gave them enemas. George Washington forced people to fight for his own benefit. Mother Theresa didn't use money donations on poor people. Simón Bolivar was a cruel traitor...
    1 point
  15. It was decided to keep the building icons generic for ease of recognition. A civic center for the Athenians has the same function in-game as a civic center for the Romans, so they have the same icon. I'd be happy to assist you in making a mod to change this though if you'd like. As I understand you, you mean you'd like each icon to be a portrait of the civ's structure.
    1 point
  16. Maybe, I'm not sure. but it's time I do not have currently.
    1 point
  17. I actually did mean exponential. Something like x^1.25 makes sense to me. More garrisoned men means less men outside to protect the siege, which makes the siege more vulnerable. More garrisoned men also makes men outside of siege more vulnerable to arrows pounding down from a CC, fort, or tower (Imagine attacking a fort with 50 men and 3 rams. Imagine how much quicker 20 men would die under fort arrows than 50 men would die--garrisoned men means damage is more concentrated). In short, garrisoning, more often than not, is riskier than not garrisoning. Exponential would provide an increasing benefit for taking on more risk. Logarithmic or linear would be fine too, of course. These are just minor details.
    1 point
  18. I remember my SP days. I downloaded the game, installed it, tried it one time, uninstalled it shortly after.
    1 point
  19. Monthly active player base should be the right measures, as the impact of any change will be higher for such players. Downloads are mostly misleading measure.
    1 point
  20. At most, 100-200 (?) consistent MP players? 0 A.D. has probably had close to a million (?) downloads from various sources.
    1 point
  21. Glad you liked it mate! Working on a lot of features. Will be updating it constantly, don't forget to stop by
    1 point
  22. You eniterely missed the point. You cant do this: Just by the sheer amount of daily downloads of mods on mod.io that you never see (or extremely rarely) being played online tells me more than enough. On a good day it can surpass the number of online people in the lobby. The difference is, the lobby mainly consists of the same returning players while number of mod downloads are likely new people. Just to provide you a statistic. It's not annoying if it's rewarding. My point is, you're purely talking from a competitive perspective while many people don't play the game competitively. It often feels like the entire game gets build around the 1% of the (loudest) playerbase. Back on subject, i agree that buffing siege if you garrison them is the very least thing that can be done to make them more interesting.
    1 point
  23. @maroder for your next Shiny background?
    1 point
  24. You mean "Yes" they are just a part of the scene but not something buildable in the mod correct? In any case, nice work overall. I look forward to seeing more of your work as time goes by.
    1 point
  25. Do you have any mods running? What version of the game are you using?
    1 point
  26. Nice work! I especially like the paths - is that something the player can create or is it something you put in the scene via the Atlas Editor?
    1 point
  27. Slowly working on it, so far we now have village phase civic center, houses and a storehouse.
    1 point
  28. Doing something sounds fantastic! I take the liberty to ping the two people who were active in that ticket: @Langbart @wowgetoffyourcellphone
    1 point
  29. IDK, I am just not a fan of adding such specific "details" to gameplay. Should we now train horses from corrals, garrison them in stables, and then train cav? It just seems like a lot of complexity for minimal gameplay benefit. How about: 1. Rams get logarithmic speed damage bonus with garrisoned soldiers (in addition to their default "crew", which is reflected by a pop space cost of 3). 2. bring back siege capture.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Great start congratulations! This reminds me of the @Mr.lie templates, does it make them available?
    1 point
  32. I remembered my password when checking next alpha updates on SVN xd. Folder name was the hint :p
    1 point
  33. Please share my password too @Sevda. I have forgot it :P. Account name darkcity.
    1 point
  34. About krypteia, some sources say it is as a special police or as a reconnaissance force, on the other hand we have sources claiming to be part of the agoge, where the best were part of the krypteia, whose objective was to kill the potential helots of revolts. On that note, what kind of technologies would fit in here? Attack speed increase / attack speed increase but increase helot training speed, any other suggestions? Remembering that it already includes a technology to increase gather in farms for helots but decreasing their attack and also a technology to increase movement speed for champions (tyrtean paeans)
    1 point
  35. I mean I keep promoting mods I keep retweeting when people tag me, we have mod.io and moddb, I talk about mods at events, I even showed @maroder 's new UI at the Japan Tours Festival. My issue right now is I'm maintaining too many of them. Warcraft Themed one, starcraft, wwII, american civil war, MLP etc...
    1 point
  36. I think it's better to have a field with a barn that takes up a lot of land, and let 8-10 civilians work on it, which can be placed independently from the CC, just like Age of Empires 3.
    1 point
  37. I report this because he used to mane as a ddoser while the real ddoser is him , the game he talked about i was host and i got ddosed too , hopefully there was a spec and he can say what he witnessed. this guy Jc is allways so rude to everyone and he keeps insulting players and especially the girls , alos i have prouf for that . this girl can prouve that , she is scared to report him because she is new ,and she was afraid after hearing that he maight be the ddoser . pls do something to this guy , im pretty sure not the only one who wants to report him and his rude acts. Thank you.
    1 point
  38. List of account and their passwords: (feel free to use) Rotherhithe rotherhithe Kensington-Olympia 123456789 Egils_Levits president cumhurbashkani president güzel_kiz guzelkiz Sevda 123456789 Hot_Chocolate chocolate Eiskaffee eiskaffee or 123456789 ezilenlerin ezilenlerin or 123456789 aslan-shir 123456789 mahtab moonlight DocteurCanard doctorcanard or docteurcanard This is as much as I can remember
    0 points
  39. Some of your claims are correct, while others are complete nonsense. Let's look at your claims: 1. Do not attempt to imposter berhudar. You are much weaker than him and it's obvious. 2. I'm not Kate. Christoffel-Symbol1-8 are mine, and so are Kensington-Olympia, Sevda. 3. Karissa is not Kate, we have proofs if you want. The fact that you didn't know the name of Karissa's original account shows your ignorance. 4. Farmer2000 is not Aoric, he is much stronger than Aoric and plays differently. 5. I, DoctorOrgans and KarissaX are the only active dancers in the lobby (I have seen); I have not seen anyone else dancing so phyZic is not active. 6. R.U.L is not Aoric, he is another player 7. xZen is not berhudar neither. He is a mercenary cavalry spammer and I watched him improve from noob to unbeatable. 8. Your list is very very incomplete, I can help by expanding it, but I won't. 9. You yourself is a smurf and have a large number of accounts, so don't criticise others. Finally, how did you make this list? Did someone report things to you? Are these reporters reliable?
    0 points
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